
Soul Land : UNRIVALLED Tang San

Following the Douluo Dalu story with a different story and events for which he doesn't know why? With the third spirit whose origin is unknown and a system whose background is frightening. Meeting those he wasn't supposed to and falling in love with those he didn't expect to. He has the same goal of reaching the top along with his Devil comrades and lovers. The system to help him with that along with his little brother and the magical space from the wish he doesn't remember...... Note: I will skip some fight scenes as it would take a lot of time and effort to write them and most readers skip them (personal experience). There are 18+ scenes with things like milf,loli,goddess. This novel is a fanfic of the original Douluo Dalu by Tang Jia San Shao. THIS FAN-FIC NOVEL MADE BY The_Virgin. but for some reasons this novel is stop and i am trying to rewrite this novel but my work line is totally different after some chapters.

World_Failure · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Grandmaster Discussion

In the dean's office.

Flender, full of astonishment, finished listening to Zhao Wuji's description of the journey this time. His expression changed multiple times, and after finally hearing everyone return safely, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Looks like we were still too careless."

Flender sighed and felt a wave of lingering fear.

"Next time they go hunt for spirit beasts, I will lead the team with you, with two other teachers. These kids are all favored by fate, if they have any accidents, that's equal to ruining geniuses."

Zhao Wuji sat in a seat on the side. He was even more afraid that any accidents would happen. He laughed bitterly:

"This can't be blamed on you. Who would know that Star Dou Great Forest would become this weird, with this many things happening in the outer edges. They even met the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent couple. The thing I understand the least is the appearance of the Titan Giant Ape. However you look at it, with his ranking within spirit beasts, he wouldn't lightly come to the outer edges. Good thing Xiao Wu's fortune is good, or else this time we really would have big losses. Frankly, even if we did what you said and sent four teachers to protect these kids, if we met the Titan Giant Ape we still would have been destroyed."

Flender nodded.

"But Star Dou Great Forest is the nearest spirit beast habitat. Other than that we have no other choice. But from your explanation, the Titan Giant Ape seemed un hostile and didn't kill everyone. Or else, even if you used your Spirit Avatar you wouldn't have been able to block it. Xiao Wu surviving is even more surprising. What is the cow roar she talked about? Don't tell me that in the Star Dou Great Forest, there is some spirit beast that can raise a response from the Titan Giant Ape?"

"The cow roar was probably from the Sky blue Bull Python."

A stiff and slightly strange voice came from outside the door. Zhao Wuji was startled. He had already heard the sound of approaching footsteps, but he didn't really care about it. He only thought it was a teacher of the Academy. Now that he heard the voice, he felt something was wrong. No one in the Academy sounded like that.

"Haha, a familiar person came. Xiao Gang, quickly came in."

The door opened and a middle aged man walked in from outside. A stiff face, a perfectly straight back, a first impression of lifeless eyes, but in fact deep in the dark pupils expressing some anxiety. If Tang San were here, he would have recognized the person at first sight, because he was Yu xiaogang (aka: grandmaster)

"Come, Wuji, you don't recognize him right? I will introduce you to him. This is my old partner in those days, also Tang San's teacher. You can call him Grandmaster. other than 4 great Empire Almost the entire Spirit hall, star luo Empire and Heaven duo Empire calls him that."

Zhao Wuji suddenly remembered something and looked at Grandmaster, surprised.

"So you are Grandmaster. Greetings, I am Zhao Wuji."

Grandmaster's tone was always that flat, his stiff face barely squeezing out a smile.

Grandmaster's tone was always that flat, his stiff face barely squeezing out a smile.

"Motionless Bright King, you don't have to be polite. You came back, Tang San should have come back with you. Is he safe and sound?"

He only heard Zhao Wuji talk about Xiao Wu being let go by the Titan Giant Ape and didn't hear any previous conversations.

Zhao Wuji chuckled and said:

"He's fine. Our luck is pretty good, everyone came back safe and sound. This time it really was thanks to Tang San. Grandmaster, you indeed brought up a good apprentice. When did you arrive at the Academy?"

Flender helped Grandmaster answer Zhao Wuji's question,

"He arrived the day before yesterday. If not for Tang San, he might have never come. Xiao Gang, sit."

When Grandmaster heard Zhao Wuji say Tang San was safe, his expression clearly eased. Without being polite, he pulled over a chair and sat down. Zhao Wuji then learned that Grandmaster's real name was Xiao Gang, hearing this was a little unexpected, but it was also a name brimming with masculinity. He had also heard quite a few rumors about Grandmaster. Although Grandmaster himself looked skinny and lacked strength, his character was famously strong. Once, he abandoned his family for some matters. That was when he met Flender and another person, later creating the famous Golden Iron Triangle.

