
Soulbound: Embracing the Unseen [BL]

"Do you believe in a world that defies common sense and reality? A world where humans coexist with spirits?"

Meng_325 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Unravelling the Motives

Since shadowing Cody was out of the question, I decided to rely entirely on Kaja's senses and avoid visiting the university for a few days. Even though my mind never stopped creating scenarios and anxiously wondering about his well-being, I'm trying my best to focus on other things. 

Taking my time, I complete another small task at the bookstore. After the usual lunch bustle, I finally cleaned up the messy countertops. As the day gradually shifts towards the evening, I sigh with relief, glad to have made it through another quite tolerable day.

I lean against the counter, already anticipating the upcoming closing. My gaze drifts outside the window. The sky's partly cloudy, yet, the sun persistently finds new gaps to break through, casting its cheerful rays upon the city's streets and brightening the day for every passerby. The interplay of light and shadow paints a serene yet dynamic picture, adding a touch of magic to the ordinary rhythm of life.

Nevertheless, the sun's persistent efforts did nothing to dispel the unexpected apathetic drowsiness that had struck me. Time seems to drag on, and it feels like the minutes are ticking backward.

A cup of coffee for personal use wouldn't hurt. I fill the machine's filter with freshly ground beans, taking in the rich aroma as it quickly spreads throughout the room. With a graceful gesture, I add warm milk to the cup, completing my creation.

A lazy sigh escapes my lips as I sit on an uncomfortable chair. Despite its lack of comfort, it always helps to rest my legs tired from running around. The customers are busy with their affairs, so I'm sure no one will scold me for taking this unauthorized break.

I take a sip of the warm coffee, savoring its comforting heat and rich flavor. For a moment, I enjoy the quiet, the only sounds being the gentle clinking of cups, soft murmurs, and the distant hum of city life outside. 

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, but I don't pay much attention. Customers rarely place orders immediately upon entering, so I have another second or two to enjoy my brief break. After savoring another sip of the coffee, I set the cup on the table and reluctantly rise from the chair, straightening my apron. Eleonora always scolds us when our aprons are wrinkled, and her insistence on neatness had instilled a habit that kicks in automatically, even in her absence.

As I approach the cash register, I put on my signature customer service smile. Then I finally look up at the hall, ready to greet the new customer.

"I'd like a hot chocolate."

Those words are enough to make my low enthusiasm level skyrocket. On the other side of the counter stands Cody. The same Cody whose name had been the most frequently mentioned word in my mind lately. Seeing him here sends a jolt of surprise and instant relief, but I quickly compose myself.

"Sure," I reply with a genuine smile. "Is that all?"

Cody lowers his eyes and hesitates for a moment. His lips tremble slightly as if he's rehearsing his next words. Finally, the brown-haired boy raises his gaze to meet mine.

"Sorry. Last time I was kind of rude," He says, seemingly embarrassed by his words. "And one vanilla cupcake, please."

I can't help but smile again.

"Have a seat. I'll bring it right over," I say, diving into action.

In no time, I place two cups and a few pastries on a tray. Before hurrying to Cody, I leave a sign at the bar informing customers that the staff is on a break. He chose a table in the corner by the window.

Although the entire bookstore is undeniably cozy, that spot, in my eyes, is uniquely special. It's somewhat secluded from the noise inside and offers a great view of the street. Cody's gazing out the window, lost in thought. He doesn't notice me approaching. When the tray touches the table, he jumps slightly and turns his head towards me.

"It's just me," I say, placing the cup and dessert in front of the brown-haired boy and sitting in the empty chair opposite him.

"Thanks," He smiles and immediately brings the ceramic cup to his lips.

"I didn't expect to see you here again."

He remains silent for a moment, but his body language confirms that my words were indeed heard.

"To be honest, I doubted it myself," He mutters, his gaze still fixed on his cup. "But I didn't see you at the university. I kinda need to talk to you again."

"Did you go looking for me?" I tease him lightly.

Cody's gaze shots up.

"I wasn't actively searching for you. Just didn't happen to spot you anywhere," He replies with a slight frown.

"I don't actually study there. Just had some business to attend to," I explain, offering a small smile.

"I see," He nods in understanding.

"Anyway, why were you looking for me?" I redirect the conversation.

"I wasn't looking for you," He sighs, rotating the cup's handle with his finger. "I want to ask something."

Cody's stalling, each passing moment adding to my curiosity. Unable to anticipate his question, I'm left in suspense, waiting eagerly for his next comment.

"Can an ordinary person defeat a demon?" He finally breaks the silence, his question catching me completely off guard.

His inquiry was unexpected, plunging me into a state of surprise. Technically, anyone could engage in combat with a demon. Any person could inflict physical harm on a demon's body. But matters become more complex when delving into the realm of esoteric phenomena.

Without possessing the skills of a hunter, no ordinary human could hope to expel the entity lurking within.

"Why does this matter to you?" I respond with a question, attempting to unravel the motives behind his inquiry.

Cody lets out a sigh, his expression betraying a sense of hopelessness.

"I've encountered demons before. Far more frequently than you might imagine. And somehow, they always know where to find me."