

The Original Soul Land Belongs to TANG JIA SAN SHAO. This is Just a fan-fic, which is mostly headed to positive way trying to prevent all of the tragedies. I Thank All The Readers For Reading My Creation .

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Chapter-21: Martial Soul Hall's Generous Gift! Fusion!!!

The night before leaving for academy;

"Every one it's too late and all of us are tired so, rest well for tonight because we need rest for our work tomorrow onwards. Hence, good night." grandma Feng bids good night to everyone.

"Good Night."

"Good Night."



"Good Night."

So does everyone wish good night to her. After that bidding eachother good night all head for sleeping, those of the village in their house and those from other villages in the village hall's bedrooms, inns, etc...

Xiao Wu and Shen Long both wait for a bit in their grandparents bedroom and then his grandparents come after some time till then they both talk about their happy moments in the fest that they enjoyed.

After the wait when his grandparents come in he says, "Are you both tired?"

"No way. We are not brat, how could a SPIRIT DOULUO feel tiresome after just some clean-up?" grandpa Shangdi replies as he laughs showing off.

"So what was the gift?" ask grandma.

"Oh yeah, you haven't even said to me about it." Xiao Wu complains remembering that Shen long hasn't even told her about the gift even though most of time she was with him in fest.

"Well here it is." Shen Long says taking out the box from Elder Ghost but doesn't open it.

"Huh? Shen Long, why are you not opening it? I will do it then." Xiao Wu replies as she opens the box excitedly and then turns her head in embarrassment.

Both the elders smile smugly as they have a teasing look in their eyes looking at botht he kids and grandma says, "Shen Long, Martial Soul Hall really is clever and wonderful. They know what to gift and to whom. Hehe" teasing the kids.

Both of the kids avoid gaze in embarrassment while grandpa continues teasing them until grandma hits on his head as she seriously says, "It's enough, they are still kids. We will be the ones to use these special spirit storage rings and will be given to them later on."

All three nod their head obediently.

After that grandma opens one of the two beautifully made rings with Xiao Wu's name tag on it and opening it, a jade box appears and as grandma opens the box too, all four stare in shock. A soulbone and not a simple one but one more than 10,000-years-old.

"This... i-it... it's a 10,000-years-old Right Leg soul bone from Nether Devil Cat." Grandpa exclaims in shock reading the description in the same jade box.

"Woah, Xiao Wu, you really are lucky. Martial Soul Hall really is generous. Wait, doesn't that mean I also have one!"Shen Long exclaims excitedly but as he was about to open the box it was taken instantly by grandpa who says, "Nuh-uh little one. Both of you should be treated equally. So, I will open it."

Shen Long sighs and nods.

And as grandpa also brings out the box, and on opening it hiding from others, another soul bone pops out and on reading the description he starts sweating coldly.

"What hapened dear?" grandma asks looking a bit confused.

"This is really unbelievable. Look at it youself." grandpa says handing over the box. On seeing the soulbone and it's description grandma also stares with a surprised look. Xiao Wu also rushes over to see over the soulbone and also starts staring with her mouth open.

Shen Long takes the box from grandma's hands and then looks excitedly at the soulbone only to fall in shock.

"Martial Soul Hall, reallg is generous." grandma says with her face still showing the shocked expression. "Hmm, I can't believe it." grandpa says still dazed.

Xiao Wu adds on, "They REALLY are GENEROUS. What did you even give them? Wasn't it just the Meridian Sutra?"

"Ah right, but I also gave them some concoction methods too." Shen Long replies casually.

"Well now I understand. It's because not only the Meridian Sutra but also the concoction formula can be passed down generation by generation and with the resources they have it won't be any problem for growth." grandpa replies solemnly.

"I see. So, its because of this." Shen Long says as he thinks that hemight have given a lot to Martial Soul Hall and continues, "Still I guess, their reply really is great."

"Yup, to have given you a 25,000-year-old Right hand soulbone from a Abyssal Dragon King is really great." grandpa exclaims with hint of jealousy.

"But i have got a question, Xiao Wu are you not sad about the deaths of these soul beasts?" Shen Long asks seriously.

Xiao Wu shakes her head replying, "Huh? Why would I be? Ofcpurse if it belonged to some kind and pure soul beast it qould be painful but from dark type soul beasts who remain farther from other soul beasts while also hunting for fun purposes rather than food except some who are exceptionally kind. Plus didn't ylu promise me once that you will help humans and soul beasts to stay in harmony."