Zhao Wuji was very interested in what Grandmaster said as he entered, and hastened to question closer:

"Grandmaster, just now you mentioned some spirit beast? One unexpectedly able to make the Titan Giant Ape pay attention?"

On Grandmaster's face was revealed a focused serious expression,

"If Xiao Wu heard a cow's roar, then, the Titan Giant Ape giving up and leaving her is a very reasonable explanation. Within Star Dou Great Forest, there is not only this one Titan Giant Ape forest king. There is still a comparison to him even more formidable existence. That existence is Star Dou Great Forest's greatest power. If speaking of the Titan Giant Ape as king, then, he is the emperor. This kind of spirit beast is the Sky Blue Bull Python.

Whether it was Zhao Wuji or Flender, both revealed expressions of listening earnestly, also in their hearts secretly sighing in admiration, in terms of knowledge, perhaps no one would be able to compare to this Grandmaster before them. Zhao Wuji also finally understood why he would be known as Grandmaster.

"As everyone knows, for a spirit beast's strength, apart from its cultivation age, innate talent is also extremely important. Just like us Spirit Master: apart from cultivation level and spirit rings, the spirit's innate strength also determines future development potential. But among spirit beasts, if dividing spirit beasts according to level, then, the Sky Blue Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape should both be considered the most super formidable. They possess incomparable innate talent and tyrannical physique. These two existences within Star Dou Great Forest have already surpassed at least ninety thousand years of cultivation. Although I am not sure but they still haven't reached the hundred thousand spirit beast level in my opinion, their oppressive strength is already sufficient to compare with the Title Douluo among us spirit masters. When their cultivation age reaches a hundred thousand years, then, perhaps they will become existences transcending Title Douluo."

Zhao Wuji said:

"Grandmaster, I have previously heard of this Titan Giant Ape many times, but this is still my first time hearing the name Sky Blue Bull Python. Unexpectedly it's even more powerful than the Titan Giant Ape, then what is it capable of?"

Grandmaster sighed slightly,

"Just like no one knows the Titan Giant Ape's full ability, even less people know what the Sky Blue Bull Python is truly capable of. A Title Douluo once penetrated deeply into Star Dou Great Forest. He was confident in his strength, wanting to have a look at what kind of place the core of this Star Dou Great Forest was like. His strength was indeed formidable, finally entering the deepest part of the forest. Reaching that core, he was astonished to discover that place unexpectedly no longer was a forest, but a not very large lake. The lake water was clear, surrounded by forest, like a fairyland."

Lake? Zhao Wuji looked astonished at Grandmaster, Flender had a somewhat pondering expression.

Grandmaster continued:

"Just next to that little lake, the Title Douluo saw a spirit beast drinking water. But this spirit beast was actually the Titan Giant Ape you encountered this time, that Title Douluo seeing the Titan Giant Ape was greatly excited, he had always heard it was a kind of formidable spirit beast existence, and immediately intended to start a fight with the Titan Giant Ape. But, in the end he couldn't compete with the Titan Giant Ape, because in less than a moment already lost his head out of fear and escaped that place."

"Why? Because of the Sky Blue Bull Python?"

Zhao Wuji had opened his eyes wide.

Grandmaster nodded,

"Precisely because of the Sky Blue Bull Python. As that Title Douluo prepared to fight, suddenly, the little lake before him boiled, and immediately afterward, he saw an incomparably enormous bull head stretch from below the surface, incomparably immense pressure making that Title Douluo unable to help being shocked. The bull headed python bodied spirit beast slowly separated from the surface, revealing its hundred metre long huge body. At that time it was evening. This whole blue-green spirit beast hissed at the sky. In the sky the moon's radiance seemed to be swallowed by it. But what truly scared that Title Douluo was that this Sky Blue Bull Python unexpectedly spoke human words, saying to that Title Douluo, 'human, your cultivation becomes difficult, leave this place.'"

Zhao Wuji and Flender looked at each other, Flender couldn't help saying:

"How have I never heard of this before?"

Grandmaster coldly glanced at him,

"There are still very many matters you don't know about. Do you know how the Titan Giant Ape behaved when the Sky Blue Bull Python appeared? Before the Sky Blue Bull Python it would display a fearful expression. But that Sky Blue Bull Python at that time, from its mouth issued an ear splitting bull roar. Consequently, from what Xiao Wu said I can determine that Titan Giant Ape certainly heard the Sky Blue Bull Serpent's call, putting down everything in its hands, hurrying to meet it. The reason why the Sky Blue Bull Serpent is not as well known as the Titan Giant Ape, is because it very rarely leaves the pool at the core of Star Dou Great Forest. But this matter was related to the spirit master world by that Title Douluo. Still its existence is known only by a small number of people, and I am precisely one of them."

