
Soul Sent By The Void

Mundane Earthern Life. Three words that described my life. Who knew, if given a second chance, I would let everything within myself loose? Was I always crazy? Maybe. Died and got a shot at another life. Aside from being devoid of any lifestyle choices or otherwise, I think It would be proud of what I've done. Or not, it's a Void... ----- Author thoughts: This story is fiction that will have some action, some kingdom-building, some gore, some casual fun, some r18 stuff, some smut, some random escapades and yeah overall, some good stuff. Please proceed with absolutely no caution whatsoever but be over 18+ at least so I don't get into trouble.

DreamJunkie · Fantasy
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35 Chs

First Rune

After saving up and studying extensively. Sun found himself ready to put his full focus on his first of many products.

"First though I'll use the UP I saved up." Sun decided as he willed his status and started boosting his stats.

2 days per UP and he saved up 30.

This was going mainly into his body first as he wanted the body to handle his stronger mind.

The moment he finished he was awed by what was happening.

Boosting saved points was different from using them as they came. One was a sudden burst while the other was a constant but small increase.

One could adapt faster to smaller increments but Sun didn't like the small number changes. He wanted nice round figures and worry-free upgrading. Hitting a 9 19 or 29 just felt depressing for some reason.

His body exploded with power as his whole physical being down to every cell felt like they got power washed with the highest quality jet of cosmic energy.

He let the high of having a stronger body just continue as he adapted to the changes. It was a very special feeling as he expected some discomfort but the whole process was very smooth and he couldn't help but praise the void for such awesome service. 

Looking at his newly refreshed stats they were amazing. 


[User: [Day Sun]

Status: Weak

Strength: 15

Intelligence: 29

Agility: 15

Vitality: 15

UP: 0


Gift of the survivor: A survivor's gift to those worthy of its title. Allows a basic view of one's personal status, basic attributes upgradable in their journey and a small subspace to store their belongings as the roads are as long as they are perilous.

Occupation: Runic Loser who plants flowers]

"Sigh, I was short one point from 30 Intelligence. It could have totally helped my first inscription." Lamenting a little Sun rested a while before focusing again on his task at hand.

Grabbing a Runic Carving Pen and a freshly printed wooden plaque he got from his new favourite store. The Runist Toonist. Odd name but a Rune Tool Shop nonetheless.

He had managed to get enough for 20 Tries. The plaque itself already has a gathering inscription on it hence the cost. It allowed his newbie self to practice while also possibly getting a chance at resale since they would be powered and could last a month. 

With all his preparations done, he mentally recalled what was needed to start, the steps, every stroke, and finally, he practiced in the air a few times to allow his body to adapt to the sudden new experiment. 

7 hours passed before he finally stopped.

He was sweating slightly and felt drained internally. There was just something about heavy concentration for that much time that drained him. 

"The boosted stats were a good idea or I would have probably croaked by the third hour," Sun mumbled as he looked in front of him.

10 Freshly glowing air purifier plaques. 

He was surprised but he couldn't help but thank his recently acquired vitality and intelligence. 

The first few were utter failures that made him recalibrate a lot of his mistakes. However, the process started getting easier the more familiar he became and all those high-level calculations assisted. 

It was like a programmer fixing multiple lines from a broken software while it was still downloading while a normal person would usually stumble through the beginning while trying to get a feel for it. 

It reduced his error rate by so much that when he reached the 11th try, he felt confident succeeding. He also did this the night before he was supposed to get his next UP. With the hours of practice, he ended up getting an extra UP and immediately chose Intelligence. 

His mind exploded the moment he did that and was able to practically fine-tune every action from thought to coordination, to minuscule changes in muscle intensity. This last UP allowed his 11th try to be a success as expected. 

His 12th to increase his ability, his 16th he made even fewer mistakes and his 20th was almost what a bare-bone beginner would need to reach the first-level standard of an apprentice runic inscriptionist. 

Looking back at his handy work he was so impressed he couldn't help but have a wide grin that whole morning. 

Although he worked so hard, aside from the mental drain, he was still physically somewhat okay. He rested shortly, had food and went to work without issue. 

His happiness was contagious as even the Boss cat inquired about his sudden happy mood. He shared the news since he developed some level of trust with his Boss and couldn't help but show off a little. Though he kept the fact this was all done in a night a secret just in case.

Seeing the quality of the last few, even the Cat showed some surprise although it could also be considered negligible but Sun was too proud to discredit even the most minor praise. His ego felt satisfied. 

Boss Cat also bought the last three he made at market price and this at least paid back half his investment. He was so shocked he immediately believed this was the way to go. The Money would soon be rolling in and his eyes couldn't twinkle with deep schemes. 

While doing his usual work, he managed to sort out his feelings and thoughts. The way runic inscriptions worked reminded him of talisman makers, pill makers, and blacksmiths. It was a deep study but the value of the finished products far exceeded the cost of production. 

He also enjoyed his first time creating runic plaques, it reminded him of things similar to electrical work, wiring, coding, and computers. 

The whole base of a runic inscription is to connect variations of different runes in a compatible, efficient and thorough way to create a new effect. In his case, air purification. This started from creating a focal point that connects to the charger, the energy-gathering inscription, to a freshly drawn air-purifying motherboard. The different pieces were the code he used with the runes. 

It tickled his love for modern-day electronics, they were the hall-of-fame items of the 21st era and every era from that point with their evolutionary abilities. 

He couldn't help but daydream of numerous different applications for runes, especially if he learned more, and found even more unusual runes to work with. And just like that, another day at work came to an end while Sun daydreamed of his future.