
Soul Land : UNRIVALLED Tang San

Following the Douluo Dalu story with a different story and events for which he doesn't know why? With the third spirit whose origin is unknown and a system whose background is frightening. Meeting those he wasn't supposed to and falling in love with those he didn't expect to. He has the same goal of reaching the top along with his Devil comrades and lovers. The system to help him with that along with his little brother and the magical space from the wish he doesn't remember...... Note: I will skip some fight scenes as it would take a lot of time and effort to write them and most readers skip them (personal experience). There are 18+ scenes with things like milf,loli,goddess. This novel is a fanfic of the original Douluo Dalu by Tang Jia San Shao. THIS FAN-FIC NOVEL MADE BY The_Virgin. but for some reasons this novel is stop and i am trying to rewrite this novel but my work line is totally different after some chapters.

World_Failure · Fantasy
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42 Chs


"I said I would come find you here. I arrived several days ago, learning you had left for Star Dou Great Forest. However, you also gave me a surprise. I didn't think you could so quickly break through the thirtieth rank pass."

Tang San smiling said:

"it's coincidence for me"

Grandmaster's expression suddenly dropped,

"one more question did I teach you to absorb spirit rings from spirit beasts with unknown age?"

Tang San calmly faced this question, understanding Grandmaster already knew this news from Zhao Wuji, he'd been in, and shook his head,


Grandmaster sighed,

"Then you still dare act rashly? Did you forget I told you how dangerous the Man Faced Demon Spider was? If this time you ended badly, how should I explain it to your father? You are my only disciple, and also my hope. Without my permission, you cannot die, understand?"

Although what Grandmaster said wasn't pleasant to hear, Tang San did not react but inwardly laugh what he said I was his hope if he found out this hope steals his ex lover and sister what reaction can he show, the corners of Tang San's eyes heated,

"Teacher, I am confident about my body that time."

Grandmaster glared at Tang San for a long time without uttering a word. After a long time, sighing, he said:

"Little San, do you know, you have an unusually severe weak point. This weak point might in the future put you in a crisis."

"What is it? Tell me, I will certainly change."

Tang San said.

Grandmaster shook his head, saying with a wry smile:

"Although this is a weak point, it's also a merit. You put too much importance in emotions. This time, if it was not for Xiao Wu being kidnapped, you also wouldn't so arbitrarily have forced absorption."

"Teacher, you misunderstood, in my eyes xiao wu is my little sister not some important relationship and also this is the reason for my carelessness" he lied because of two reasons, he already made him her his women in mind but didn't say anything to grandmaster and second, he sensed a familiar aura peeked them so he add he treat her only little sister.

"My reprimands today, I hope you will remember, at all times calmly reflect. Even if it's your most important person appearing in danger, you must be even more calm. Only after first saving yourself will you have the opportunity to save others. Most importantly, you can't impetuously settle problems. Do you understand?"

Tang San nodded,

"Teacher, I will remember."

Grandmaster smiled slightly, extremely pleased with this obedient disciple, saying:

"Go, we'll go outside the Academy. Let me have a look at what you gained from being impetuous this time."

After they both go, the femine figure appeard and her slightly red eyes with tears flow down on her cheek uttered,


"Why do you treat me like sister, (sob sob) not lover why... Why!!!"

She was Xiaowu, she was just roaming around but she caught the site of grandmaster and tang san, she hide nearby and peek them after their boring greetings she heard grandmaster saying Xiaowu is very important person for tang san, Xiaowu hearing this was very happy like she was in clouds but the next word she heard from Tang San is like someone torn her heart in pieces. her mind was in chaos she also say he was his brother San but in her heart she already have feelings for him but now he said he have no feelings for him her mind going turmoil and she started crying for half hour.

After some sobbing, she walked toward her room because of wash her fash and catch up with team.

The two master and disciple jumped off the roof, and without alerting anyone, quietly left the village, reaching the little grove outside the village.

Grandmaster raised his hand and made a gesture towards Tang San. Tang San naturally understood his meaning. Urging the spirit power within his body, he released his spirit.

Blue silver light sparkled, quietly a cover of Blue Silver Grass rose in Tang San's surroundings, moving rhythmically at Tang San's side.

Grandmaster attentively watched the Blue Silver Grass Tang San summoned, mumbling:

"The Blue Silver Grass is slender, looking even glossier than before. Apart from the original tea fragrance, it also has a faint sweet fishy smell, should be the Man Faced Demon Spider poison permeating it. With the toughness of the Man Faced Demon Spider silk, although your Blue Silver Grass has become slender, it should be even more durable than before. Little San, twine that tree over there, try pulling it with your full strength."


Tang San raised one hand, one Blue Silver Grass shot out like lightning, between eyeblinks already twisting around a large tree ten metres away, both hands simultaneously exerting, using Forbidden Heaven Skill but he suppressed his power to not overpowered the tree and crushed like atoms.

