
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Shopping spree

'A full seven months. How time flies when you reincarnate.' 

Sun couldn't help but think as he looked at his status again.

He had gained 3 months' worth of UP totalling 45 points. 

He knew exactly what to do with it. 

[User: [Day Sun]

Status: Weak

Strength: 15

Intelligence: 69

Agility: 15

Vitality: 20

UP: 0


Gift of the survivor: A survivor's gift to those worthy of its title. Allows a basic view of one's personal status, basic attributes upgradable in their journey and a small subspace to store their belongings as the roads are as long as they are perilous.

Occupation: A smartass but an ass nonetheless]

An explosion went through his mind the moment he finished.

He couldn't help but moan slightly at the rapidly increasing attributes and the feeling was amazing. No pain just pleasure. 

It took a full hour before he managed to calm down. He already understood how that helped him.

He added 5 to vitality and the rest to intelligence. As for why. The numbers speak for themselves. He was shocked the moment his transformation ended. He now understood and recollected everything he had been learning the past few months and couldn't help but get lost in his newfound mind. 

He suddenly noticed intricacies and concepts he barely understood as though he had been learning them for ages. He even started seeing brand new possible applications for everything related to his runic work and even some bits and pieces of improvement he could make to his plants. 

He loved nature as it always calmed him so he didn't feel like neglecting his plants and his intelligence was not poorly invested as he could see himself taking off with this new level of intelligence and his rune business. 

He managed to organize all his thoughts shortly after and decided it was finally time to go shopping. 

He has been frugal and living barely like a normal human would since he was so focused on making money. However, he realized that he needed better runes if he was really going to get that magic crystal.

After his third month of officially selling his rune work, he saved up a total of $40'000 after taking away his regular spending on food and equipment. This was a massive profit for just three months of work. 

However, he couldn't get complacent as this was barely considered an income for the true professionals in the rune industry. Money stopped mattering and research and inventions were the goals for those who truly walked the depths of this art. 

Realizing this he decided it was time to buy some things. 

He also wanted a workshop as he was getting strained to do all the work quietly in his shack, he also wanted higher-level runes to study especially since he was starting to see how powerful this profession can get at higher levels but for this, he needed more books. 

He immediately left for his destination after getting a few recommendations from his cat Boss. 

A good hour later, finding himself in a somewhat commercial district he was amazed at the galore of items being displayed on the storefronts. 

Anything from clothes, food, weapons, armour and many magical potions and trinkets twinkled under the sun. 

Looking around he eventually arrived at his intended location. 

It read "Tech Shop" a simple name but the store was anything but simple.

It was a franchise chain that exploded with the owner's skills and has been around for almost 200 years. Conveniently, this was described in the brochure right outside the door. 

Walking in, he felt like he was back on Earth. Surrounding him was a bunch of gadgets and screens just like a tech shop for computers and cellphones. He couldn't help but smile like a child. 

'This place is awesome!' Sun thought as his feet became light and his smile couldn't stop its brilliance. 

A clerk immediately came to greet him, how could he not see a fellow gadget fan when he saw one? The smile on the clerk's face was just as shiny. 

"Hello, may I be of assistance today? We have just gotten some new batches of tech." The clerk was professional but knowing his customer, he knew where to lead him.

"Read my mind man, read my mind." Sun immediately responded and was nearly about to drag the clerk himself if he knew where it was. 

The clerk was a pro. He immediately did a 180 and led him further towards a section of the store with several tables lavished with things ranging from an odd fork to flat-screen miniature touchpad drones. 

Sun was nearly drooling looking at all the shiny toys. He was cursing himself for focusing so much on work and missing out on all this coolness embodied. 

If it weren't for looking weird, he would light incense for these gadgets immediately and thank the void for dropping him here. He's read the novels. He knew the total fuckery that can be pulled when jet-packing into a transmigration. 

Feeling right at home, he started browsing while asking questions to the clerk who was happy to describe them intricately. 

It was like two old friends sharing their personal hobby collections or kids showing off their new toys. For a moment, it almost seemed like a halo of harmony enveloped the two. 

After browsing for a while, Sun finally calmed down after poking and testing nearly everything that shined. He requested an easy-to-use holo-watch. The thing was damn handy. 

Access to the city public net, transactional features, and the best part. The thing looked so cool, that he would buy it just to wear it. 

It was sleek and looked like a modern, nano-suited spider with blood-like veins running through it artistically. He felt good just holding it, wearing it was even better than the moment he saw it as his wrist was adorned, he swiped and the watch bought itself with his money. 

He nearly wanted to hug the clerk for having it. This wasn't displayed in the stands. Those looked like some retro smartwatches. This thing, this thing was leagues cooler, he knew he owed the man. 

At the door, Sun shook the Clerk's hands and walked away blending into the crowd. The clerk smiling at his sale felt a buzz on his wrist and noticed a notification. He immediately looked up but then just smiled. Sun had tipped him very handsomely for the favour. 

A geek's passion can only be understood by another with such passion. 

Sun immediately set off for his next destination as he was searching for it on his extremely amazing and multifunctional holo-watch with stars in his eyes. 

What followed was him heading off to some sketchy shops his boss recommended.