
Soul Power System

Traveling to countless movies, animes, and novels: Tony Stark: "If I'm Iron Man who's that guy flying in that armored suit?" Madera Uchiha: "What! That thick eyebrow guy broke my susanoo!! Stop what you're doing!" Harry Potter: "I thought I'm supposed to fight Voldemort. How come Ron just send a spell that burnt Voldemort into a barbecued chicken?"

SovereignKlord · Action
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126 Chs

Chapter 5

The next day after heading to the library for an hour he decided to visit Hong's boxing gym. And once he got in he saw that the inside had many boxers. There was this smell of sweats as well as sounds of punching and in one corner there were also the clinking sounds of the bench press and weights.

And as Duke walked more and more inside he saw that in the corners and walls were trophies and pictures of famous boxers of this world. As he was admiring the trophies there was suddenly walking noise near him.

Looking at where the noise came from he saw the familiar man from yesterday grinning at him, "Boy I know you would be here." The time he wasn't wearing any tank top but in boxing clothes and wearing a red glove.

Hair a little wet from the exercise, "You have potential boy, I won't charge you. Get dressed-it's time for training." With that Hong threw some new clothing and boxing gloves at Duke to catch in mid-air. Then he motioned with his fingers for a mid-age teen to show Duke the place.

Soon he got into the clothings and gloves and followed the other guys in the Gym in practicing boxing techniques like jabs, uppercuts, etc. While doing these motions, 'I will never allow anyone to bully me like that ever again. I'm going to be the best!'

For the next 6 months Duke would wake up at 5 o'clock to do his calisthenics before running to the boxing gym to do some training for a couple hours before heading to school. And when school ends he would head to the library for an hour before going to the gym to spend the last of his time training. Then after dinner Duke would be writing.

These few months were very productive and finally published the bestseller "The DaVinci Code". Now with the huge pile of income coming in Duke used the money to buy equipment like a keyboard and software for his music. And also hired a few music producers to teach him the missing pieces.

Besides becoming proficient at music productuction, he began to record his first song. Additionally his fighting prowess grew like rocketspeed under the mentorship of boxers in the gym.

Despite being super young for his age, the other boxers cannot help but exclaim at Duke's learning speed. At the beginning the younger guys a few years ahead of him hold some strength back. But soon within the end of the year they can't help but begin to take notice of this young boxer.

One day as Duke was walking to the library when school ended he heard some footsteps following him. Noticing this he started to empty some emptier parts of the city streets. Soon he was able to lead to some empty street corner without anyone.

With his back facing the familiar bullies from a year ago, "Looks like we meet again old friend." Saying that Duke turned his back to the three seniors, with the oldest one holding a bat in his hand.

The older alpha motions his two friend to start the fight, "You thinkin' I'm goin' to let you off for last time?" Laughing as though he's imitating some evil character from some show.

As the bigger kid in some hoodie is about to hit him in the face Duke begins to move. He was able to avoid the fist coming from the left by side stepping the guy's centerline and delivered a hook deep into the guy's right side.

Then he moved to the other guy behind him who's shocked at Duke's new strength, "What the fuck!?" As an in-fighter Duke tried to move close and first delivered a flicker jap to knock his momentum a bit.

With a smiling grin at his weak opponent, he moved like Tyson with the peek-a-boo guard inside and hit a low up upper-cut. Then he landed a superseding left hook that made the bully hit the ground with a groan.

Without leaving his last opponent even a pause to realize his demise, Duke took a wide stride toward the bully with a bat. Soon he came close with a punch to the stomach that hit so heavy on him it made him puke on the ground.

Leaving the scene without even a glance, the ground riddles his enemies who are groaning in pain without even knowing what just happened. Bullies who bully others should expect their demise when the time comes.

For every minute that he practices, every moment he boxes, every thought is occupied by the commitment to one day repay his enemies with a 1000 times the pain. Although he's delivering some painful blows to his enemies, with this new life Duke has decided to be even harder on himself.

For the last 6 years Duke has incessantly practiced his boxing everyday. Duke was the first one in the gym and the last one to leave. And trained 7 days a week without a day of rest for the last six years.

Now he stands in the boxing ring at age 13 for the championship to the amateur boxing competition. There are shouts of cheering from the friends from his gym.

There's a boy with blond black mixed hair wearing boxing gear entering the ring. With shouts of cheering from the parents and adults that are root for him.

With the beginning announced from the referee, Duke quickly moved towards the young boxer. The young boxer tried to move away but Duke took some wide strides that were so fast that he didn't get the chance to escape the eagle's grasp.

Now stepping within the hitting perimeter Duke stomped a heavy punch into the young boxer's stomach which left him collapsing on the ground. Then the referee went to start counting and announced Duke as the winner.

"Man this is not even a fair fight, a few years ago Duke has already started to take on the older dudes," one of the guys with a crew cut from the audience whispered to the other guy sitting next to him.

"Yeah-he's a fucking monster! He's so strong none of the younger dudes don't even dare to fight him anymore," replied the other guy back with a laugh.

Then Hong who is now looking at Duke raising his hands in triumph beginning to speak, "I told you that boy got potential to make him a champ." With a tone of all seriousness.

"But the most amazing thing about this boy is that he's not only a talented boxer but also a talented musician," the crew cut man said back. While throwing fist pumps into the air amidst the crowd calling Duke's name.

"Woooo Duke!" "Bam you saw that punch!!"

For the last few years Duke has been growing in popularity as a musician for a dozen or so korean songs that are now selling well as albums and singles. Still he hasn't reached the floodgate songs yet, waiting for a bit more time to shock the world.

When he got home Duke saw the delicious food on the table with the smell of tasty aroma in the air. Her grandma putting the last dish on the table smiling as Duke enters the room, "Ho ho my dear boy has come back-how was the fight?" Noticing the golden trophy in his hand.

Taking in all the delicious aroma, "Delicious grand, the fight was a 'pease. Man I can't wait to dine in!"

"Ho ho don't go hungry my dear boy."

The next day as he headed to the middle school there was soon a crowd of people around him.

"Duke I love your new album!"

"Please give me an autograph!!"

People were pushing amidst the noises. Duke respectfully smiled at the people in the crowd while gently pushing his ways to his class, "Thank you for your support. I'll sign your autographs during lunch, for now excuse me." Smiling at the girls who are shoving their pen for an autograph.

"Did you guys hear that Duke won a boxing fight yesterday?" Whispered one of the students near the corner of the class as Duke entered to sit at his desk near the window.

"No way,"replied back the girl who's sitting behind him with a pink sweater. Duke is now very used to the way information travels very fast.

Sitting in the class listening to the teacher talk is too boring since most of the stuff he already knows. Moreover he has read the materials in the textbooks and memorized them all within the first week of school.

But despite it being very redundant he actually really likes this peaceful and routine lifestyle that allows him to think about a lot of questions he has about the events that caused his death.

After reading in the library he heads to the boxing gym for some training. Every day before training his boxing techniques and sparring with partners he would also do some strength training with heavy weights.

At first at such a young age he couldn't do much weights for his bench and deadlifts. Soon he's able to increase it from lightweight originally to now 250lbs for the bench press and deadlift 315lbs.

The original Duke was quite weak and got bullied a lot by people. So the changes to his composition was the result of his high Soul Power and hard work that he brought to this body.