

"Soul Blade: Echoes of Destiny" Retired samurai Hikari, wielding an ancient blade, seals cosmic forces to protect the Ethereal Realm, only to reemerge on a changed Earth. Amidst high school life, a mysterious encounter unveils a destiny entangled with two worlds. As echoes of past battles resurface, Hikari faces a cosmic clash, her legacy entwined in a quest to save existence itself.

SunRae · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 5: Ethereal Resurgence

Amidst the echoing remnants of a crumbling world, Hikari stood amidst the chaos, the destruction a testament to the malevolent power unleashed by Kazuma Hikariyama. The once-familiar surroundings now lay in ruins, the devastation a haunting echo of cosmic conflict.

As debris settled and eerie silence enveloped the aftermath, Hikari found herself enveloped in a luminous glow, tendrils of ethereal energy shimmering around her. Reality blurred, folding into itself, and she felt an inexplicable pull, a force guiding her beyond the shattered remnants of her reality.

In a flash of blinding light, she was whisked away from the desolation, hurtling through a cosmic rift that transcended mortal comprehension. Time seemed to lose its hold, seconds elongating into eternity as she traversed unseen dimensions.

Consciousness ebbed and flowed, and when Hikari opened her eyes, she found herself in an otherworldly landscape—an ethereal realm bathed in iridescent hues, where celestial hues danced across the sky like a cosmic tapestry.

Before her stood the enigmatic man she encountered in the school courtyard, his silhouette a familiar yet cryptic presence. His voice resonated in the ambient air, carrying an otherworldly cadence as he spoke.

"Welcome, Hikari, to the Ethereal Realm—the threshold between celestial forces and mortal realms. You have been chosen to navigate this realm and thwart the encroaching darkness that threatens existence."

Hikari's senses tingled with a blend of trepidation and curiosity as the man's words reverberated through her being. She felt an inexplicable connection to this place—a resonance that stirred within her, an acknowledgment of her cosmic bond.

Turning to the mysterious man, Hikari's voice trembled with uncertainty, "Can I... can I still return to Earth? What happened to the school? Who are you?"

The enigmatic figure, Renjiro Kaito, regarded her with a knowing gaze. "You don't remember me? I am the one you met before. Do you recall the emblem you picked from the ground? That emblem brought you here, Hikari."

As Hikari absorbed Renjiro's words, a soft, melodious voice chimed in from behind her, gentle yet filled with an otherworldly innocence.

"Returning to Earth is no longer within your grasp, dear Hikari."

Startled, Hikari spun around to face the source of the voice. There, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a petite figure—a cute, enigmatic little girl with luminous eyes that sparkled like distant stars.

The girl's presence emanated a celestial warmth, and though Hikari felt a sense of comfort, she was equally unsettled by the unexpected arrival. The little girl's gaze held a wisdom that seemed to transcend her apparent youth.

"I am Aria, a guardian of this realm," the little girl introduced herself, her voice carrying an otherworldly serenity. "The cosmic tapestry has woven you into its fabric, dear Hikari. Your journey here is part of a larger celestial design."

Hikari's mind swirled with confusion and curiosity. She stood amidst a convergence of enigmatic figures, each unveiling a layer of the cosmic enigma that now enveloped her existence.

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