
Soulless Players

What would you feel if after living your whole life out, you found out that you're just a character in a book? That every encounter and misfortune were just the machinations of the author? And if one day, you will be given a chance to escape, will you grab the opportunity or remain drunk by your role? *** Philip was one of the puppets of fate and the main character of a famous book. Yet, unlike other main characters, his life was filled with tragedy and later ended terribly. Then one day, along with the other 99 men, he was summoned to fight for his freedom. He immediately agreed to participate. He wanted to live freely and control his own life. However, after seeing the might of his 99 enemies, he instantly became reluctant. Can he win against those who control magic and create miracles? He was just an unlucky soulless player with no interesting ability to begin with! *** This is a novel featuring 100 main characters locked in a fierce battle against each other. 00:00 GMT+8: 2 chapters daily The cover is AI Generated

lorence_ · Fantasy
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218 Chs


The once towering monster had diminished to the size of a tall human, yet its numbers multiplied exponentially. Philip observed the crimson liquid leaping towards the spiritualists, wreaking havoc as it scorched the earth upon contact.

Near the portal, the disheveled spiritualists bore the brunt of the relentless assault, understanding the creature's goal—to eliminate Madam Domina and halt the spiritual onslaught.

Fairy guardians circled the spiritualists, shielding them from the liquid monsters. Philip also noticed a vine strategically covering the exit portal to prevent the creature from escaping.

It was only a matter of time, and they would soon succeed in killing the player.

Observing the chaos, Philip's mental gears whirred into action, formulating plans in his mind for a strategy to secure the final blow.

'I can't achieve this from a distance. I need to get close. Also, it's better if I brave the fire...'