
SoulBound: Unholy Ascendant

[SPIRITY 2024 EVENT PARTICIPANT] In the aftermath of a global blackout, Ethan, an ordinary young man with extraordinary strength, finds himself transported to a fantastical world filled with magic, legendary creatures and powerfull demons. With only an AI, a furry companion, a strange blade and his abnormal strenght, Ethan must fight and find his way back home.

DooomSlayer · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Ethan Death?!

I will name the clocked figures in numbers, so you don't get confused, Number 1 is their leader

Clang* Clang* Shing*

Sparks were flying out as Ethan's sword clashed with Number 2's saber, "Left, Ethan!", Sera's voice sounded, a split second before Number 3 jumped from the side, Ethan pivoted just in time to to deflect a precise thrust from his dagger. Slamming his feet to the ground to balance himself, He countered with a sweeping slash forcing both Number 2 and 3 back with sheer force.

'This Kid!', Number 3 thought as he saw his numb hand.

"While these figures are weak in physical strength, they make it up with whatever that deadly magic is, and they have pretty good coordination with each other, Seems this will be a lot harder than I thought", Ethan said worryingly while dodging a black sphere coming from Number 1.

"At least they aren't focusing on hurting the man and his daughter, Also take caution as I am not detecting Number 4 presence anymore, it's like he disappeared completely", Sera replied with a concerned tone.

The man was already taking cover behind a big tree, the girl crying while hugging him, as they watched the battle with fearful eyes.

'Seems like this stranger taking us for granted, not using his Aethel energy', Number 1 frowned while thinking, 'he seems to be a dual elementalist from the shades on his hair'.

"Boys, let's take things up a notch. We need to wrap this up soon – the ritual is beginning soon and we can't afford delays. Forget the girl and focus all your efforts on killing this stranger.", Number 1 said telepathically in his mind.

"Alright Boss", The other 3 said in unison.

"Is that guy using some kind of spell?", Ethan said as he saw Number 1 interwinding his fingers in a wolf shape and saying some strange words. "Ethan, I wouldn't usually say this, but you need to go for the kill, If things stay as they are right now, you will be the one dying", Sera said in a sad and serious voice.

2 Black wolves emerged from Number 1 shadow, they seemed slightly bigger than normal wolves from Earth with big teeth and red eyes.

"Al..Alright S-", His voice was cut off with a yell from Sera, "ETHAN! , Dash toward the forest RIGHT NOW!! "

Without hesitation, he dashed with incredible speed, adrenaline surging through him, the moment he left his place a loud CLANG* could be heard, Turning his head, he could see Number 2 saber and Number 3 daggers clashing, while a big shadowy hand emerged from beneath. If he stayed there a second later, he would've been dead by now.

Huff* Huff* "Th…Thanks, Sera, that was close." Ethan said with a trembling voice. "No need to mention it, Ethan, We need to focus on surviving now, Take advantage of the forest terrain

"Follow him!!", Number 1 said in an annoyed voice. The Black wolves dashed following Ethan, followed by the others.

Ethan peeked back. The wolves close in, followed by the clocked figures.

"Damn, Damn, Damn… I shouldn't have interfered with their business, Now I am about to die, Shit! "

He grits his teeth, pumping his legs harder as he wove between the tall trees. Huff* Huff*, each breath was feeling heavy, but he kept pushing.

Thump*, A massive root tripped his foot, and Ethan went sprawling, Ughh. With a grunt. He rolled onto his back just in time to see the lead shadow wolf pouncing, Its fangs aimed straight for his throat...


He dodged, letting it bite a thick branch, Gulp* "Close", Gripping the hand of the sword tight, he slashed at the wolf, cutting it into half, Woosh*, The wolf dissolved into black mist, returning to Number 1. "Ethan!", Sera screamed as another wolf pounced at him, Pop*, The wolf bursted before he blocked it with his sword.

