


Frenzied Bull Body manual: 50 Soul points

Intermediate meditation technique: 100 Soul points


"Hmm.. both seem pretty useful, System how do I earn Soul points?"

"By killing anything with a soul or by absorption of object with soul power"

"Then what is soul power?"

"Soul power is the fundamental energy of the universe, it originates from the spatial cracks which opened after the Ancient war"

"Ancient war?"


"Guess i don't have the authority to know."

"Whys my soul power 100?"

"The predecessor of this body had 90 soul power(+10 every level till 9th level soul tempering stage) and hosts own mortal soul had 10 soul power"


Michael thought that he should have double soul power, guess that's all for a mortal soul huh..

"Host does not need to worry even increasing a single Soul power is difficult and having 100 at peak soul tempering stage is 11,11% more than your peers"

"Now that you mention it, it does make sense."


As he was thinking about how to get Soul points he heard a cute roar and the footsteps of someone climbing the stairs.

"Guess that's my sister"

Michael hurriedly gathered his thoughts and stood up to open the door.

As he opened the door he was stunned to see his beautiful sister in front of him with her hands on her hips and a pout on her lips looking cute. -.-'

Although he had expected it since he had his predecessors memories. His sister was really cute with a small face and defined features, wearing pink pyjamas looking adorable.

"Roan! you had us worried, Dad and Mom are downstairs and hardly slept because you said you were going to cleanse your soul tonight"

His sister glared at him unhappily, but there were expectations in her eyes.

Lily Gungnir was only 12 years old so it was expected that she was excited about her brothers progress.

His sister was also a genius as she had already cleansed her soul once.

Michael stared at his sister in front of him with a complicated gaze as he was not Roan Gungnir and could not tell her that Roan Gungnir died because of soul deviation he took over his body.

Sorting out his thoughts, he decided that from today on he will be Roan Gungnir, as a transmigrator its the least he could do for his predecessors family.

Putting on his best smile Roan Gungnir looked into his sisters eyes and nodded hi head.

His sister immediately became excited and ran downstairs shouting

"Dad , Mom brother succeeded!"

Downstairs a handsome middle aged man with black hair and black eyes and a beautiful women in her 30s with long black hair and red eyes like flames were seated in a spacious hall. The middle aged man had a fit body, powerful lean muscles with explosive strength and a dark blue wolf shaped tattoo on his right arm and lady had a red flame tattoo on her neck which added to her beauty.

When they heard the voice from upstairs their anxious expression eased and was replaced with joy.

"Haha as expected from the son of Adolf Gungnir"

The man laughed out loud and the woman had a pleasant smile on her face.

Roan could hear the laughter coming from downstairs as he was coming down the stairs.

"Dad, mom"

"Come give your dad a hug"

Roan gave his dad a hug and smiled towards his mother, who responded with a smile and a hug.

Feeling the warmth from them he thought that it was not bad to have parents as he was a orphan back on earth. Looking at his family he resolved that he would play his role as Roan Gungnir from this moment.

Looking at them hugging each other Lily could not help but pout and ran to separate them and asked Roan

"Roan, shouldn't you be getting ready for school today is your day of awakening"

Now that he thought about it he turned 14 today and has get the awakening done in school, even though the Gungnir family was rich, in the scope of the entire federation they were just a ordinary family and did not own a awakening crystal. An awakening crystal helped in the awakening of the soul and could even evaluate the grade of the soul entity. the grades of soul entities were as follows, White->Bronze->Silver->Gold->Epic->Legend->Myth.

Most of the students in the town would awaken White grade soul entity and very rarely would anyone awaken Bronze grade entity and Silver grade was almost never heard of.

Each soul entity has a percentage chance to upgrade their Grade every time one progresses to the next realm. The soul cultivation realms are divided into 7 stages namely, Soul Apprentice->Soul Adept->Soul Warrior->Soul Master->Soul Grandmaster->Soul King->Soul Emperor.

Although the accurate percentages is not known even to the Federation It is seen to decrease as the grade becomes higher.

"System, do you know the Percentages?"

But, Roan did not have much expectations.

"No Host, as I need data regarding the Awakening process"

As Roan expected it was not so easy to use the system.

"Guess I have to Awaken first"

"Brother, Quickly get ready"

"Yeah, yeah"

After getting ready for school he waved goodbye to his parents and sister.

On his way to school he was greeted by many students and teachers with a smile and he responded back with his own.

"It sure feels good to be a genius.."

Roan could not help but mumble as he watched the many girls blush as he smiled, well it couldn't be helped as he was tall and had a handsome face to boot.

Upon Reaching his Middle school, he almost crashed into the huge figure in front of him



Alan was Roans best friend and neighbor, He was a burly guy and just turned 14 the same age as him but looked like an adult. They were close because they had similar goals and the same birthdate which was considered a auspicious sign in this world.

"Haha I am so excited cause today is our Awakening day and guess what i finished my 2nd cleansing! Hahahaha"

Roan was surprised his friend was also considered a genius for finishing his 1st cleansing at the age of 13 but he did not expect he would reach the 2nd cleansing before his awakening. You should know that throughout the school the number of 2nd cleansing could be counted in 1 hand. If he did not cleanse his for 4 times he would most likely awaken the same level of entity from his awakening because 1-3 times cleansing could be considered as low level cleansing and 4-6 was mid level and 7-9 was high level cleansing. As a mid level cleansing soul he had the chance to awaken a Silver grade soul entity. Even though this chance was very low he could also awaken a very strong bronze grade entity.

But he did not say that he cleansed his soul 4 times cause he did not want to showoff and he wanted to surprise everyone at the awakening.