
Soulles Harbinger

Death... the irreversible fate the living can never escape. However, some wouldn't rest even after they passed to the afterlife Whenever our end is close regret is the only thing we think of first. The lives we could've lived. Choices we should've made Luke a problem child in the boonies was deeply entrenched in a fate that others viewed as a fantasy A particular moonlit night was enough for the secrets of the old to resurface for they'd finally made the choice

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Nowhere in between

After that crisis came to a close young Luke found himself gazing at that cube-shaped pattern in the hospital's ceiling. He wasn't all too surprised considering he would've been here for a month if it weren't for the help of his addict of a counselor. At the very least he thought he'd be alone but his mood turned sour as the patient beside him was the fiery Blaze

"Hey stop ignoring me! You didn't tell me you got a Lord-rating Keeper as your mentor! No wonder you're so strong. I guess the rumors of being personally trained by them weren't a lie. So when did he recruit you huh-"

"Nurse! Move me to another fucking room!! I can't take it anymore!!!"

The door leading to their room violently opens as a nurse one step away from giving a sucker punch appears. "For the last time Mr. Grimes this isn't a hotel but a hospital! We're already jam-packed with patients with the recent wildfire let alone another earthquake. So, please behave or would you want me to swap your sleeping pills with a much more barbaric approach?"

The nurse aggressively cracks her knuckles as she stares into his eyes leaving him silent and incapable of any reply. "..."

"Good! If you have any questions that are relevant to your health press that switch on your right. I'll be back with your lunch," As the nurse closed the door it was revealed that on the narrow edge of the door lies their counselor holding a box of pizza

"Hello, my students how's your recovery been...? Don't give me that look. I'm not here to rope you noobs into any trouble. I also know it's prohibited to visit so I used the window," He placed the pizza on the table between the two opened the top box, and took a slice for himself to eat

"This teacher of yours is truly sickened... your pain is my pain as they say, I can't eat, can't smoke, can't do the laundry,"

"Of course, you can't. I'm the one who's been doing your shitty clothes. Leave... I'm already dealing with Mr. Inferno over here. Spare me of your annoyance I don't need your company so why don't you smoke in a random alleyway-"

"Oh, My Keeper!!! It's truly you! I'm so sorry for how I acted earlier Mr. Royce... but can you please tell me why a Lord is here? Are you on some super secret undercover mission that the Elders have personally picked? Also, your codename is Arthur. I've never heard of that before, are you perhaps a newly appointed Lord-" William falls back to his bed as he falls prey to a slight slip of Royce's hand flawlessly striking his neck

"If you were gonna do that then you should've done it when you arrived god he's such a mouthful!"

"I agree... I thought he'd be an edge lord but he's simply a pure and honest bloke. He has potential but he's nothing compared to you,"

"Why exactly are you here? Don't tell me the organization finally found out. Why wouldn't they? I've been roped to two incidents-"

"You're exaggerating this situation, young skywalker. You're far from the main character. The only reason you're alive right now is because you have your uses. I'm sorry if I may sound like a bitch in heat but I'll be needing your answer,"

"My answer...?"

"Your answer to my proposal, have you forgotten? I've asked if you wanted to join me or be sentenced to the organization. Your choice but the moment you step in you'll never get out,"

Luke wasn't convinced by his words and to make matters worse his very existence itself was an object of doubt. "I'll never get out...? Then what about you? What's so special that you weren't killed but excommunicated-"

"I'm immune to poison... not a means of killing me. The poison they use is to fry people's brains. I was lucky I guess. My master chose me as his subordinate and those who came under his wing were granted his techniques. One of the techniques was a means of destroying foreign substances, but being his subordinate meant being restrained,"

"Restrained how?"

As their back and forth lengthened Alex knew he was slowly piquing the interest of the the young lad before him. "Sorry, but I can't go any further... although I'm no longer a part of that shitty place I hold my master in high regard. Maybe that's the reason why I endured for so long until the point where his life faded from the world,"

"Guess I got ahead of myself. Since I'm not a part of this hell then you're right, I have no privilege. But isn't a sneak peak needed if you're recruiting someone for a job? Maybe what you're telling me is true but do you think I'll blindly say yes without a job description?" Royce finally figured out the meaning behind his words so he let loose his persona and revealed the menace behind his cover

"I'm such an idiot, aren't I? Treating a possible employee like a child? That's unbecoming of me. I somehow always forget my business ethics as always no wonder I'm only good at killing. I Apologise, I shall reframe from listing the reasons for you to choose but rather the benefits of picking me over a large group,"

"You better be a genius then... cuz you're already lacking when it comes to money. It'll be a miracle if I choose your side,"

"You're underestimating so much Mr. Grimes. The stakes in this case are fairly low. And I for one am a seasoned gambler," Both opposing sides glared at one another but the tension eventually subsided as both reached the carton for another slice

"So how should we conduct this recruitment?"

