
soul resonance of the dead

Derek_Lapointe · Action
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15 Chs

The long road ahead

Going back through the woods was getting harder and harder as the wounds pounded with each step. By the time it reached sundown we were at the edge of the enchanted forest. Sitting down almost felt like I'd never stand back up but there was no way I could continue with the wounds the way they were. While me and Alce rested a bit, Natsuki went and gathered some firewood.

"Doesn't this bring back some memories?" I asked upon her return.

"Besides Alce not hunting us, yes. It really is pretty close to that night." She replied, dropping the wood and setting it ablaze. Alce looked to still be wide awake, staring into the depths of the night sky.

"Something on your mind Alce? You've never looked so lost before." chuckled Natsuki as she shifted the flaming logs into a more cohesive pile.

"Lost? Maybe you're right. It's been five years since I fought the last Grandmaster to the death and since then I never really changed my mission. I hunted you for several years and now I have to train you. It goes against everything I've worked towards for years! I guess I'm just trying to think about everything that's led up to this moment, and what might come after." She replied, unrelentingly studying the sky.

"Well, if you ask me it seems like you're just scared of things changing. You can't just live in the past anymore. Things are still changing… Derek and I are prime examples, after all we are the reason that I'm not your target anymore but rather a disciple." Natsuki chuckled out. Alce was still fixated on the night sky not even daring to blink.

"Alce, I know it doesn't mean much coming from me but… Life can change on a dime, all we can do is adapt and shape who we are or eventually falter. The changes help give meaning to our brief existence on this… reality. Even if things change you just got to press on. You two really got that stuck in my head." I said, finally catching Alce's attention.

"Really? Never saw you as the philosophical type." Alce replied, looking me dead in the eyes. "Trust me when I say this. You don't know the half of it. If you thought that was philosophical then you would go crazy seeing his full thoughts." Natsuki remarked.

"I'm sorry but what? You can't see my thoughts." I quickly remarked.

"Well, when we resonate while I'm in my blade form or any form for that matter, our souls act like a bit of a tether. However, it's not strong enough for me to know everything just to be able to pere into recent events. You do have some very interesting thoughts." Natsuki replied.

"Of course you wait till now to tell me." I whispered to myself.

"Strange you two are. I never would've guessed that you two would be the right match to fight together. One is brash and confident and careless like she could take on the whole world. Never thinking twice about anything. Then the other is almost a mystery, thinks and acts in a way I never thought possible. When facing almost any obstacle he just walks away unless it's for very specific people. Even learns in odd ways." Alce explained looking back to the sky.

"So, you really haven't figured much out in the few weeks? I thought that by now you would understand him at a basic level." Natsuki chuckled, causing Alce to turn back.

"You say you can look into his mind for recent and present things right? If that's the case has his thoughts ever seemed odd?" Alce asked.

"This is Derek we're talking about, not a single thought that runs through his head is normal." Natsuki replied.

"Not like that, I mean thoughts that seem to come from seething rage or another personality." Alce corrected.

"Well, when fighting you or anyone for that matter, his thoughts shift to the battle. Obviously as the battle drags on he'll either get annoyed or have the time of his life. That's kinda just how it works. Why do you ask?" She questioned.

"Well, I could've sworn that I had killed him but he somehow gained speed and strength that I know he didn't previously have. There have been some people that I've seen that had the same effects but they all were either possessed by a demon at some point or dragged to hell and came back. Their personalities all varied but they were more sadistic when compared to other people I've faced." Alce explained.

"So you're telling me that he somehow awakened his demon on the brink of death and took you out! That shouldn't even be possible. Is this true? Did you really awaken your demon while fighting her?" Natsuki exclaimed at me.

"I'm going to be honest, I thought I had died. I saw nothing but darkness and when I woke up I was still at the tree and alive. My wounds were still very much there and so was the pain, yet I hadn't died. So to be honest I don't know." I explained.

"Well, let's just hope it doesn't happen again." Alce said, laying down.

"Yeah, let's hope so. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that those who have awakened it have a very high chance of succumbing to it and being taken over permanently. You've fought the results of those who couldn't hold it back." Natsuki said, laying down.

"A demon huh, who would've guessed?" I asked myself, thinking through everything and laying back to the ground.