"So it was like this. It appears that Xiao Wu's luck truly is good."

Grandmaster said:

"Teacher Zhao, I carefully read these current students' records, this time you left for Star Dou Great Forest in order for that food system Spirit Master child to look for his third spirit ring, I do not know what spirit beast's spirit ring he obtained in the end?"

Zhao Wuji chuckled, saying:

"This time our luck wasn't bad, it could also be considered robbing the fat from other peoples' mouths, Oscar that kid obtained a thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent's spirit ring, possessing a pretty good third spirit ability."

"A thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent?"

The muscles in Grandmaster's rigid face changed at once,

"This truly is very good. Originally I had anticipated several kinds of spirit rings suited to this food system child, but I never expected this child would obtain a spirit beast result so well. The Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent's disposition is relatively gentle, but extremely cunning, most expert in fleeing, its cultivation is not easy. If my conjecture is correct, Oscar's third spirit ability is certainly related to speed."

Zhao Wuji with a sigh of admiration said:

"Worthy of being called Grandmaster, you are correct, this third spirit ring of Oscar's is related to speed. His third spirit ability is a kind of mushroom sausage, after eating it one can maintain flight for one minute, flying at the same speed as the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent."

Grandmaster seemed shocked, clearly he had not anticipated the spirit ability Oscar obtained would be like this. He resolutely said:

"This child's food system spirit talent is unprecedented, the most outstanding of all the food system spirit masters I have met. His future prospects cannot be measured."

Flender smiled darkly, saying:

"This Shrek Academy of mine has always accepted only monsters. Did you just find out now? Unfortunately, this is the last class. These seven children are the Academy's last disciples, I certainly must foster them into people worthy of respect. This time with your help. We brothers working with a common purpose, in less than ten years, we will certainly let the word Shrek shake the Spirit Master world."

Grandmaster unhappily glared at Flender,

"If not for little San, I wouldn't remain here. Flender, don't forget what you promised me. In the future when little San hunts spirit beasts you must personally accompany him."

Flender said:"This is easy. Only, we still must wait for him to reach fortieth rank."

Grandmaster was an astute person, his seemingly expressionless eyes released a flash of light, staring fixedly at Zhao Wuji, saying:

"Teacher Zhao, don't tell me little San also already reached thirtieth rank?"

Zhao Wuji nodded, saying:

"I also just thought to ask Grandmaster whether the change on little San's body was ordinary… "

At once, he repeated what he previously told Flender, telling Grandmaster in even more detail about the events of this time entering Star Dou Great Forest.

Grandmaster listened very attentively, without overlooking a single word of what Zhao Wuji said. In his eyes all along expressed a pondering light.

Although Grandmaster's disposition was calm, as Zhao Wuji spoke of Tang San several times being in danger of death his expression couldn't help but transform, especially hearing Zhao Wuji say Tang San absorbed that three thousand year cultivation Man Faced Demon Spider his expression changed greatly. No one understood more clearly than him how grave the consequences were of absorbing a spirit ring surpassing one's limit, that was practically certain death.

Once Zhao Wuji had finished everything he had to say, Grandmaster slowly released a long breath,

"Little San this child's willpower is stronger than I had imagined. I didn't expect that he would be able to endure like this. This child's prospects are perhaps even more outstanding than I had estimated."

Zhao Wuji said:

"The reason why Tang San was able to persevere is perhaps related to Xiao Wu. A person's willpower will sometimes be affected by external circumstances. I can reach the conclusion that Xiao Wu in Tang San's mind has an extremely important position."

Grandmaster nodded,

"You're right, it's very possible this is the reason. However, this is still greatly related to his own willpower. Tang San this child's will is precocious, already far exceeding his peers'."

Zhao Wuji said:

"Grandmaster, what is after all going on with the twelve spider legs that appeared on Tang San's back? Those don't seem at all a result of the spirit ring. He has a Tool Spirit, how could he himself transform? If it wouldn't be spirit ring variation, perhaps it's spirit variation?"

Grandmaster said:

"Right now I still don't dare be certain of what his condition is. Spirit ring variation is impossible, spirit beasts' spirit rings are invariably fixed. Although bringing different results when combined with different spirits, the spirit rings themselves will not have too great changes. Tang San already obtained a spirit ability, the spider legs appearing on his back should not be bestowed by the spirit ring. As for spirit variation, it's not impossible. But I do not believe this is the case."