
Soulforge: Unveiling the Divine Legacy

In this world, there were people who had the ability to cultivate, called "Immortals" or "Cultivators" A vast expanse where Immortals cultivate dao, there will be naturally demonic cultivators. Lin Xiaowen was a natural Demonic Cultivator born with a rare Merlot Extreme True Demon Soul. He cultivated effortlessly and his cultivation was enough to be an elder in a large-sized sect until one of his treasures attracted the interest of an old monster. He destroyed his body and left his soul on the brink of death on a half-wasted planet. Lin Xiaowen was forced to fuse his soul with a righteous mortal named Fang Min. How will he cultivate to his peak again?

Kalolsad · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Refining The Meridian Cleansing Pill (3)

Moreover, it is rumored that the Dragon's Breath Flower can also bestow other benefits upon those who possess it. It is said that it can grant immortality or longevity, bestow protection from powerful enemies, or even bestow the ability to control fire and manipulate flames, known as the "Dragon's Breath Technique". However, these abilities are believed to come with great risks and challenges, as the power of the Dragon's Breath Flower is said to be volatile and unpredictable.

With a flick of his sleeve, Lin Xiaowen activated his teleportation technique, instantly vanishing from the snowy forest and reappearing deep underground in a dark, moss-covered cave. The air was damp and musty, and the faint echoes of dripping water echoed through the narrow tunnels.

As Lin Xiaowen descended into The Cavern of Dragon's Breath, he was greeted by a vast expanse filled with the remains of ancient dragons. Massive skeletons of long-deceased dragons adorned the cave, their immense size and power palpable even in their lifeless state. The air was heavy with the aura of dragon energy, crackling with the remnants of the beasts that once roamed these halls.

As Lin Xiaowen approached the trapped dragon in The Cavern of Dragon's Breath, he could feel the immense energy pulsating from the majestic beast. The dragon's power was raw and primal, resonating with Lin Xiaowen's own cultivation. In this world, dragons were as ancient as the heavens, and their survival was owed to their innate ability to sense and avoid dangerous threats.

The dragon eyed Lin Xiaowen with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, recognizing the young cultivator's immense strength. It could sense the remnants of Lin Xiaowen's previous cultivation and the power of his Merlot Extreme True Demon Soul. The dragon's instincts told it that Lin Xiaowen was not to be taken lightly, and it regarded him with a healthy respect.

Despite the dragon's initial wariness, Lin Xiaowen radiated a calming aura, seeking to establish a connection with the mighty beast. He spoke to the dragon in a language that transcended words, communicating with it on a telepathic level. He conveyed his intentions of helping the dragon and expressing his gratitude for its guardianship of the Dragon's Breath Flower.

The dragon, sensing Lin Xiaowen's sincerity and reverence, gradually relaxed its guard. It allowed Lin Xiaowen to approach, and the young cultivator used his healing techniques to tend to the dragon's wounds, channeling his cultivation to soothe its pain and restore its strength. The dragon, in turn, shared its knowledge of the flower's location and how to safely obtain it. Lin Xiaowen knew that if the Dragon was unwilling to give him the Dragon's Breath Flower, it would not work. Or else he would have killed this dragon the moment he saw it.

Finally, they arrived at the hidden chamber where the Dragon's Breath Flower bloomed in all its glory, radiating a brilliant purple light that illuminated the cave. Lin Xiaowen approached the flower with reverence, carefully plucking it and tucking it safely away. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the dragon, thanking it for its guidance and assistance.

With the Dragon's Breath Flower in hand, Lin Xiaowen bid farewell to the dragon, leaving The Cavern of Dragon's Breath. Ripples appeared around him and he teleported away.

The Phoenix Feather Grass is a rare and precious herb that is said to possess incredible regenerative properties in the realm of xianxia webnovels. Legends have it that the herb is born from the ashes of a fallen phoenix, and its vibrant red feathers are said to contain the essence of fire and rebirth.

In the xianxia world, the Phoenix Feather Grass is believed to possess unparalleled healing properties, capable of restoring even the gravest of injuries and ailments. It is highly sought after by cultivators and alchemists alike for its potent medicinal properties, which can enhance cultivation progress and extend lifespan.

The Phoenix Feather Grass is said to grow only in the most treacherous and inhospitable environments, such as the heart of a volcano or atop a towering mountain peak enveloped in flames. It is often guarded by Azure Phoenix Firebird and protected by natural barriers, making it an elusive and challenging herb to obtain. Lin Xiaowen appeared on top of a Volcano.

