
Chap 6- Preparing for 'Hell'

Chap 6- Preparing for 'Hell':


(A/N: Okay, I have a full idea about what I want to do in this volume now.)


{Orphanage; Bedrooms; 08:01 a.m PoV Rey}

Fuck Mondays...

Like I was shot or something I yelp.

"Eek?!"- I can feel Mordred reprimanding me about those words, even if she herself uses them...

I look at the ceiling, there are a lot of patterns here and there on the wood.

'It has been a month since my birthday, I am now officially 3, but I look like 9, I dunno why, Mordred is worse, she's 5 but looks way older, if it wasn't for her way of acting, she could pass by a teenager.'

"Hey, you awake?"- Talking about the Devil.

I turn my head towards her...-'Why is there a wall of flesh on my face?'- I give the most Stoic look I can, and look up.

Looking down at me was Mordred still pretty tired from the look in her eyes.

"Cold night?"- Is all I can ask, like what the actual ... hell? I am supposed to even ask here.

"Yeah, tried warming up, but decided joining your bed, could use two covers, and you're pretty warm yourself..."- I see.... I just nod, and hug her chest, I wanna sleep.

"*sigh* It's 10 am Rey, tomorrow is the day we start school."

"AAAAHUGHHH!"- With my face still buried in her chest I scream, Why do I have to go to a place that everyone mostly don't even know how to read!

"I know... I know, we're pretty advanced, but if we go, I promise getting you to the new cafe that just finished building on town."- I look up at her face.

My chin still resting in her chest... by the way, she still hasn't developed anything, is just as plain as flat world in that blocky game I sawn on the TV.

Ohh and, Sister got us a TV, I am watching Dragon ball and Dragon ball Z, everyday now! My martial arts have been rocketing now that I can actually see the moves!

Going back to the moment, looking at her face I just deadpan her.-"Bribe."

" Where did you even learn that word..."

"TV, The other day was learning science, pretty cool, now I know that fire needs some type of combustible to ignite and go on."

She just looks a little confused at me.-" I... I better start watching TV more…"

I nod, and then I notice, I am above ground?

"But we need to get you clean! Let's go brush our teeth first!"- I climb her shoulders as she speaks, what? there are only pluses, don't need to walk, have the high ground, and I am the tallest here this way.

"*sigh* Nehh, For how long are you going to keep being on my shoulders? It's not a problem, but more like a training of sorts…"

A light brightens above my head.-" Then it's, Mor-Mor said she needs stronger back and shoulder muscles? I can help."- I nod sagely.

"*mumbles* You just have no salvation..."- I choose not to hear complaints, she's training after all, it happens.

After getting up her shoulders, she goes to the bathroom, we get ourselves cleaned and do our daily necessities.

I need to be careful, or I can end up spitting something on Mor's head.

After doing so, we go out of the orphanage, Mordred moves pretty fast, so I lay on her head and be a lazy bun as she runs.

"Hey Mor-Mor, my bribe..."- I say while looking down at her.

She laughs a little.

"We'll get what you want hehe, just needs to get something I got as a gift from one of the stores for helping them out, they said it was a jacket that they got from the big cities far away, and would look good on me."- She speeds past the town, people giving us looks because of me riding on her back.

I look at them, and stick my tongue out, and laughs a little.

Mordred ignores me and continues going for our destination.

"Oh naisu, give me to try too? I have been using this white shirt for a time now, Sister Kath got me a white sport-bra that I asked, I wanted a black one... but she just she had a white one to spare..."- I support me upper body on top of her head and look forward as I say this.

"Hmm, sure, I too wanna see how it fits on you."- She says this taking a right tight turn that throws me out of her back.

"EEHHHH!?"- I fall head first to the floor, but spinning and kicking the stony ground and trying to get on my feet...

"Hey loo-Oooooh oooohhhh!!*THUD*"- I stay for a second on my balance, but it's just for a second, then I fall on my back.

Looking at the sky with a stare.-" Could at least slowed down, don't ya think?"

She appears in my camp of vision with a smug look on her face.

