
Soulles Harbinger

Death... the irreversible fate the living can never escape. However, some wouldn't rest even after they passed to the afterlife Whenever our end is close regret is the only thing we think of first. The lives we could've lived. Choices we should've made Luke a problem child in the boonies was deeply entrenched in a fate that others viewed as a fantasy A particular moonlit night was enough for the secrets of the old to resurface for they'd finally made the choice

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Unbearable [1]

"They're here!" Luke swiftly dashes through the woods and leaps through the trees upon signaling Will

"Heard you loud and clear," A flicker grew lighter until the heat was produced and a ball of flame was upon his hand

He jumps off the trees and his trajectory directs him to the enemy front where he releases his attack. "Rebellion, your stay here has gone on long enough. I as the Keeper present will bring you back from where you came. Eternal flare technique, Lower spark Cremation!!!"

The raging flare perfectly shapes itself into a ball and upon its release from where Blaize points the fire bursts. "From my flames, I request that your souls be purified. Anger forgotten, grudge forgiven, and sadness discarded. In the presence of my flames, I'll send you back with a warmth that you've so longed for,"

The fiery sphere remains intact and so on as he continues to attack he is ambushed from his back. A pillar of flames was then created and blocked the attacks from ever going through and retaliated. He sways his hands forward which creates a fiery blade that cuts through their defenses which begs the question. The sphere itself wasn't his weapon, it was but a medium to control his flare, and that misinterpretation became their opening

"Forget your rage, cull your desire, and be one with the cycle of life and death… my only desire at this moment is for your cooperation. May you all Rest in peace,"

The combustion building between his feet releases and sends him flying to the rest of the undead. His landing was a little rough and it gave the undead a chance to attack but even in the fog, it became rather bright. A second later Luke hears of an explosion where at the center lies William where not a scratch was to be seen

"Whew I hardly broke a sweat–" Suddenly an undead bypasses his defenses he's caught off guard with no way of defending

"Ya know for someone doing this for a longer time can't you be more aware of your surroundings?"

He leaps in time and rams his body to the undead where the two roll through the ground. He quickly recovers alongside the undead lumberjack who sought to cull his very existence. Luke blocks but he shortly realizes his mistake and he loses a perfectly good ax in return

"... must kill!"

Although it was a corpse the undead lumberjacks' swings were nothing to be ignored. Its entire life put on the expertise of cutting made it quite the enemy for its swings were swift and agile. Luke dodges as it performs a flurry of ongoing swings he suddenly trips due to the fog and he sees the undead prepares

"Watch out, that one's a heavy!"

William's warning was quickly taken into consideration for its next attack was slow but powerful at the same time. It swings its ax to the right and every tree whether big or small in its range falls to a singular cut. After he ducks to the ground he jumps to his right once it switches back to a swift yet weak attack

"That could've been me–" Luke quickly grabs something within his pocket and quickly dons his weapon

"What are you doing? Fall back! I'm already done recovering my Order. Just dodge for a while?" Will was dazed from what he saw the moment the fog thickness began to decline

Was it luck? A fluke? Or maybe a chance but one thing was certainly to be true Luke parried the lumberjack ax. It's possible but the speed and acceleration of the object were in no way normal as one offset could take his life. But he did the unimaginable he redirected the ax with just a knuckle duster of all things a weapon of disadvantage

"I could do this all day!" After redirecting the attack Luke was now set to punish the undead for the misdeeds of ruining his ax

He rushes forth with a flurry with every second to come, his breathing perfect, and his body calm. Although it was just for a few days since he started boxing it was certain that something about him was off. Even he could tell the difference and yet this bizarre feeling never hindered but aided in his attempt

'Why does this feel so natural…? This movement isn't that of a boxer and I don't know where I pick it off. This is strange… it feels like I've done this countless times but when, where, and how. Whenever I punch, how much I kick, it has no faults and yet I feel so calm. Have I ever done anything like this before? But that's impossible. Maybe I have a knack for something like this that's the most logical thing no it might be because it's a Grave Keeper thing,'

Williams POV

'What the hell did he just channel his Order? That's surprising but what's the deal with his movement? It's so accurate and perfect he doesn't look like a total amateur. I know he did boxing before but that level of Order circulation is unheard of. How could he dish out something like that, was he trained beforehand or is he a genius of some sort?'

To William's eyes, his technique was something out of the ordinary, a level that he couldn't easily reach. Although he trusted him before this moment he fully bent his view against the person before him. To many Luke's talent will be showered with praise but for the organization, it only means one thing

"You're a rogue, aren't you?" Will says as he glares deeply at Luke whose focus is entirely centered on the undead

Luke's POV

"Nice I finally got its tempo!" He parties its ax once more and he dashes for the first time since he fought the lumberjack

He tilts his head to avoid the lumberjack's sudden left hook and swings his fist to the right where he parries its ax. He finally reached a distance and then finally he found the chance to unleash everything. He started it off by bashing his skull upon strengthening its durability followed by a jab to the right and a kick

"What were you spouting before Will? I can't hear it since you were far away… oh well time to improvise. It's past due your lifetime so about time isn't it to go back to being dead?" His last attack offsets his opponent's balance where it's leg flinches from his attack

"Rest in pieces…" He widens their distance and prepares to end their scuffle with his special attack

"Left!" The Order circulated from his hand and he performed a powerful left hook where the remains of the energy shifts

"Right!" The Order then reached the right side of his body and he pulled out a jab and his energy fluctuated to the center

He brings his hands together, raises them to the air clenching with his focusing all the Order, and brings it down. "Goodnight!!!"

His last attack causes the whole corpse's body to break leaving a black fume like the one he saw before. After the tiresome fight, he sat down to catch his breath since his fight mostly drained him of his stamina. But that rest was momentarily and his senses warned him and he dodged but instead of an undead the danger was Will

"What the hell?" Luke was confused if not dazed by the turn of events when he saw Blaize fired on with no hesitation

"You… I knew you were too good to be true, and I was right all along, who do you work for? Do you think I'm an idiot? There's no way an amateur like you can be this skilled, you're a rogue aren't you?" William calls off his bombardment after he sees that Luke can easily avoid his attacks and he puts on a front

'Rogue? What the hell does he mean by that? Also, he said something along the lines of me being skilled. So it wasn't a Grave Keeper thing? Then how come I'm so skilled in this? I thought that everything was going well until he saw how well I fought. If this isn't a Grave Keeper trait then what is it? Why do I feel so calm, where is this confidence coming from, why am I so good–'

He dodges again after William fires off another round and says. "Answer me! Who do you work for? Do you know that you rogues do more harm than good? Your ways are improper. If you tell me who your leader is I'll make sure to lessen the charges you'll face,"

The sudden change in their coalition brought about a heated moment where it couldn't be changed by mere words. William was stuck with the thought of Luke being with the rogues and Luke had no idea what he was talking about. A fight could easily break down at any moment but a third contender joins where its mere presence alone gives a chill. A figure towering over the tree arrives bearing the body of a bear, a burning skull, and in its back an army of the dead
