
Soul Nite

My name is Jeremiah ‘Joske’ Wilson and I’m the main character, (Also this is book is a crazy story of my life btw). Anyway the last time you’ve seen me, I had just escaped a space rock (sorry 4 the spoiler). Here’s a fun fact: both me and my brother, Tom are adopted cuz for some reason my parents just couldn’t have kids of their own. Originally, the wanted to pick one, my mom chose me and my dad chose my brother. They couldn’t decide who to pick so they adopted both of us. And so that’s how life began… This is a little obvious, but my dad was stricter on me than Tom, and since I was 2 years older than him, I got the 1st born treatment (if you know what I mean). Anyway, Japan was always my favorite place to be. In fact, that’s where I had grade school (primary school). And when I got to Jr. high, my dad became the headmaster of a school in a small town in Africa, the same town I grew up in. the town was more advanced than other towns around it and slightly bigger though I still loved Japan more. Two years ago my mom disappeared just a little while after I escaped the stone before then I would always strive to get 1st place in class just to get dads attention and for him to acknowledge me, but every time he would just ask me what I wanted and I would say the same thing every time, a trip to Japan. But after mom disappeared I remember what she always said to me “be a good boy Jerry and please try your best in everything you do, do it for me”. So I decided to honor her wish and always came 1st for her except sometimes when I want to make Jake happy I’ll just let him take 1st for a few terms then go back to 1st. Anyway enough about me. Jake is my best friend/rival and we’ve been friends for a long time I met him in Japan while in grade school and we’ve been friends ever since. His dad is the principal of our school while my dad is the head-master of school affairs so they know each other already. And one more thing I’m a huge anime fan. Trust me I’ve got a shelf in my room full of manga and so far my favorite is Attack on titan, while Jakes favorite is Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Anyway… after I escaped the stone a lot of stuff happened and let’s just say you don’t wana miss this.

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Chapter 6

In life, the 1 thing given to us all is an unfair reality…

Megumi fushiguro (jujutsu kaisen) …

Several years earlier…

Haru: Looks like we got just what we need.

Jerry: Hay, that's my cash!

Hiroto: So what? Don't you know it's good to share?

Jerry: Hay stop pushing me!

Haru: Why should I? this is fun!

Jerry: Stop that! Take this!

Haru: was that supposed to be a punch? Cuz that isn't how you do it, this is how. WACK!

Jerry: please stop hitting me!

The truth is; not all men are created equal, that was just a lie made up by a slave owner to make himself feel smart (Thomas Jefferson). Every day up until middle school was like this, the boys would meet me after school and rob me of all I got. It all started when I tried to stand up for Jake but all it caused was turning both of us into targets. It wasn't until middle school, after I was finally free, that I knew my life didn't have to be that way. So I became a fighter, a badass, and that was before I got these powers. But one thing I promised myself was that no matter what, I would never go back to being weak, and defenceless ever again. I guess, that's probably one of the reasons I went so brutal on those guys in the warehouse. You know, if I had one wish, it wouldn't be for fame or wealth, but simply, to end all sadness across the world and my goal is to make that possible, with or without these powers, because that's the type of guy I am. Ounce I put my mind on something I won't stop until its completed. Anyway, I'm off to sleep now good ni-ight.

That same evening…

Takeshi (while remembering what happened yesterday…): SHIT! *How could that kid be that strong? 1st he wastes my time for 30 minutes then he punches me out a window?!* WHAT THE HELL!!!

Jim (the kidnaper): whoa boss calm down you've already burnt down half the room if you go on you'll take this entire building down.


Jim: yo boss the employer is calling.

Takeshi: what the hell… Hello.

Slice: So have you finished the job?

Takeshi: No sir, we ran into some complications while trying to capture the child.

Slice: Well then I believe I have no use for you if you can't finish 1 simple task.

Takeshi: Wait, please, give me one more chance, trust me, you won't regret it trust me, what happened was just a small complication caused by misjudgement. It won't happen again.

Slice: Fine, but only because you've been proven to be useful in the past. I'm giving you one last chance, you'll be working together with one of our special members. You'll see him tomorrow and remember, if you screw this up I will make sure your personally taken care of…

Takeshi: Alright sir.

After hanging up the phone… Takeshi: Screw it!!! I hate working with equals. This is SHIT!!!

The next day…

?: we're so sorry, please spare us!

Zurui: that's some bold shit coming from a bunch of thugs who thought they could just mug anyone as they pleased. Well let me tell you something, you picked the wrong guy to screw with you shit heads.

5 minutes of torture later….

Zurui: Seriously, you're dead already? Guess you were weaker than I thought. Hay what are the rest of you doing here? Wana join him? Get out of here before I change my mind! Jackasses…

Anyway who are you? (while looking behind him)

Takeshi: The boss told me that were gona be working together so…

Zurui: yeah, I heard about that, nothing but shit I tell you honestly I don't want to do this anymore than you do so let's just get this bullshit done and done quick so I never see your face again.

