
Soul of darkness

The underage child experienced a traumatic event when he witnessed his father killing his mother and was forcibly made by his father to shoot his sister. On the same day, he also killed his father, who was responsible for the death of his mother and sister. As a result of this incident, he spent a long time in prison, but due to a series of events that occurred in prison, he managed to escape. Upon escaping, he immediately went to the cliff he always visited and, in search of freedom, committed suicide. However, due to his strong and noble soul, he was reincarnated and tasked with continuing the legacy of the dark god. A dark yet sweet future awaited him.

emirhan · Fantasy
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37 Chs

The Great War

"One of the reasons for the creation of humans, among many other reasons, was to continue the lineage of the gods. The gods wanted to give you their inheritance because they desired to continue their lineage. The gods, like humans, ate, drank, married, and had children, but they did not waste their time with trivial matters like you. The gods fought alongside their spouses in the 'War of Destiny,' the great and universe-wearing war, and died courageously."

Teyat, although not fully aware of what he was experiencing, could understand what was being said.

"Before the gods died, they put a part of their souls and powers into what we call the 'Inheritance Core' and then went to war. The gods' children married humans and had children to protect their inheritance and lineage, and they ascended to higher dimensions, far beyond the dimensions where Earth exists."

Teyat listened to the terrifying man's words with excitement because such stories were incredibly thrilling for him.

Suddenly, the man's cold voice echoed again.

"You believe in gods you have created yourselves, hiding behind them. When something positive happens, you falsely thank your nonexistent gods, but when something negative happens, you call it a test, never blaming your god—how pitiful."

Teyat spoke to himself.

'I already know this; there was no need to say it.'

"The reason the gods' children left this dimension was to reclaim what the gods aimed for and the important things they lost during the great war. However, because the enemy was too powerful, the gods' children who ascended to higher dimensions were killed by the enemy. Similarly, the children of the gods' children grew stronger and conquered the fifth dimension, continuing their lineage."

Teyat hesitantly asked the terrifying man.

"Then why are you telling me this?"

The terrifying eyes suddenly became even more frightening, and he looked at Teyat with disdainful eyes.

Teyat was suddenly scared.

"Because you are of the lineage of the Dark God. You will inhabit a human body, continue the lineage, and fulfill the lost and intended goals."

Teyat asked in surprise.

"Why does my soul go to another world and enter another body?"

"Because your soul is of the Dark God's lineage."

"I've already heard that, but aren't there any other souls of the same lineage?"

"There are, but your soul was chosen because it was subjected to various experiences and proven strong."

"What if I don't want this?"

"You will be erased from existence for eternity."

"How is th—"

Suddenly, Teyat's body was split in half, and he died, but then he was suddenly reformed by black smoke.

Teyat looked at the terrifying man with embarrassment.

"S-sorry, I won't ask any more questions."

The terrifying man continued speaking.

"The fifth dimension, which the gods lost in the great war, was reconquered by the Dark God's child and some of the gods' children. The reason for conquering the fifth dimension was to prevent the enemies from reaching the dimensions where their communities lived—the first, second, and third dimensions. They absorbed the main source of power from the conquered universes and used that power to conquer higher dimensions. However, the destruction of his universe by the enemies did not concern the Dark God's child. The Dark God always cared for himself, but he also cared for those he loved. Sometimes he was the worst of the worst, and sometimes he could be the best of the best. Depending on the situation, he would change his personality and use his intelligence instead of brute force against his enemies. This is why he always won, but due to a great betrayal, he was killed."

Teyat was shocked by what he heard.

'So, it turns out I inherited my traits, personalities, and selfishness from the Dark God's child. I'm proud of myself... Wait, betrayal?'

Teyat hesitantly asked.

"Why was he betrayed?"

"Because of love and trust."

'No, I'm not proud anymore.'

"The Dark God's child was betrayed by his comrades, whom he fought alongside, and by the girl he loved. The reason for their betrayal was that he was stronger than them. However, after he was betrayed and killed, things did not go as they wished. They lost the fifth dimension they had conquered to the enemies, and they also lost the fourth dimension. In the end, the Dark God's child's only friend, the Light God's child, upon hearing this news while fighting in the second dimension due to the result of the 'War of Destiny,' sacrificed himself by detonating his core in the fourth dimension, causing great harm to the enemy, but he also vanished from existence. Because of this, a peace treaty was made, and the war was ended."

'What a great sacrifice...'

"The reason I'm telling you all of this is so that you know the truth. Now let's get to the real issue."


Suddenly, the man sitting on the throne appeared in front of Teyat.

Teyat suddenly fell to the ground.

'This bastard is doing this on purpose, I bet.'

"Teyat, the soul of darkness, I will now tell you the powers and attributes of your inheritance, show them to you, and transfer them to your soul. This way, you will be able to use these attributes at the lowest level in the world you will go to."

As Teyat suddenly opened his mouth, his words were cut off.

"You can find the answers to the questions in your mind in the 'Book of Darkness,' which belongs to the inheritance itself and contains information about the inheritance's attributes and more."

Teyat had a look of astonishment on his face.

'I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.'