"Ohh*gasps* Rey what happened to you... But seriously, are you trying to give a neck problem? *Crunches* Because when you put your height on my head, I felt like I was lifting a big stone..."- She flicks my nose, and picks me by my shirt.

Getting up and putting me on her shoulders... like a sack of potatoes...

"I will not even say anything..... I want Double Bribe later... or I am not setting a foot on that place..."- I just look at the stores we go by as she laughs and continues forward.

As she goes I take a nap, It's pretty nice in this position....


{Town of Guildford; 09:21 a.m PoV Mordred}


As I walk closer to the store, I hear snoring on my shoulder and my face shown my disbelief of the situation from the one I am carrying...

'She's seriously sleeping?... I think the choice of making us go together to school will pay off..... If she got to go alone, she would find a spot, and sleep all day, and then go back home tsk.'

I sigh as I walk inside a store.

A little bell rings, as I open the knob of the wooden fancy door.

An old lady looks at me, and when she recognizes me she smiles very sweetly.

I helped her put some boxes on her storage the other day, there was like 30 kg on those things, -'it's training so might as well do it!'- Was what I was thinking at the time.

"Ooh, Little Mordred-kun~ Come to get what I promised I presume?"- She said to me, she's from a country called Japan, I was thinking of going there with Rey in the future.

They have some cool swords, and is where the cartoon and comic that Rey loves so much is from.

So if I proposed for us to go there, It's more likely she being the one carrying me there...

"Ya Madam Ichigo, I came here with my little partner here! *slaps Rey butt*"

"AIAAAIEE!"- She jumps out of my back to her feet, and throws a raging look at me.

"Could have wake up me normally, 3 Bribes...."- My eye twitch.... It's accumulating...

"Wow, so this one is Rey-chan? Mordred-kun told me a lot about you..."- She pats Rey's head, but the one taking those pats... Don't even know how to feel… -'She's so awkward with others *sigh*'

"Thank you, Miss! Ahahaha..."- She laughed awkwardly.

"Madam Ichigo, I just came here to pick my jacket and the other thingy I asked *winks*"

"Ohohoho, right away Mordred-kun."- She searches on some boxes and give to us two packages.

I take out mine and rip it's paper away with a huge smile, I see her, my new red jacket.

"SO COOOOOOLLL!"- Stars shine with force on my eyes from how cool it looks.

"So what's up with this second one?"- Rey picks the other, and looks at me as if asking for confirmation, I nod.

She rips it open in an instant too.

There it was, a pinkish-violet hoodie I asked for to Madam Ichigo, I thought it would look good on Rey, not mentioning she did have her birthday last month.

She realizes that it's just her size, and looks at me and then the hoodie various times at neck break speed.

Then finally she throws up to herself, and in an instant she's wearing the piece of clothing.

'It really fits her *smiles*'


"WOWOWOW Mor-Mor! Thanks!!"- She jumps me, almost making both of fall over.

"Wait wait... you're going to make us fall!"- She just laughs at my warning, I too can't help myself but smile.

Tears swell up in her eyes, she lets's go of me, and look at Madam.

"Thank you very much, Miss Ichigo!"- She bows down... Ooohh I remember they were doing that on the cartoons, she do be really trying to imitate 100%.

"Ohohoh, It looks good on you Rey-chan, you too Mordred-kun, very stylish."- While Rey was looking at the hoodie I put on mine too.

I scratch my nose with my head high.-" True, aren't I?"

"High ego, empty head."- But I get out of my thoughts by the little shit at my side.

I look at her, but she just deadpans me...

I.... was going a little too much, wasn't I?

"Ohohoho, Now, now, you should be going, didn't you have other things to do, younglings?"- I look back at Madam and nod, picking up Rey by her new hoodie, I walk out of the store waving bye to Madam.


{Madam Ichigo; PoV; 09:42}


I look as both of them go away, tapping my door as they go while thinking.

Mordred-kun carrying the smaller one, that is now almost sleeping...

"Rey-chan.... I can see you are just like Mordred-kun, both have great life forces... It can only mean you both are blessed by him probably... May the Lady of Luck help both of you..."

Just a chill Chap before 'hell'.


ReyKalecreators' thoughts