

"Soul Blade: Echoes of Destiny" Retired samurai Hikari, wielding an ancient blade, seals cosmic forces to protect the Ethereal Realm, only to reemerge on a changed Earth. Amidst high school life, a mysterious encounter unveils a destiny entangled with two worlds. As echoes of past battles resurface, Hikari faces a cosmic clash, her legacy entwined in a quest to save existence itself.

SunRae · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: Destiny

Sixteen years had elapsed since Hikari's rebirth on Earth. In that time, she had acclimated herself to the rhythms of human life, seamlessly integrating into society's tapestry. As a high school student, she relished the familiarity of routine, yet her thoughts often wandered back to the tumultuous battles of her previous existence.

On an otherwise ordinary day, within the vibrant hum of the school courtyard, a solitary figure stood amidst the bustling crowd—a man whose presence seemed to emit an inexplicable allure amid the banal surroundings. His dark aura and enigmatic gaze spoke of hidden enigmas.

Intrigued, Hikari approached him, intending to strike up a casual conversation. But before a single word could escape her lips, he spoke, his voice carrying an otherworldly timbre reminiscent of a haunting melody, unfamiliar yet oddly soothing.

"I've been awaiting your arrival, Hikari," he uttered, his words laced with an unsettling sense of premonition.

Caught off guard yet inexplicably drawn, Hikari attempted to mask her surprise. "Awaiting me? Have our paths crossed before?"

The man's enigmatic smile hinted at deeper connections. "Not in this lifetime, but our destinies are entwined. You possess the key to averting the impending darkness that threatens to consume this world."

Before delving deeper into their cryptic exchange, the resounding chime of the school bell interrupted, signaling the end of the break. Swiftly, the man vanished into the throng of students, leaving Hikari enveloped in a whirlwind of unanswered questions and an urgency that throbbed within her, impossible to ignore.

As the school day progressed, Hikari's thoughts lingered on the enigmatic encounter. Despite her attempts to focus on lectures and mundane tasks, the man's haunting words echoed in her mind, stirring a sense of curiosity mingled with foreboding.

After school, as the sun dipped beyond the horizon, Hikari found herself retracing her steps to the courtyard, as if drawn by an unseen force. The familiar setting now felt tinged with an air of mystery, shadows lengthening and whispers of the unknown dancing in the breeze.

It was then that she spotted a glimmer—a shimmering emblem etched on the ground where the man had stood earlier. A symbol unfamiliar yet resonating with an inexplicable familiarity. Hikari traced its intricate lines, feeling an inexplicable surge of energy coursing through her fingertips, a cosmic connection that defied logical explanation.

With the emblem imprinted in her mind, Hikari resolved to unravel the enigma that had crossed her path. Destiny had beckoned, and she couldn't ignore the stirring call that whispered of cosmic intertwining and the weight of an impending fate.

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