Lin Xiaowen arrived at Mount Crimson Blaze, where he spotted the majestic Azure Phoenix Firebird perched atop a massive rock. It was sleeping. Without hesitation, he drew his bow and released a volley of ice-imbued arrows with lightning speed. The arrows found their mark, piercing the body of the Azure Phoenix Firebird and causing it to cry out in pain. The ice element energy in the arrows hindered the Phoenix's regenerative abilities, preventing it from healing the wounds.

Sensing the imminent threat, the Azure Phoenix Firebird attempted to take flight, but the injuries inflicted by Lin Xiaowen's arrows had taken their toll. It struggled to stay airborne, its once vibrant feathers now marred with blood. Lin Xiaowen continued to fire arrows with precision, exploiting the Phoenix's weakness to ice, delivering fatal blows to the creature.

Despite its valiant efforts to fight back, the Azure Phoenix Firebird succumbed to its injuries and fell from the sky, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. Lin Xiaowen approached the fallen creature, witnessing the fading light in its eyes. With reverence, Lin Xiaowen plucked a few pristine feathers from the Azure Phoenix Firebird as a token of gratitude. He then carefully harvested the rare Phoenix Feather Grass. Normally, if Fang Min came here, he could collect the Phoenix Feather Grass without alerting the Azure Phoenix Firebird. But Lin Xiaowen directly killed the beast. After taking the herb needed for the Meridian Cleansing Pill, he disappeared again.

The Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine, a rare and precious herb coveted by cultivators, was said to be found in the depths of the Heavenly Spirit Forest, a mystical and treacherous realm shrouded in mist.

Legend had it that the Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine was born from the remnants of a celestial ginseng that had ascended to the heavens after absorbing the essence of the sun, moon, and stars for thousands of years. It was said to possess unparalleled medicinal properties, capable of enhancing a cultivator's spiritual power, purifying their meridians, and even granting them a chance at enlightenment. However, the Heavenly Spirit Forest was no ordinary place. It was very hard to find it, because it would change locations every three years. But Lin Xiaowen knew the pattern which it would change locations. He directly teleported inside the Heavenly Spirit Forest. The Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine required 21 years of growth to be collected.

With a determined look in his eyes, Lin Xiaowen extended his hand towards the Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine, channeling his spiritual power into it to accelerate its growth speed by countless folds. The air crackled with energy as he poured his cultivation into the herb, coaxing it to mature at an unprecedented rate. Despite knowing that this method was flawed and carried risks, Lin Xiaowen was resolute in his pursuit of the Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine.

Days turned into weeks, and Lin Xiaowen tended to the Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine with meticulous care, nurturing it with his profound understanding of the Dao. He protected it from the harsh elements and defended it against spirit beasts that lurked in the vicinity, refusing to let anything hinder its growth.

Finally, after one week of tireless effort, the Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine was ready to be harvested. Lin Xiaowen carefully plucked it, handling it with reverence, and placed it into the Divine Void Godstone. As he gazed at the Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine, now fully matured and radiating with a resplendent aura, Lin Xiaowen's heart swelled with satisfaction

The Thousand-Year Blood Mushroom is known for its crimson hue, resembling drops of blood, and its distinctive mushroom-like shape with tendrils that spread out like veins. It is said to possess immense medicinal properties and is often used in alchemy to refine elixirs, pills, and potions that can enhance cultivation, heal injuries, and increase lifespan.

Legend has it that consuming the Thousand-Year Blood Mushroom can bestow incredible benefits, including heightened senses, enhanced physical attributes, and accelerated cultivation progress. However, it is also said to be highly toxic if not properly refined, and its power can cause adverse effects on those with weak constitutions or insufficient cultivation levels.

The Thousand-Year Blood Mushroom is found at the Demon Blood Valley. Legends speak of a hidden cave within the valley, deep in the heart of the mountains, where the Thousand-Year Blood Mushroom is said to thrive.

The Bloodfire Demon Valley is a treacherous and foreboding place, shrouded in an eerie atmosphere. The valley is nestled between towering cliffs that stretch up to the heavens, forming a natural fortress that is difficult to penetrate. The cliffs are adorned with sharp rocks and jagged crevices, exuding a palpable sense of danger and foreboding.

The valley floor is a labyrinth of rugged terrain, with deep ravines, steep slopes, and narrow pathways that wind through the rugged landscape. The air is thick with a potent Qi of blood and fire, lending an oppressive and suffocating aura to the valley. The sky above the valley is often obscured by swirling mists that seem to whisper with voices of the past, adding to the mystique and danger of the place.

The landscape is dominated by dark and twisted vegetation, with gnarled trees and thorny bushes dotting the valley floor. The ground is often stained with crimson hues, as if soaked with blood, giving the valley its ominous name - Bloodfire Demon Valley. The air is heavy with the scent of sulfur and ash, and occasional bursts of flames erupt from crevices and cracks in the rocks, adding to the fiery and infernal ambiance of the valley.

