
Soul Scroll : Boon of life

A 10-year-old child is having weird dreams for 2 years that change his view on the world and his life for better or worst. Follow him on his journey to this world that has demons, fairies, and elves. how will this go? Will it be easy? surely not. But anything he does is due to their own desire and dream. ------------------------------------------------ My first novel and I am going to give my all to it. the images here used are not belong to me.it is for helping readers. all credit to its creator. (like cover) ------------------------------------------------ Please, everyone, support me by giving me some stones.

Sun_And_Soul · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chap 4 : chocolate syrup(*)

"Right now, as you can see, Mihan city, also known as the crown city of Milian is having guests from all over the continent. All the important guests are coming here to participate in an auction that will be held at the nine-star auction house. Right now all sheet for auction is full will Marchant to the family head of noble-looking forward to it. This will be held at a nine-star company every nine-year traditional celebration that is held by them."

"And for those who don't know, the auction house has only given us the word 'peerless' without any news for their big reveal. As for if this 'peerless' will be tomorrow, we will find out what godly artifact/scroll/pill they have for a customer as a big player on this continent is coming here."

"I think aunt is also there in Milan city, maybe she will be there at auction," atman thinks maybe he can watch his aunt on television. with aunt beauty, she will be famous as she is more beautiful than a superstar on earth even with the beauty standard general is high.

"This auction will be able to be watched by all as the fox family head and current head of nine stars has given us to make it possible, so all the world can see this tomorrow. Now the next news ..." from female beauty reporter to burly orc reporter as other news comes.

Or maybe not as he thinks about some people with monster bloodlines like an ogre, goblin, lizard, etc…any way I will see this auction tomorrow.

"Master, have you taken your medicine? you have already eaten." said the maid that came to remind him. ' Ahh, I have completely forgotten it, it's really good to have maids, haha '.atman got up to drink medicine.


[some markets in Milan city]

All this city's glory and what it late you see in light may not be the same as ugly darkness. a conflict is born in all this happiness and fight are going on with blood spilling on at night and without it during the day.

" they are not good at hiding it, right? What a fool that they think it can be hidden from us," a somewhat female voice comes from a figure with a cloak blocking his face from others.

"No, something is not right? It was too easy for that merchant from a nine-star group to sell information and not get find out. their standard is not that low. corruption? " a low female voice come by side of this lady.

'No, maybe they what to let people find out, tomorrow's auction secret if it is still called secret' another female with her whole body cloak walked on the street of Mihan city.

"That pig of guy, definitely want to make money by selling it" responded as both of them are some meter away from their inn.

In front of a snowy white building that had bronze doors and two guards were guarding the door dressed in red and gold.

This building is an inn closest to a nine-star auction house where tomorrow's auction is in the city of mihan, one of the largest leading forefronts of the Millian continent. They both interred a dark alley their figure got blurry in dark as both used artifact to hide.

both jump up and breeze through the roof of a building to enter in the window of the room in an inn. Both of them returned to normal as their body can be seen now. After one of them closed the window and lower his cloak.

"Now we need to wait for tomorrow" a dark chocolate-skinned dark elf can be seen as she takes off his cloak while saying to another lady. young woman with calf-length bright violet hair that beauty can be seen as a cloak fell on the ground.

"Hmm, we may need to spend more money than we need to intend to." said while walking to the bathroom for a quick bath. a looking at master going for bath a quick she also follows her with taking bath towel from the cupboard that inn has for guest.

"Master, I will go prepare a bath while you take the clothes," said the dark elf while giving the bath towel to her.

"Fine, vina prepared a hot bath okay," a young woman said to a silver-haired dark elf also her second in charge.

Baths are good and soothing as her master like them and she also likes to take baths.

No matter how tired she was when she come back from work and her master training that is like torture, once she got in the bath, half of it was forgotten.

Today as well, the bath was polished to a sparkle, and she filled it with hot water and a refreshing aromatic bath essence, she was going to enjoy herself with her master.

Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and her master come with the bath towel on her body.

{ some yuri scenes coming, you can skip them if you are not into it}

She sees her body with a mesmerizing look, her milky white skin is look really smooth. with her long calf-length violet hair falling on her back like a river and his D-size chest trying to break free of the bath towel binding .she really looks like a succubus than step all over your heart.


Looked at her servant. Ahh no, her second in command to in Dez because of her, she walks close to her and pulls her cheek hard.

"Ahhh, master why you did it, atman is right, you are a bully!!", vina said while rubbing her chick while tearing in corner of her eye. and come out of it.

"You need to focus on work or will you need more displ... Training" said sexy beauty while looking at her with a sharp look that make vina or anyone nervous.

Nodding Vina also takes her cloth and put the bath towel on it as she will help her master wash his hair and black. Coming inside the bath she looks at her master that was sitting outside the bath on the stool with soap all over her body.

as she had taken that lucky bastard of the bath towel off her body. Her boob is blocked by her hair but her smooth back with the nice curves of her sexy athletic body can be seen.

"Vina, can you help me to wash my hair and back," seeing her coming see said to her. she come near her sit down. taking shampoo she started washing her hair.

"Master, your hair is done," she said after washing her and again cleaning with water.

"Hmm, you can, I will give you some reward" after she washes her back. and clean with water.

"Oh, thanks vina, hmm, I can also wash you in return," said she situp from the stool and made her sit there by force. She has formed a small sadistic smile.

"Ahh, master you don't ..," vina said as she pushed on a stool. after looking at her, she know what that smile was and stopped talking. vina sitted there quietly as her master wash her hair with shampoo and clean it with water a second time.

after that, she takes the shop and rubs it on her back, and washes it perfectly clean. "Ohh, now I think your skin reminds me of chocolate "seeing the smooth brown skean she said.


"Will it taste the same?" she takes Vina's breast in her hand and from behind sucks the upper part of her breast.

"Ahh, that part I still did not wash properly" her master only washed back, and other than that her body is only soaked in water.

But she did not listen to her as she massage her breast while biting it. her breast also pressing on his back gives both of their body massages.

"Mnmn … mn. .. ah . . ma.. s...nan!!!" vina moans eco in bathroom as her master played with her body from breast to stomach and things.

Vina's hand got to her private part as she unconsciously started playing with it and rubbed it. seeing vina's hand at his pussy, she also reached her right hand at push and with her middle finger started fingering. with another hand, she played with her hard nipple.

"Uhh, not their … ma .. mh .. .ah!"

As her master helped her to masturbate and played with his breast. she started filing like crazy as his master bite her ear softly which was right now sensitive.

All this was too much for her.

"I ..i ahh a..ah m cumminnng.. Ah hah... h!!!," And she climaxed.

After making her come she takes out her finger from her cave. with a sadistic smile she asks her, "Check if it is like the chocolate syrup?" and puts it in front of her mouth.

"Huh ..mnmn ...mh..ahh" With her mind clouded, vina follows her master command out of habit and leaks her finger. after vina cleans her finger.

"That was refreshing right, now I am going into the bath" She got up saying that.

what did you think, comment on it? did you think it will be with mc? I don't want the FBI on my page. by the way, this was my first try on 18+ scenes.

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