Royce asked for his opinion but it ended with Luke saying. "Aren't you the one recruiting me? Why am I the one you're asking? Just get on with it,"

"I'm asking because I want to make it so that you're comfortable at the start, middle, and the end of our meeting,"

Luke rubs his chin before recommending his chosen format. "How bout I just ask you a series of questions? I'll ask one thing and you can tell me to the best of your knowledge. After you reply even if I'm interested in continuing I'll quickly move on to another, how's that sound?"

"I'm fine with that," He points his finger toward him signaling to him that he's all set and ready to start

"What is a Grave Keeper?"

"They're an occupation, association, or a person that watches over the burials of the dead keeping them in check,"

"Why does the dead rise?"

"They're the tormented souls filled with regret and a deep desire for a second chance in life. The cause of their inhumane return is a mystery itself and we are but a solution to their rampage. They pose no threat but Chaos the opposite of Order corrupts and turns them into blindless chaotic monsters,"

"That giant undead bear why was it able to talk? I've seen the dead talk but that was more fluent. Are they not deteriorating,"

"You're listening quite well as I've mentioned before the energy opposite to what we the living have, Chaos is destructive. The more you're exposed to such power you'll gradually lose all sense of life, leaving a chaotic husk-" He pauses as all that talking nearly dries his throat and takes a drink before continuing

"There a slim chance of a child born with the capacity to wield Chaos... they're rare and if one grows they'll become a symbol of utter Chaos. They are our opposites, we protect the living, and they gather the dead, they're known as the Grave Robbers,"

"Apart from the classified stuff... I think I almost gave you an overview of what this job has to offer. So what will it be?"

Luke was barely keeping his balance as he fell flat on his bed as most of his energy was spent reflecting. "Give me a few minutes,"

"Savor it well cuz I'm going to the bathroom, ugh not good! Guess eating nothing but pizza for a weak isn't good. Argh gotta go!" Royce quickly in search of the restroom leaving young Grimes alone for him to decide which path he'll choose

'Although I hardly know the guy and comparing his mask with his face he doesn't seem to be the type to lie. The organization might give me more than he could offer but I'll just be a cage bird once again when I just became free. Either way, they'll both use me. But isn't that what a job is? It's not about me being used but how I'll be used,'

"If the organization has no room for rejection in their conquest of maintaining peace then if I chose them I'll become a bloodhound. Choosing Royce would mean I'd make enemies of that colossal group but remain unrestricted. Heh, a life full of certainty but with a fate already shown, and a life full of pain, suffering, and yet a choice?"

To be free is to be able to soar, as nothing is weighing them down, but that also meant braving the violent wind. Unpredictable, inevitable, and irreversible for one to fly one must also be willing to fall, and at worst injure their wing. Even after knowing the risk, many seek to fly, for the land is but a prison and their shackles are a way to perceive such a predictable end

'Icarus was a fool who sought to soar higher but eventually fell to ruin forever immortalized as a dunce. He died not because he sought freedom but because of the weakness of his wings, it was made for his father. His father only wishes to escape but his son wishes to soar so those wings he wore were built for his father, not for his own,'

He raises his arm to reach the light passing through the window and says with teary eyes. "Grandpa... do you think I can make my wings? Should I fly or remain caged? Damned old man. You should've stayed longer this is my life I'm talking about,"

"I didn't the little bloke would cry," Royce never left and he's been casually eavesdropping since the moment he left his room waiting for the right moment to come

'Alex, do you know life? Old pal, I still don't know the answer to that question. I never once lived. All my time was spent on the organization, but I do know one thing especially, you might even say I have a master's degree. I know death, the end, everyone fears it, and I become its embodiment, its swift, merciless, and cold,'

"Anyone with a brain knows that life is unforgiving more than death. For the end is just a moment. Life is our entirety,"

An hour later

"Hey, I'm back! Sorry for the wait. The restroom had a freaking long line-"

"I Luke Grimes as for a request please take me under your wing! I don't want to be caged any longer... I want to live no matter what!!" Luke kneeled on his bed and pointed his head toward the entrance to greet his esteemed employer

"Sheesh I never thought of you as this kind of person. I don't like grand gestures. But from now on I'm your master okay?"

"Yes sir!"

"Stop being so formal,"

"Okay, asshole!"

"Watch it kid or I'll be cutting your tongue!!!"