
Soul Land: Way To The Heaven

In this universe, there are thousands of planets and possibly parallel worlds. Yang Kai, who came from another world that wasn't Earth or anywhere else, reincarnated and entered the world of Soul Land. His journey to become the strongest is full of obstacles, losing his loved ones and meeting his first love. Keep following the story and keep supporting. Disclaimer: This is a Fanfiction story from the novel Soul Land. This fanfic will be updated every day except Saturday and Sunday.

yullain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 15: Sorrow

I was reincarnated into this world through my parents, it's not like I was reincarnated on purpose. I was even surprised when I was still alive in the body of a baby.

I should have died in the mouth of the Ouroboros Dragon. But I'm still alive and somehow I crossed the world.

Luckily I was born by parents who are kind, caring and loving. I really like them, I really love them for giving me this affection

My father was a merchant who had no fighting power at all. My mother, who loves me very much, is the one who protects this family.

Being born into a harmonious family, this is the biggest fortune in my life. I've never gotten anything better than this.

Every day is full of love and happiness, I hope it will last forever. I want to continue to live in this family.

I'm willing to leave whatever I have to stay in this family.

That's how valuable family is in my eyes, what else can I do? This was something I never had in my previous life.

A very comfortable new feeling. There is no better feeling than parental love. Because of that, I don't want to leave my family no matter what.

Until the tragedy happened, when I was only two months old. We decided to move our house to the Heaven Dou Empire's Capital.

There we will get a better life. But just as we were almost at our destination, suddenly a wave of Spirit Beasts attacked our Caravan.

There was no way to escape, because father had no fighting power and I was only a baby. We can only wait in our train cars.

While my mother fought against the Spirit Beast. As the situation was getting worse dad decided to call mom and run away.

These are the worst memories I have, memories I really want to forget.

Because of my father's scream I peeked out but the sight I saw was one I shouldn't see.

My mother was lying in a lot of blood while my father had a big hole in his chest.

I shouldn't have seen that, it's the biggest regret I've ever had.

I started to recall the bad memories and the tears came out more and more.

"Sob... Sob... Sob... Uwaahhhhhhhh."

There's nothing I can do, I'm so useless!!! If I had power I could definitely protect them.

I could definitely help them, if only I had the strength...

My tears got bigger when I remembered all the memories with my parents.

Although the time spent with them was quite short, only two months. But it's also the happiest memory of my life.

Every morning when I wake up, there will be a welcoming smile from my mother. And also my dad who smiles goofy at breakfast.

Playing very fun with my mother, seeing my father work very seriously, his wise and dignified demeanor looks very cool.

Dinner filled with laughter, and sleeping in mother's arms made me feel very happy. This is a very comfortable family.

But all of that was lost due to the invading Spirit Beast bastards. Because the bastards frightened the Spirit Beasts and attacked us.

I will never forgive those bastards!!! I have to kill them.

From the start, why should I accept fate like this? Why must I always suffer? Why? Why should I!!!!!!

"Arghhhh..... Uwaahhhhhhh..."

I cried even louder, I couldn't control myself. My feelings are out of control, I can't calm down.

What should I do? To relieve this anger, what should I do? To get rid of this sadness? To relieve this pain?

Correct! Why don't I just destroy this world? This world that has no justice must be destroyed!!! Everyone should feel this sense of suffering.

But... I can't go against my mother's words... My mother said that I have to be a good person, who can help people.

I'm not a good person because I've killed countless people… But I also don't want to commit crimes.

Also, I'm very weak, very, very weak. Destroying the world is just nonsense to vent sorrow and anger.

And most importantly, I don't want to disappoint my parents. They want me to be a good person so I will try.

While I was still crying, things had calmed down. There was no sound from outside, not even the distant sound of explosions had stopped.

Maybe because I cried too much, my vision became blurry and I slowly fainted.

But at that time, I felt like a soft sound of walking closer, I slowly raised my body.


The next thing I knew was that I was in an unfamiliar place.

Roofs that I don't recognize….

Who am I? Where am I? How did I get here? What is going on.

Remembering a bad dream, tears slowly started to fall from my eyes. Ah, damn it, I don't want to cry anymore.

But what can I do? Do you know what it's like to lose everything?

I just for the first time in my two lives, felt life was sweet, but now I've lost it again.

As I was trying to hold back my tears, a door creak sounded. And a man with an extremely large build appeared.

Its body was probably over two meters tall and covered in muscles. He's like a giant to me.

His body was dirty and his clothes were shabby, had he been in a fight recently?

Judging by his messy appearance and unstable aura, moreover, I saw several wounds.

Did this person save me? From that group of Spirit Beasts?

For a moment, I wanted to thank you, but….

"Poor child, sorry for coming late. Now you have lost your parents, so I will take care of you for a while."

That person said regretfully, I could see genuine feelings from his words.

Even though his face was a bit gloomy and his voice low.

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