"Yeah, I do remember and I will definitely achieve it. Don't worry." says Shen Long smiling as he gives her a thumbs up.

"Well then are we gonna start refining the soul bones." grandpa asks interrupting their talk.

Both the kids nod their head and start to refine the soul bone.

Xiao Wu's process is not painful for being a soul beast but for Shen Long it's like living hell on his hand. As soon as Xiao Wu after a few minutes finishes her refinement, she looks at Shen Long who is gritting his teeth in pain.( He inwardly feels how MC's in other Manhua and anime felt like during growth and the reason of their jealousy from their blessed sisters and loved ones who dpn't suffer a bit.)

While Xiao Wu took half an hour, Shen Long takes one hour and in the end as his Right hand Arm soulbone appears it looks as black as starless sky at night and then his external Right arm soulbone appears. A bad premonition falls on Shen Long's but befoe he could react both the soul bones start to merge and yup this is also one painful process for about half an hour.

Both the soul bones merge into one while his Martial Souls also appear and as a shocking fact to everyone there except the barely concious Shen Long, The Dragon eye like Spherical Jewel in Shen Long's soul ring which carried pure golden colour now consists of black aura merging with it and one side of eye remains golden while other turns pitch black. After a bit Shen long opens his eyes and so does grandpa asks, "Xiao Long, are you feeling good?" as the all three rush to him.

"Yup grandpa, I am good now." Shen Long replies as sweat drops down from his body covered in it.

"So what happend?" grandma asks to which Shen long replies as he gets up, "Merging of my soul bones."

"Merging?" Xiao Wu asks a bit confused as well with curiousity like his grandparents.

"I don't know how to explain but it seems like both of my right hand soul bones have merged together and not only that but also their attributes of Extrene Light and Extreme Darkness have merged but still not completely."

"Unbelievable, I can't believe it. External soul bones... no way I will understand. Haizz, then Xiao Long, you don't need to expalin if case is serious as we don't understand much and both of you tell us about your soulbone skills." grandpa says after being unable to digest Shen Long's words.

Xiao wu explains at first eagerly, "Me first, me first. My Soul have has two skills:

• First increases my spd by 90%

• Second is 'Shadow Emergence' which allows me to disappear within shadows for a instance hiding my aura and emerge from shadow of my desired target.

And also note my Soul power is now Lv.26 and my leg has been strengthened a bit. Now together with all my skills let's see who escapes my Eight Stage Drop. Hehe" Xiao Wu says proudly at first and then laughing like devil in the end.

Grandma says, "Hehe, good girl." praising her brutual technique while shivers run down the spines of both Shen Long and grandpa as they remember even Shen Long was unable to prevent Xiao Wu's technique without his soul ring and it was a bit too painful for him.

Xiao Wu breaks Shen Long's trance as she asks him, "Shen Long, what about yours?"

Shen Long replies, "Oh right! Then my soul bone skills are:

•Burst Judgement Claw: Damage +250%, also combines twin attributes of light and darkness at once giving a fatal physical as well as elemental blow; consumes 40% Soul power, 40% Spirit Power

•Abyssal Might: Creates a black sphere of 15m radius like a dark dimension with no any light where everyone except the creator has their senses restrained by darkness; consumes:25% Soul Power, 25% Spirit power

Well, its all." Shen Long says with a smile. While Xiao Wu and grandma praise Shen Long, grandpa stare at him with shock.

"What is it now, dear?" grandma asks a bit curious and confused.

"Well, isn't the soul bone skill like a domain that we got from our soulbone skills?" as soon as the words fall on everyone's ear everyone cries in shock 'Eh!!!'. After that they talk wirh eachother a bit about the soulbone skills and the fact that Shen Long's Soul Power having not increased which Shen Long states is related to his 'Origin Core' and then talking a bit more about other things related to the Fest, they all head to sleep in their respective beds in respective room.

After bidding eachother 'Good night' Xiao Wu and Shen Long lay down on their beds and close their eyes to sleep while Shen calls out in his mind 'Status Window':

Name: Shen Long

Age: 7-years-oold

Martial souls:

•Golden-Dark Draconic sacred gear (seal-10% unsealed)

•Black iron Great-sword (bankai seal- 10% unsealed)

•Spirit eye (It has mutated a bit.)