That tree was thicker than a person could reach around, but under Tang San's pull, the thick tree trunk began to gradually bend.

Grandmaster walked over to the tree, carefully observing the Blue Silver Grass twisting around the tree trunk. Along with Tang San's effort, the Blue Silver Grass was already gradually carving into the tree bark. A layer of faint smoke rose from where the Blue Silver Grass was in contact with the tree trunk. It could clearly be seen the Blue Silver Grass was gradually penetrating deeply within the tree trunk. Along with Tang San's effort, deeper and deeper into the complete width of the tree trunk.

"Good, you can stop."

Grandmaster gestured to Tang San.

Tang San at this relaxed Blue Silver Grass, the strand of grass twining around the tree trunk swiftly withdrew like it was a snake, itself appearing without a trace of change.

"Little San, come and see."

Grandmaster called Tang San to his side.

"The degree of Blue Silver Grass' toughness has clearly increased, although it has become slender, under the full strength of your more than thirtieth rank spirit power, it hasn't the slightest indication of being stretched apart, in other words, your spirit power is insufficient to break the Blue Silver Grass. Furthermore, the additional poison on Blue Silver Grass has clearly improved, if you used the Ghost Vine's added poison, the result should be even better. Besides the original poison type, now it also has corrosive poison. This belongs to the Man Faced Demon Spider."

Tang San looked in the direction of Grandmaster's finger, the area where the Blue Silver Grass previously twisted had deep grooves about two cun deep, around them were a burnt black color, although along with Blue Silver Grass' withdrawal it already no longer shed smoke, the severity of the supplemental corrosive poison on Blue Silver Grass could still be seen.he knew he have more tricks but he didn't show his full power after some thought he made a speech with full of bullshit.

"I think, Blue Silver Grass' toxicity has increased a lot, currently it roughly has spirit power paralysis, neurological pain and corrosion three major effects. For ordinary Spirit Masters relying only on spirit power to resist will already be very difficult. Especially after this highly corrosive poison is added, when piercing the opponent's skin, it will allow the other two poisons to display even greater effect. Adding to its own toughness leading to binding even tighter, the effect is clearly amplified."

Grandmaster said:

"Although this time absorbing the Man Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring had enormous risks, the risk is directionally proportional to the rewards. Looking at Blue Silver Grass' own growth alone is already fairly astonishing. But also, your physical strength and speed have both increased not inconsiderably. The rewards are not bad. However, I still must once again remind you, you must not make the same mistake a second time. I absolutely do not want to see a scene of the white haired carrying the black haired."

Tang San chuckled,

"Teacher, I know. Hereafter I would not again be impetuous."

Grandmaster nodded and smiled, saying:

"Come, release your third spirit ability for me to see."

Tang San nodded, looking around in all directions, choosing a location between two trees. Right now, first he use Samsara eye second ring ability camouflage to glow her blue silver grass third ring but in reality he use second ring ability, after releasing the three spirit rings moving rhythmically over his body.

Grandmaster gratified nodded to himself, at the same time also somewhat envious, after all, this third spirit ring was something he had desired all his life but could never achieve.

Tang San also sense this envious face but he sneered inwardly and ignored him,

Tang San with a focused and serious look raised his right hand, in his palm strong blue light released, spirit power releasing all over his body, intangible pressure making the short shrubs around him tremble.


Following Tang San's low shout, the blue light seen in his palm abruptly flourish greatly, a mass of blue-green light left the hand, flashing through the air, in an eyeblink swelling to a diameter of about five meters and flying forward.

Along with the blue light gathering, Grandmaster was able to see that blue light's true form.

That was an enormous spider web, rings within rings, extremely fine meshed, the entire spider web was woven from Blue Silver Grass, only these Blue Silver Grass were even a bit thinner than the Blue Silver Grass Tang San directly released before, furthermore appeared a crystal clear blue.

The spider web expanded, as it touched the two trees it tightened in a moment, forming a large net suspended in the air. The five meters in diameter large net suspended there, twinkled with a blue gleaming lustre under the dawn light's illumination.

Tang San's was normal after use, evidently the reason was the great effort he used and higher soul power. This was Tang San's second spirit ability, Spider Web Restraint.

"Little San, tell me your thoughts about this spirit ability."

Grandmaster while carefully observing the spider web adhering to the two trees, simultaneously asked Tang San.

Tang San said:

"After I absorbed the Man Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring, this spirit ability appeared. According to what I sensed of this spirit ability, it has several properties. First, because it's formed from Blue Silver Grass, it possesses all the properties Blue Silver Grass does. Poison and durability both. Second, the spider web itself has a kind of sticky property. It possesses extremely powerful adhesion, if touching it even a bit, it will immediately bind, tightly restraining the target. Third, the spider web itself is released instantaneously, with my current spirit power, launching this spirit ability once requires the consumption of a third of my spirit power."