"Seems like Number 2 attack hit the wolf by accident", Sera said with a relieved voice, "Lucky."

"I am getting low on energy," Number 1 said furiously telepathically, " I can only launch another dark sphere before my energy runs out", "I ran out of energy already", Number 2 and 3 voices ranged telepathically, "I still can Summon the dark hand before I run out". Number 4 said.

"Alright let's finish this, now!", They all dashed toward Ethan as Number 1 voice echoed.

Ethan was already having a hard time moving, "Urghh", His muscles screaming in pain, and his vision starting to blur, Huff* Huff*, It was the first time in his entire life he got to experience something like this, "Is this what it feels like to feel real pain, to get tired, to get hurt? ", He said weakly as he observed his numb hands and bloody body, covered in wounds and gashes.

A bitter laugh escaped his lips, "Sorry Mom, I don't think I will be meeting you any sooner", he mumbled, "Ethan", Sera said weakly in a sad voice.

He always knew that his childhood friends were only clinging to him because of his strength, giving him those fake smiles, leaving him the second they finished school, His mother was the only one who truly supported him and cared for him, and his lovely Sera.

Gripping the hilt of his sword, he stood up, supporting himself with the plunged blade in the ground, Looking around he could the damage of their battle on the forest, snapped trees, and dying crass painted in a black color, a side effect of the power these clocked figures use.

Now seeing the speeding figures dashing toward him, he raised his sword, with a big smile itched on his face, "Alright Sera, this may be our last battle together, and I wanted to say that I really Love You!", Sera responded with a shy and sad voice, "I.. Sniff* I Love You too Ethan, Sniff* "

Clang *

Their conversation was cut short, As Number 2 sword descended, making Ethan block, supporting his sword with both hands, "Ethan, on your right!" Sera said but before he could react Number 3 kick landed on him, making him crash into a nearby tree.


'Arghh", Ethan screamed from the pain assaulting him.

"Dark Hand", Before he could regain his focus, Number 4 Yelled with his strange language while clasping his hands, summoning a big shadow from beneath Ethan and pinning him to the tree.

Hghh* Rghh*

Ethan tried to break to no avail, it was like the hand was sucking his energy (stamina) off.

"It.. Seems like … this is the end…. I didn't… even get the chance… t..to travel this new world" Huff* Huff*, he said with blood seeping from his mouth. Pang* His sword dropped to the ground, some of his blood dripping on it.

'E..Ethan", Ethan raised his head, noticing Number 1 stretching his hand, his palm facing him with a black sphere radiating with energy.

Fwoosh* It started heading in his direction, Closing his eyes, Ethan waited for his impending death. Boom* A dirt wall appeared blocking the black sphere and disintegrating in a shower of pulverized earth in the process.

Ethan's eyes snapped open, his brow furrowing in confusion as the dissipating cloud revealed the middle-aged man standing a little far from him, arms outstretched and face contorted with strain while leaning on a tree.

"Go get him" Number 1 commanded referencing the middle-aged man, while he himself was walking toward Ethan, "I'll end you myself, young man".

Thump* Thump* Thump* Number 1 footsteps were the only thing Ethan could hear at this moment locking his eyes with this cloaked figure.

Cough* Cough* "D..Dramatic Ahh walk" Cough*, Now Facing him, He could see that Number 1 face was made from the black mist, maybe that's just a cover or his true identity, he could never know.

"Taking a closer look, you don't seem to have any traces of energy stranger", Number 1 commented while eying Ethan, Bending over, he picked up the now fallen sword, "It's an interesting sword you have here!", He said, Looking at the strange carvings and symbols in the crossguard of the dark blade

"Stand proud young man, you are strong", Pluk* Raising up the blade he inserted it into Ethan's stomach, penetrating both the now dissipating black hand and the tree, pinning him with the sword.

Bleughh* 'M..Mom" Holding onto the sword blade with his hand, he muttered while puking blood, his eyes closing.