Through the night I couldn't sleep as the worry of turning haunted me down to my soul. Alce was one of the first out and the last to wake back up. The sun was barely up like normal, yet we were more than ready to move on. The glowing hue of the red vines, wrapped around most trees lit the way through the forest. The sun almost acted more like an accent to the trees surrounding us. The forest was never quite though. Constantly, the fauna of the forest were running, singing, or hunting. Never was there a dull moment. No two trees looked the same and no two areas were similar. While some might think it would make navigation easier, the thick flora constantly wrapped around your legs and the tree's vines were almost always shifting on a daily. Getting turned around or even just losing direction was very likely if you were to encounter one of the many animals that lived there. While not everything in the forest is trying to kill you, most things are aggressive by nature and others can just be hazardous even when docile. As the sun hit mid sky we finally arrived at the tree. Its river had started to gain a soft, light blue, clear, coloring.

"Must be turning spring." Alce said, examining the water.

"Is that why the river's there?" Natsuki asked.

"Yes and no. It's mainly here because that's just how much water is necessary for this tree to survive however, it does second as a natural defense and a calendar. The closer to summer it gets the more clear it becomes and the closer to winter, it becomes hazy." She explained, standing up. The moment I got under the tree I dropped to the ground and just started to stare out between the roots that held the tree up.

"So Alce. What will the future hold for the three of us?" I asked, shifting my gaze to the two. "You're talking about training? We still haven't even made a complete recovery." Alce said, Walking over.

"Is there a problem with trying to know what's ahead?" I asked, keeping my eyes locked.

"I suppose not, but I still don't even know how I can train her. I mean a titan! Who does that damn reaper think I am, a god, demon, some damn divine being? No I'm fucking human and she's a human supernova!" Alce exclaimed, dropping to the ground nearly in tears.

"Wow, you really have fallen you know. You used to never have a problem with going after her or any of her previous misters so what's the problem now?" I asked, climbing to my feet to face her.

"In order to train someone you first need to be able to beat them or at least be on their level. You handed me my ass already and she magnifies that by an unprecedented proportion." She replied, finally exposing her helplessness.

"The great Alce the enchantress, reduced to tears by a kid who she nearly killed. I didn't truly beat you, my demon apparently did that. I was merely along for the ride. If it wasn't for that happening you would have walked away scot free. Who knows, maybe you would have still won that battle should you have not let your guard down. Now stop sulking and start to get yourself back to the same cold hearted killer I met that night." I demanded, staring her dead in the eyes. "A cold hearted killer? Maybe that's just what might be needed. He wants me to train you two, but I have nothing more to teach. The only guide I can give now is just to let you learn yourself from experience." She said standing up.

"So, are you finally back to normal?" I asked as Natsuki walked over.

"One day, every week, I will hunt the two of you. That will be your test and lesson. The forest is plenty dangerous on its own, you'll find plenty of things to fight. Hone your skills and when I come, I expect no less than everything you have. I will not hold anything back since you have come as far as you have." Alce explained walking back to the center of the tree.

"So that's it? That's how she plans to teach us?" Natsuki asked me.

"It's as simple as trial by fire, an effective strategy, even if dangerous." I replied, turning to face her.

"If you think it's a good idea then I guess it's the best we got." Natsuki reluctantly agreed.

"So Alce, how exactly is this about to work?" I asked.

"Like I said, the forest is plenty dangerous. You two will not stay here but rather out there. A constant sense of danger and survival will hone your body and mind quite effectively. Should my idea work the way I'm hoping, you'll figure out how to harness her power more effectively and control your own better. However, should I find that your demon takes over, there will be more people than just me after you. I know that it will be a tough fight to beat you when you have your demon if not near impossible so some assistance from reapers might become necessary." Alce explained, lighting a fire to cook food.

"And when do you want us to leave?" Natsuki asked.

"Well, training in everyones condition would be idiotic. At least a week so you two don't just die from injuries that were sustained before we even started." Alce replied. Natsuki mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't hear before dropping to the floor and laying on her back.

"Are you good Nat?" I asked while walking over to her.

"Nat huh? I guess it does help to shorten my name a little bit. Either way, we have some time to just relax and recover before anything happens so let's take full advantage." She replied, trying to get comfortable on the hard ground.