Grandmaster's brows wrinkled,

"Only this? Aren't there still other properties?"

Tang San said:

"There is still the most important one, it's the spider web's own durability, it's directly twice that of Blue Silver Grass. Later using this spirit ability, its area as well as usage frequency and toughness, all will change as my spirit power increases. In other words, the tougher Blue Silver Grass is, the tougher this spider web will become. Blue Silver Grass' toxicity will also be within it."

Grandmaster nodded,

"This is suitable. What's your opinion on this spirit ability?"

Tang San said:

"Although it wouldn't appear very wonderful, I feel this ability is unusually practical. It has a very powerful effect on my spirit's control power. Spider web with twice the toughness of Blue Silver Grass isn't so easy to struggle free from but in my opinion of my blue silver grass nemesis is fire"

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

" you're right, Whether it's plants or your spider web, they themselves fear fire. The flame burning on this torch is very small and naturally insufficient to threaten the spider web. But, if you encounter a Spirit Master expert in using fire, then, your spirit will be completely restrained by the other side. Practically every control system Spirit Master has something classified as their weakness, this is also the greatest cost of a control system spirit compared to other attribute spirits. And your Blue Silver Grass' weak point is just fear of fire. As a result, hereafter when you meet Spirit Masters with this kind of property you must be sure to be even more careful."

Grandmaster added,

"One more thing. Although add fiire resistance ring that kind of thing will increase your Blue Silver Grass' flame resistance, consider, if you would waste even two spirit abilities on flame resistance, then, after your spirit power thereafter reaches a certain degree, will you still have enough spirit abilities to contend with your opponent?"

He understands what grandmaster want to say so he just silently hearing,

Grandmaster smiled calmly, saying:

"Control system spirit masters very rarely act alone, the best method is to let your companions take your place to deal with these issues. Of course, you also aren't without your own methods to deal with it. Aren't you always playing with those hidden weapons of yours? Although in my opinion toys lead to loss of purpose, I also have no choice but to admit that your hidden weapons truly have astonishing power. you don't only have the one Blue Silver Grass spirit."

"Teacher, you are saying that I can cultivate that hammer?" He didn't care for his answer so he say some thing he already knew.

Grandmaster resolutely shook his head,

"Out of the question. Remember, without my consent, you absolutely cannot add spirit rings to that hammer. Definitely cannot. This is extremely important to your future. Right now what you can rely on is only Blue Silver Grass."

"Little San, don't bite off more than you can chew. To you, even more important is still upgrading spirit power. The spirit abilities Blue Silver Grass currently possess already surpass my expectations. In the future you will only become even stronger. You are Teacher's hope, you understand? Good, now let me have a look at your most significant matter, the question in your heart. Take off your jacket first."

convinced there was no one who knew them better than his Teacher.

Removing his jacket, Tang San turned his back to Grandmaster. Grandmaster walked up to his back, raising his hands to touch Tang San's spine.

Tang San only felt a warm and gentle spirit power flow into his back, immediately afterward, this force began to flow up and down his spine.

With a very serious expression, he carefully examined every vertebra in Tang San's spine.

"Little San, after you withdrew those spider legs, could you feel them go somewhere?"

Tang San turned his right hand to his back, pointing at his rear ribs, saying:

"Fitting on these twelve ribs, I can feel like they adhere to the ribs. But to my body there is no effect whatsoever. On the contrary it feels like my back strength is even a bit larger than before."

Grandmaster touched the places Tang San indicated, immediately discovering that not only did these twelve ribs appear a bit thicker and more solid than the other ribs, but at the same time, the vertebra these twelve ribs connected to were also somewhat thicker than the others, feeling not only solid, but also extremely tough. Even Tang San's back muscles seemed somewhat tougher.

A pleasantly surprised expression gradually appeared on Grandmaster's face, but he didn't say anything, only quickly drew back several steps, moving five meters away from Tang San's back,

"Use your spirit power, release those twelve spider legs."

Circulating Forbidden Heaven Skill, right now Tang San.

Grandmaster was unable to take his eyes off Tang San's back, afraid to let any details slip by.

Faint blue light began to appear at Tang San's back. Immediately afterward, Grandmaster clearly saw, Tang San's entire spine seemed to move outside his body, releasing a weak purple and golden blue light, just now he took notice of purple light releasing especially clearly on several of the vertebra. Immediately following, the tips of twelve ribs protruded from Tang San's back, taking the shape of twelve bulges.

A little bit of soreness or stinging tickling appearing on his back made Tang San feel slightly out of sorts, but he didn't stop his spirit power.