Takeshi: then I guess we see eye to eye then.

1 years earlier…

Yang: Young Jerry, you don't seem to be concentrating, what troubles you?

Jerry: sorry sensei, I've just been thinking, why aren't you teaching us how to use our powers properly? I mean you only taught us how to channel the energy through our bodies but nothing else, why is that?

Yang: because that is something you need to find out for yourself, in this life, you will fight many battles, which each battle you grow stronger just like the Chief in the legend. Now tell me what really troubles you?

Jerry: it's just that I've never been strong, my whole life I've been on the losing side and people always took advantage of that. I'm weak, pathetic and useless and nobody but Jake seems to care.

Yang: Jerry, what is your goal in life, what do you want to do?

Jerry: honestly, I hate seeing sad faces, I hate how grey the world looks and I hate how peoples places in society is determined by strength or money. But even though I had a rich family, I was still a play thing. There are always people suffering and people rejoicing somewhere else and I hate that. That's why I want to change this world in any way I can.

Yang: Perfect now whenever you feel discouraged, remember that always and use it as your clutch, your reason to keep fighting. And that goal is a good thing to, the people after the power you possess want to use it to hold this world by the throat and rule it however they please. You must never let that happen, promise me Jerry.

Jerry: I promise sensei.

Back in the present…

Jerry: *it's been a year since I made that promise and 3 days since I saved Tom, but I still can't get over that bastard's fire ability something was off about it. I need to investigate later. *

Ring! Ring!

Jerry: Hello?

Lisa: Hay Jerry are you busy right now?

Jerry: What? No I'm not doing anything right now.

Lisa: good, then can you come over? There's something I want to talk to you about.

Jerry: oh, ok. I'll be there soon. See you later.

Then after Jerry hung up the phone… Jerry: hold up, did Lisa just ask me out? Is it because of yesterday? No, no I'm probably overthinking it… or am I?

30 minutes later…

Lisa: you finally made it, and you look really nice btw.

Jerry: oh, there where the only things left in my closet. *Shit! I just had to wear my most expensive jacket for this. What the hell was I thinking? *

Lisa: anyway let's go have dinner I know a really good place.

Jerry: alright, but will your driver be driving us? Or are we walking there ourselves?

Lisa: honestly, being driven everywhere is so boring, I prefer to walk.

Jerry: ok then let's go.

10 minutes later (as they arrived) …

Jerry: wait hold on, you love Ichiraku to?

Lisa: yeah, it's only the most popular restaurant in Japan or even the whole world.

Jerry: I always came to Ichiraku restaurants whenever I was in Japan it was always my favourite.

Lisa: you got great taste, anyway let's get in!

After the meal… Jerry: Ahhh… you know soba and ramen have always been my favourite.

Lisa: Mine are rice balls. Hay Jerry can I tell you a secret?

Jerry: sure, of course.

Lisa: here's the thing, my family is a little messed up. Like my family has been really, really, strict on me since I was little. Ever since I was young I was always being called left and right and never had much free time to myself just because I was the hair to the prestigious ga-den clan.

Jerry: wow, sounds F-ed up.

Lisa: and that wasn't the worst part, my dad died a while ago, which made it even harder for me to keep going, but I just had to pull through, act with a dignified face and show up for meetings, interviews, conferences and bla, bla, bla. But honestly, there's only so much I can take, which is why I always try to get some free time to myself like right now.

Jerry: I know how you feel, you know as the 1st born I was always given a lot of responsibility and barely had time for myself. That's how I was growing up. Btw if you ever feel really stressed out, try kicking something as many times as you want.

Lisa: Really?

Jerry: yeah it really works.

Lisa: alright I'll give it a try.

So then Lisa and Jerry spoke for about a few hours till they finally left the restaurant and where on their way home...

Lisa: You know Jerry, you're a really fun guy and I like fun guys.

Jerry: oh, thanks I really like you to.

Lisa: you know, Jerry there's something else I need to tell you…

Suddenly jerry had a guy pointed to the back of his head.

?: not so fast kid make one move and it's over.

Lisa: Jerry!

Then someone came from behind and grabbed Lisa by the neck.

Lisa: Let me go!

Jerry: Hay, you want me right? Then let her go.

?: you didn't think we were stupid did you? We'll be holding on to your girlfriend just in case you try anything funny I'm not as stupid as that boasting fool Takeshi. Now if you make one wrong move, the girl is finished.

Jerry: SHIT! What do I do Now?

Next chapter drops next week!

Twitter: mbrizaA

Honestly i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, i was sick this past week but i hope you guys enjoyed it.

Brizgotrizzcreators' thoughts