
Soulbound: Embracing the Unseen [BL]

"Do you believe in a world that defies common sense and reality? A world where humans coexist with spirits?"

Meng_325 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Certain Mystery

As my third day of being a detective begins, Arthur can't seem to resist cracking silly jokes about this mission. He even went as far as suggesting that Baltazar was pulling my leg and there was no reason to pursue that boy. His comment truly rubs me the wrong way. While our old guardian may seem a bit eccentric at times, I have no grounds to question his intentions.

Nonetheless, this matter of endless searching weighs on my shoulders, leaving me feeling perplexed throughout the morning. Before I leave the bookstore, Eleonora offers a few comforting words, affirming the seriousness of the matter. She likely noticed my gloomy expression and wanted to reassure me.

When I reach the university, I already feel much better. The familiar surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, energizing me for whatever challenges lie ahead. It's been a few days since my last hunt and I'm craving for some action.

I head towards the main building, contemplating the idea of attending another lecture. Perhaps I won't get a diploma but extra knowledge doesn't hurt. I expect to see new faces there too. If today's my lucky day, I might stumble upon the one I'm so desperately seeking.

While polishing my plan for the day, I arrive at the entrance. I notice that the door is open so I quietly slip inside and secure a spot near the back. It offers a clear view of the entire hall. Soon enough, students begin to trickle in, filling the auditorium nearly to capacity.

Many of these faces are unfamiliar to me, so my hopes are high. I discreetly search for even the slightest clue, listening to conversations, waiting for names to be called, and stealing glances at notebook covers. For a while, I make good progress, but my focused scrutiny is interrupted by the creaking of the door.

Instinctively, I turn my gaze in its direction. I hold my breath for a moment. It's none other than the boy I met a couple of days ago. He quietly mumbles a greeting and takes a seat a few rows closer to the front but still within my line of sight.

The murmurs quiet down as the professor begins the lecture. While other students attempt to focus on the lecture material, I find myself unable to tear my gaze away from the boy's back.

There's something about him that draws my eyes like a magnet. He has an air of quiet intensity, a kind of presence that sets him apart from everyone else. Each time he shifts in his seat or runs a hand through his brown hair, my attention wavers.

He seems completely absorbed in whatever he's scribbling in his notebook. I find myself wondering about him and his life outside this room. Is he always this absorbed in his world, or is it just today? There's a certain mystery to him. Something captivating that makes my heart race a little faster.

As the lecture comes to an end, I decide to wait until the students disperse before making my exit. Doodling another circle on my piece of paper, I listen to the sounds around me. I catch snippets of conversations about the lecture, mountains of homework, and other irrelevant topics.

"Mr. Wilson, please read this and share your thoughts." A familiar voice draws my attention.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as the mysterious boy hands a bundle of neatly organized papers to the professor.

"What can I expect this time?" The professor asks, genuinely intrigued.

"Just a few thoughts." The brown-haired boy shyly answers.

He adjusts his leather bag on his shoulder.

"Your works are truly unique. Every time I read your manuscripts, I'm pleasantly surprised. Thank you, Cody. I can't wait to discuss this one."

My head jerks up so abruptly that I feel a twinge in my neck. Did I hear correctly? Perhaps my brain is playing tricks on me?

As I process what just happened, the boy swiftly grabs the door handle and disappears into the corridor. Standing up hastily, I accidentally hit the table with my hip. Blurting out an apology for the disturbance, I practically run outside.

I can't afford to lose sight of him. It's no longer just a step forward; it's a whole leap.