The overall atmosphere of the Bloodfire Demon Valley is one of danger, mystery, and otherworldliness. It is a place where only the strongest and most determined cultivators dare to venture, braving the treacherous terrain, powerful beasts, and ancient formations in search of rare and coveted treasures, such as the Thousand-Year Blood Mushroom. However, none of these would hinder Lin Xiaowen, because he had the ability to teleport.

As Lin Xiaowen scanned the entirety of the Bloodfire Demon Valley, a sense of familiarity and comfort washed over him. This place was his natural habitat, a realm where his cultivation thrived. The demonic air that permeated the valley acted as a potent tonic for his Merlot Extreme True Demon Soul, accelerating its healing and rejuvenation. His senses were heightened, allowing him to perceive even the faintest of movements and energies in his surroundings.

With each breath, Lin Xiaowen could feel the raw power of the valley coursing through his veins, invigorating his spirit and sharpening his senses. The flames that occasionally erupted from the cracks in the rocks and the sulfurous scent in the air were like a symphony to his senses, fueling his cultivation and igniting his inner fire.

As he moved through the rugged terrain, navigating the ravines and slopes with ease, Lin Xiaowen's connection with the valley deepened. He felt a primal bond with the twisted vegetation and the fiery landscape, tapping into the essence of the Bloodfire Demon Valley to enhance his own cultivation. Here, he was in his element, a master of the demonic arts, harnessing the power of the valley to further his own cultivation and pursue his quest for the elusive Thousand-Year Blood Mushroom.

Lin Xiaowen's keen eyes spotted the entrance to the cave that housed the coveted Thousand-Year Blood Mushrooms. He approached with caution, mindful of the dangers that lurked within. With practiced precision, he plucked two mushrooms, careful not to disturb the others. He knew that greed could have dire consequences in a place like this.

As he held the mushrooms in his hand, he could feel their potent energy pulsating, a deep crimson hue radiating from their caps. The Thousand-Year Blood Mushrooms were highly prized for their medicinal properties, capable of bestowing immense benefits to cultivators. However, Lin Xiaowen was well aware of the risks of taking more than he needed.

He knew that the cave was a treacherous place, inhabited by powerful and unpredictable beings. Taking more than his fair share could trigger the wrath of the cave's guardians, beings that even he, with his formidable cultivation, would be wary of confronting. With his senses heightened, he quickly teleported away, satisfied with the two mushrooms he had obtained, leaving the rest undisturbed.

Lin Xiaowen had now collected all of the ingredients needed for the Meridian Cleansing Pill. He quickly entered the Divine Void Godstone. Fang Min's consciousness was lying near a tree. He left him undisturbed and started to refine the Meridian Cleansing Pill.

The Meridian Cleansing Pill is a powerful Pill that is said to cleanse and purify the meridians, removing any impurities, blockages, or accumulated negative energies. It is believed to greatly enhance the flow of qi, allowing cultivators to cultivate and absorb spiritual energy more efficiently, and thus accelerate their cultivation progress.

Lin Xiaowen utilized his Nascent Soul Cultivation to create a small pool of Qi, a swirling mass of spiritual energy. With precise control, he carefully placed the Nine-Layered Ice Lotus into the pool, and immediately, the Qi slowed down and began to freeze, forming a layer of ice around the lotus. Without wasting any time, Lin Xiaowen swiftly added the Dragon's Breath Flower, its fiery energy contrasting with the icy aura of the lotus, creating a harmonious balance.

After a brief pause, Lin Xiaowen proceeded to add the Celestial Sky-Clearing Ginseng Spirit Vine and the Thousand-Year Blood Mushroom to the mix. The pool of Qi underwent a rapid transformation, changing colors from icy blue to a dark blue hue, pulsating with vitality and energy. Finally, Lin Xiaowen added the Phoenix Feather Grass, the last ingredient for the Meridian Cleansing Pill.

With the concoction now complete, the swirling Qi Pool exuded a potent aura of power and purity. Lin Xiaowen carefully controlled the swirling energy, condensing it into a solid form that measured three centimeters in length. With precise control over his cultivation, he solidified the Qi into a pill form, shaping it into the final Meridian Cleansing Pill.

He marveled at the result of his meticulous efforts.

As Lin Xiaowen held the pill in his hand, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by its brilliance. The Meridian Cleansing Pill shimmered with an otherworldly glow, its colors shifting from vibrant blues to ethereal purples, and occasionally emitting subtle golden sparks that danced within the pill's surface.

The brilliance of the pill seemed to pulsate with an inner power, as if it held a tiny universe of its own. Lin Xiaowen could sense the immense vitality and purity infused within the pill, a result of his precise cultivation techniques and the rare ingredients he had gathered.