Soul power: lv.17

Spirit power: lv.367

Soul Ring: 

•A 2000-years-old Dragon-Eyed Heavenly Jewel Soul Ring

Origin: 2000 years old Gold Earth Dragon King

Skill: Overdrive boost- str, def +115% & spd +75%

Soul bones:

•External torso bone: 8 Draconic spider lances

Soul power/Spirit Power absorption, Blood absorption

•External right hand bone: Dragon Claw;

Burst Judgement Claw – Damage +250%, also combines twin attributes of light and darkness at once giving a fatal physical as well as elemental blow; consumes 40% Soul power, 40% Spirit Power

(Currently unstable due to extreme Light Element and Absolute Darkness element)

•Right Hand-Arm Soulbone:

Abyssal Might; Creates a black sphere of 15m radius like a dark dimension with no any light where everyone except the creator has their senses restrained by darkness; consumes: 25% Soul Power, 25% Spirit power


·   Origin Core (Stable)


•Light Element: Extreme Grade

•Darkness Element: Absolute Grade

Comprehension: Sword Energy

Bloodline: 1st-level; Dragon bloodline

Physique: None 

Special: Dragon Heart (Awakened-Unusable)


·   Chaos origin sutra: stage-2: 30% 

(Previous stage great perfection)

•14-primary foundation sword: 30%

[12-basic sword art (great perfection)]

•  Illusionary Shadow Steps: 10%

[Shallow steps (Great Perfection)]

•Golden eye technique: stage-2: 15%

•Mysterious jade hand: level-2: 0%

"System, can my elemental grade imorove?" Shen Long asks curiously to whichthe system replies, "As Long as absorbs a soul ring, the soul beast's attribute will be devoured by he Heavenly Jewels."

Shen Long excitedly awaits for his 2nd-soul-ring upon hearing that and starts to plan in his mind.

In the Academy;

"Shen Long, do I really have to follow this routine?" Tang San asks with a awkward smile and a pitiful expression on his face. "Just what kind of training is this:

•10 miles running with 30 Kg

•100 Pushups, situps with the weight

Are you sure you are not trying to kill me?"

Xiao Wu speaks before Shen Long could, "Xiao San don't you see even Wang Shen and others are capable enough and why can't you a PRODIGY be capable enough? Hehe" as teases Tang San towards the end.

Now Tang San has two options either to slowly start training giving up his pride or start immediately keeping his pride. He sighs at his destiny and then says, "Okay, I am ready. Sister Wu How can I Tang San call myself a man... I mean a manly boy if I can't even complete this kind of exercise?" and saying that Tang Dan takes the weights from Shen Long and carefully attached to his arms and legs then starts running.

Shen Long says from behind, "Circulate the Chaos Sutra while running, it will be many times more effective."

Tng San nods and starts the circulation of Chaos Sutra amd surprisingly it is indeed more than seven times more effective than normal.

While running Tang San after a mile starts to feel tired and so he starts sweat and sweating for half an hour he looked like having bathed in water. While Tang San wasn't physically as strong as Shen Long, he still had his great will and determination so he continues running though it was slower than a child walking. While running Tang San had a bizzare idea so he while circulating Chaos Sutra applied method of Mysterious Heaven Skill and surprisingly it worked.

The energy that flowed through heart, dantian and heart to entire body now also flowed through his meridians and to his surprise all of his sealed meridians awakened temporarily making him feel more vigor and so he continues running.

After a few hours he barely completes his training and then Shen Long heads to him handing over a towel and a water bottle and says, "How was it? Effective?"

Tamg San replies, "It really is. But I do have a question, why did you even distribute such brilliant technique among all of us?"

"Because you all are my friends." Shen Long replies smiling.

"Friends, huh? This..." Tang San can't help himself to say anything as all he remembers from his past life was a goal to be accepted as a pround and brilliant disciple of Tamg Sect while he neither had time for friendship nor there were any persom who would forward their hand for friendship.

Tang San feels his loneliness ceasing in this world as time has been passing by. He then takes on some courage trying to say something but can't spill it out. Seeing which Shen Long says, "San no need to worry buddy. If you wish to say somethingjust say it and if you don't have enough courage then take your time." cheering him up.

Tang San nods.

Likewise the second year also passes by among friends and family enjoying and cultivating hard as they all practice like last practice ever when it's time to and enjoy when it's time to. She Long a week before the holidays asks Tang San to arrange for meeting with his, Tang San's, master. Tang San gives a positive reply and so Tang San, Master and Shen Long start talking about a few things.

--> To Be Continued