
Soulbound Shadow

Lukas: (standing in a dimly lit alley, gripping a dagger) "You really thought you could escape, didn't you?" Elena: (emerging from the shadows, her eyes glowing with an eerie crimson light) "I always find a way, Lukas. You should know that by now." Lukas: (narrowing his eyes) "You're not the woman I loved anymore. What happened to you?" Elena: (smirking) "I embraced the darkness, Lukas. It's where the real power lies." As the story unfolds, Lukas, a skilled demon hunter, and Elena, his former lover turned demon, engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game filled with tension, secrets, and unexpected alliances. Lukas will have to face unimaginable challenges and uncover the truth about a hidden world of demons and the hunters sworn to protect humanity.

Nicky_RBLX · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 22: Sorrow.

In the dimly lit corner of their makeshift headquarters in Wiskar, Thorne sat on the ground with his bottle of whiskey, The air was heavy with the weight of their recent encounters with the Council of Shadows and their formidable allies.

Lukas suddenly came into the room and when he saw Thorne, he went to sit right beside him.

Lukas stared into the flickering candle's flame, his eyes distant. "Thorne, these past encounters have been unlike anything we've faced before. The Council's power, and the demons they've aligned with, are beyond our expectations."

Thorne met Lukas's gaze. "You're right, Lukas. But we've faced the worst the world can throw at us. We've endured losses and adversity, and yet, here we are."

Lukas nodded, a shadow of a smile playing on his lips. "We've come this far because we're more than just comrades. We're family, bound by our commitment to protect this world from the darkness that seeks to consume it."

Thorne's expression mirrored Lukas's sentiment. "Backing down isn't an option then. I promise you Thorne, I'll stop the Council's plans, and get Elena back to normal."

Thorne just looked at Lukas for a few seconds then sighed.

Thorne:"I hope your promises aren't empty as your soul"

Lukas just chuckled.

After a few moments, Thorne and Lukas found themselves silently staring at a flickering candle, their thoughts drawn to a somber and introspective mood.

"Hey, Lukas," Thorne began, his voice soft and understanding, "I know it's been a while, but I can't help but wonder... Do you really think Elena can be brought back ? I mean, you know that now she's a humanoid denom, and a powerful one at that."

Lukas looked into the candle's dancing flame, his expression distant and filled with melancholy. Memories of Elena, his beloved lover, flooded his thoughts, and he couldn't help but feel a heavy sense of loss.

"It's hard, Thorne," Lukas admitted, his voice carrying the weight of his emotions. "Every day, I miss her more. She was my rock, my source of strength in the darkest of times. Her laughter, her smile... they're etched into my heart, and I carry them with me always."

Thorne could see the profound sadness in Lukas's eyes and the depth of his longing. He had been through his own share of grief and loss and understood the pain Lukas was experiencing.

"To be honest, I can't imagine what it's like," Thorne said, his tone filled with sympathy. 

Lukas:"... But i can't give up"

Thorne:" ...What was that?"

Lukas:" Nothing is impossible, I'm going to kick Aviron's ass and get my girl back! No matter what!"

"I'm going to free Elena from the darkness!"

Thorne just silently looked at Lukas not saying a word, he knew the what Lukas was saying was all to good to be true, but he knew well not to underestimate him. Because he believed this guy would to anything to have his way.

As the candle continued to flicker in the dimly lit room, Thorne and Lukas shared a moment of commiseration. The depth of their camaraderie extended to supporting each other in times of sorrow, a bond that had seen them through countless trials.

Lukas knew that his longing for Elena would never fade entirely, but he also found solace in the friendship and understanding he shared with Thorne and the rest of the Crimson Blades.

As they sat in the dim light, their camaraderie and shared determination filled the room.