
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasy
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35 Chs

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The city was really a magnificent view, Sun couldn't believe the beautiful skyline, ancient yet modern-styled buildings, the floating gardens, the various types of transport and even more various humanoid citizens.

He was standing next to a food stall that he remembered buying from while admiring the city with an otherwordly burger. It tasted great and packed a protein punch if not for the questionable ingredients used that he still wasn't sure of.

He reassured himself at least it wasn't poisonous.

After his meal, he started making his way to his destination while considering the standard of this new life.

Even all things considered, the young man he took over was ridiculously unlucky. He hadn't had an opportunity to learn to read and write just because he was really abandoned. There were orphanages but he had gotten kicked out after fighting against the orphanage handlers who weren't the kindest of people from the vague memories he had gotten.

The whole place reeked of capitalism and that was just the bits he got from the memories.

After that, a few years on the grind of finding work and eventually settling into being a junkyard rat. He had no friends, family or even junkyard packmates.

"Then gets sick and here I am... sigh," Sun mumbled.

"We'll make it out alive kid, I'll tell you that!" He reconfirmed his choices and his new life and continued. Surprisingly after having said that, his body jolted for a second before he felt like he had better control over the body.

'Hmm, guess that heeby-jeeby stuff about resentment after death left in souls and whatnot was legit, then again finding myself kicked out from the void in soul form should have been a no-brainer.' He thought as he pondered on the sudden change while making his way through the modern jigsaw puzzle this city was.

The body he took over was just trying to survive, he never even had a chance to really decide on his goals and just wanted to make it through the day without the pain of his stomach trying to wrench his gut in demand for food.

'That's right, but we have goals now boy! GOALS!' He mused standing in front of an arched gateway with a sign reading " Allister's Trading Firm ".

"We're going to get rich first!" Sun declared as he strode in, earning him a mocking laugh from the security posted nearby which he ignored considering he had spoken out loud.

Entering the building, he looked around at the standard-looking reception lounge with a few tables to the side and some couches, with a front desk that stretched a few meters across at, well, the front. Some floating screens and a few ornate pieces of decoration made the place really business-like.

Walking up to the furthest counter to the right where a gruff-looking man was lounging about, as he approached he requested a loan immediately which got the bearded man turning professional faster than the speed of sound.

"A loan my good sir? Of course, please take a seat. We have a variety of options available and here is our most popular selection." He introduced himself as he handed a pamphlet describing various loans and requirements.

Seeing the attitude even despite being dressed in rags and tatters, Sun knew this place was sketchy as are all loan sharks, legitimate or not. Nonetheless, he needed cash. The kid barely put together some coins which was useless for pretty much anything.

"Alright uhh..." Sun started before realizing he didn't get a name.

"Regis, sir." The man introduced himself.

"Regis, yes, recommend me what's best for the following. I plan to take the 3-month business merchant's training and need capital for the training, board and starting funds. Give me the best price I can get for 3 years of servitude." Sun declared.

"Hmmm, I see." Regis started thinking carefully whilst rubbing his beard in contemplation.

While he was doing that, Sun really couldn't believe this was a thing in this prosperous place but he couldn't deny that it could make or break an individual. Servitude a.k.a. slavery but under the fancy schmancy wording of capitalism. Death totally being a possibility as well depending on the job they sign you up for depending on if you breach your contract and by how much.

He learned this from a few encounters where he saw people getting arrested and being slapped with a "servitude talisman" formation tattoo on their necks. Some sort of advanced "compliance" formation that the famous formation masters of this era developed to get unwilling individuals to become more "willing".

Wasn't illegal but they were monitored with an even fancier formation but the details weren't privy to Sun. The legality of it all made sense only if it could be controlled, and it was. He 100% believed there may be outliers that are scheming with those things but like the good old saying, "out of sight and out of mind", people don't care unless they were affected personally.

"Talents or skills?" Regis Interrupted his reverie.

"None," Sun replied.

'Don't want my awesome spatial storage found out, can't ste... ahem, can't feel like a reincarnated soul without hiding some shit for made-up yet totally "valid" reasons.' Sun joked in his mind as he waited for Regis to continue his aloof pondering of my loan request.

Sun didn't forget to analyze the shit out of Regis, and he just so happened to catch the man having a small spark of delight in his eyes for a brief moment while doing so before he saw him cough and start introducing a loan agreement.

'Yeah, my gut tells me this one ain't it.' Sun thought.

The breakdown was all expenses paid for training with room and board at a 3rd-tier merchant union with a 6-year servitude agreement if Sun fails to pay the owing and 100'000 starting funds for his capital after the 3-month training period. 3-Year repayment plan and the interest was ridiculously set to 33%.

'You clearly ignored my requirements being a 3-year servitude agreement you sleazy bastard!' Sun was astonished at the rates.