
Soul Land : UNRIVALLED Tang San

Following the Douluo Dalu story with a different story and events for which he doesn't know why? With the third spirit whose origin is unknown and a system whose background is frightening. Meeting those he wasn't supposed to and falling in love with those he didn't expect to. He has the same goal of reaching the top along with his Devil comrades and lovers. The system to help him with that along with his little brother and the magical space from the wish he doesn't remember...... Note: I will skip some fight scenes as it would take a lot of time and effort to write them and most readers skip them (personal experience). There are 18+ scenes with things like milf,loli,goddess. This novel is a fanfic of the original Douluo Dalu by Tang Jia San Shao. THIS FAN-FIC NOVEL MADE BY The_Virgin. but for some reasons this novel is stop and i am trying to rewrite this novel but my work line is totally different after some chapters.

World_Failure · Fantasy
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42 Chs

First spirit ring 2

Saying that he went near the beast and sat in a lotus position and with his Blue Silver grass he attracted the ring and started to circulate the Forbidden Heaven Technique. While he was doing so he was unable to see that his Samsara Eye spirit slowly formed on his forehead and disappeared before anyone could notice.

Even Renxue and Grandmaster who were nearby didn't notice this and were quite anxious for Tang San. The process was quite painful, even with his good physique which was tempered by the Forbidden Heaven Technique 378 years extra for his first ring was too much to bear for him. He was able to assimilate the ring completely but he lost quite a bit of vitality and almost fainted. After using the Forbidden Heavens Technique for some time he was able to improve his condition quite a bit and opened his eyes.

Grandmaster and Qian Renxue behind a huge white figure with blue eyes standing in front of him. He also noticed that the surrounding temperature was quite low, hell he could even see ice coming from the huge figure.

"Oh, It looks like you finally woke up. I was waiting for quite a while you know"

"A... Million...Year....Spirit Beast"

He was shocked seeing a million year old spirit beast appear in front of him and he was stunned because he knew in front of him is SKYDREAM ICE WORM. His son in law huo yuhao cheat existence.

in his life on earth, after reading SOUL Land 2 he was very angry because In his mind tang san is all generations protagonist but the appearance of huo yuhao is like a heart slice by slice feeling he feels. His every encounter is top notch.

He knew his life experience was also very bad but who cares about the past but the future all the good things became his like first, strongest 1'st god seat and ruler of emotions.all knew the power of emotions.

He doesn't know why but now this cheat appears in front of him , he wants to laugh like a madman appears. but he controls this feeling he doesn't want to lose this precious opportunity.

He then calmed his emotions then saw that grandmaster and Renxue were nearby except that they were standing still almost as if they had been frozen. But Tang San knew that they weren't actually frozen as he could still feel the heat from This terrified him even more.

"so you know I'm a million-year-old spirit beast, the Daydreaming Silk Iceworm. I'm a mental and ice attributed spirit beast"

When he heard this he confirmed this is not fake and he was on the verge of passing out, his luck was absolutely terrible there was practically a zero chance for him to meet a million-year-old spirit beast and yet he's talking to one right now. The only beast which was close to a million years old in the

soul land 1 was the Deep Whale King and that too was only a nine hundred thousand-year-old beast.

"What do you want?? I'm just a Spirit Master and I don't have anything of value on me right now" he pretended to fear but waited for his next word.

"Relax kid I'm not here to harm you if I wanted to then you and your friends over there would have already died long back. I'm here to make a trade with you"

"What do you want to trade??"

"Nothing much, I want to become your spirit ring and I want you to help me out with something once you reach rank 20, simple right?"

He was verge on tears from excitement but he controlled and acted,

"You...want to become my...spirit ring??"

"Yes, and not just any spirit ring I will become an intelligence type spirit ring"

"But I've already taken a ring for my spirit so how do you want to become my spirit even my second spirit is a hammer type which will definitely not suit you and not to mention that I can't even take a 800 year old ring without extreme effort so how can I take a million year old one??"

"Obviously I'm not interested in your hammer I was talking about the mental spirit eye which you have"

"Mental spirit...You mean my ...Samsara Eye??"

This time he was really surprised because he knew about his third spirit then he calmed down with million years old cultivation how can he fooled by him.

"Yes, when I was sleeping nearby I suddenly felt a strong mental fluctuation. If I didn't pay attention then even I wouldn't have felt it so easily and when I followed the fluctuations I saw you sitting here absorbing a spirit ring. I was quite depressed when I saw that, but then I realized that it was a grass spirit and then I realized what happened. you have twin spirits don't you??"

Tang San was grateful to the grandmaster for coming here if not, this opportunity almost lost by him. he than reminded himself in the future he leave Er long to grandmaster this is repayment he owed.

"Well...actually I have triplet spirits, the Blue Silver Grass, Clear Sky Hammer, and the Samsara Eye. By what you told me, I think you were talking about the Samsara Eye weren't you??"

"Samsara Eye, I've never heard of this spirit must be a rare one...Wait you have THREE Spirits!!!"


"Im lucky, I'm really lucky this time. I found a mental attributed spirit and that too one which has three spirits Ive never heard of anyone possessing three spirits, so kid what do you think of my offer to become your spirit ring??"

"I can't decide that unless you tell me what you want me to do when I reach 20 and why you're so willing to be my spirit ring and surely there are people much stronger than me who have a mental type spirit so why don't you become their spirit ring??" But he inwardly nervous if he is angry after hearing this

"Sigh, well, in fact, I've already tried to do that the person who I chose before you was a titled Douluo and a strong one at that but he wasn't able to absorb my ring and die by exploding"

When he heard that a Titled Douluo was killed by him trying to absorb his ring he was truly Scared. If even a Titled Douluo wasn't able to do it then how was he supposed to do that??

"I know what you're thinking if a Titled Douluo was unable to do it then how are you supposed to do that right?? Well, in fact, the Titled Douluo was a person who didn't have a mental type spirit and though he was powerful he was quite old that was the main reason he died. I also found out that Mental type spirits are quite rare so I almost gave up hope on that and just slept hoping to find one after I woke up but when I sensed the mental fluctuations I found out that it was a human with a mental Spirit. So then I raced as soon as I can and

came here. Also, I'll even seal up most of the ring's power so you don't have to worry about exploding

when you absorb or use it. I'll slowly release the power when you reach a sufficient rank allowing you to use more of the ring's power. As for the favor I want, it's quite simple actually. I just want you to help me go to the Far Northern Plains and let me choose your second spirit ring, simple isn't it??"

He knew where they were going but he had to ask,

"So you just want me to go to the Far Northern Plains and get a ring of your choosing when reach 20th rank? That's all??"

"Yes. So do you accept it?"

"...Alright. I'll accept your offer"

After that, the huge Daydreaming Iceworm touched its head onto Tang San's forehead and slowly disappeared soon a black eye with a golden outline was formed on the top of his head. This then produced a bright golden ring to form. When Tank San saw that he was sure that this was a million year old ring.

'Hey those people near you will be released so get back into a lotus position so they don't suspect anything'

Listening to the voice in his mind he knew that this was Daydream, he knew that he actually succeeded and became an intelligence type ring, the first of its kind. He was ecstatic but at the same time slightly worried as he knew that there was such a beast but not the Douluo Dalu 1 novel which means that his actual destination was quite unclear causing huge changes to the actual story.

But at the same time, he knew that this would happen and also it proved that he could change things and didn't need to follow the original path of the novel. After that, he was slightly tired and soon fainted due to the burden placed on his body recently.

when Grandmaster and Renxue were released they saw that Tang San had fainted when they went near him they were worried about his conditions.