
Soul land: The savage star

A soul land fanfic. A kid awakens his spirit, which was never seen before. All that is known is that it allowed him to have innate full spirit power and that it's hot MC will first join spirit hall and well, the story will be a bit dark so if you don't like it, don't try I will tweak the world a bit, mainly introducing different spirit beasts. release schedule: 5chap/week Cover is not mine, found it on Google image

MichaelLouisXXI · Others
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: spirit city

In the one-month-long journey, Feng was quite relaxed with his training. He advanced steadily, mostly thanks to the first sun rays. They apparently made his training speed up exponentially, to the point that he advanced a rank, promoting him to rank 13. Beibei, on the other hand, was getting more and more anxious. The distance between him and his brother was increasing, thus, he felt left out.

He didn't blame his brother for being talented, he was happy for him but a little bit of jealousy was unavoidable, knowing that they were twins. By the end of the travel, he also advanced a rank, making him a rank 9 spirit master. Finally seeing results after all these efforts, Beibei was overjoyed, as was Feng since he also felt a little bit guilty about his higher talent. Though he knew he shouldn't, as that's life.

Elder Luo, who was with them the whole time was arguably the happiest. The more talent they showed, the more relieved he felt about the future of the village and spirit hall. As they reached spirit city, the two kids marveled at the beauty of the city. The city wasn't as beautiful as Flying snow village but it certainly was beautiful. The most noticeable thing about it was the white color of most of the buildings. This made the feeling of entering a holy place sprout inside the kids' minds.

As they entered the city, a masked man dressed in white appeared out of nowhere and bowed towards elder Luo as he led them towards spirit hall academy. Paying the coach, they left with the masked man and after a few hours, mostly thanks to the kids marveling at everything entering their sights, they reached spirit hall academy.

Just like the city, it was all white. There were three big buildings near the entrance and further inside, there were three others. Pointing at the nearest three buildings, elder Luo said " See that? That's the place you will stay at for the next six years. " Now pointing at the three in the back, he added " This will be the place you will stay at afterward.

The two kids were just gawking at how the academy looked and ignoring the glowing country bumpkins marked on their foreheads, elder Luo went to the guards monitoring the entrance to exchange a few words. After a few seconds, they both bowed as they let them pass. Entering the academy, elder Luo turned towards them and explained a few things.

" This is spirit hall academy, the best academy of the continent. I already made all the preparations for you. You just have to visit the dean then you will go to your dormitory. As you are part of the elementary academy, there are some places that are restricted but worry not for you will be happy here. As the lectures begin in a week, you will have time to familiarize with the place and make some friends. "

Totally overlooking elder Luo's words, Beibei asked something way more important " But elder, where is mom? She said we will be able to see her if we made it. She even said she would be our personal teacher! "

" She… is a teacher of the advanced academy so she is at a restricted part for you. As for her being your personal teacher… She is not qualified. If she wants to, she can be an assistant teacher at best. She knows that you are here so she will come to visit you often, just know that a teacher is very busy and can't make much time. Though, she will visit you before the beginning of the lectures, that, she promised. " Replied elder Luo with a troubled face.

He really had a hard time dealing with this woman, her status was lower than his but her character was eccentric. He often asks himself who the elder is sometimes. " Back to the topic, immediately go to the dean's office, she will arrange everything I couldn't do. Remember that you are the pride of our flying snow village and that no matter what happens, it is your home. "

As he was about to ask more questions, beibei was stopped by Feng's hand on his shoulder. Shaking his head, Feng profusely thanked the elder for his care and help and forcefully led Beibei to the dean's office, though he was only following the masked man. Meanwhile, elder Luo wore a grateful smile, destined to Feng as he left to a place outside the academy. He had tons of reports to make.

On the way, Beibei couldn't take it anymore and asked " Why did you stop me earlier? "

" Elder Luo has lots of things to do. Didn't you see that he was kinda rushed earlier? Furthermore, he said it himself, mom will come in this week. "

" I see… I'm just too eager to see mom again. I miss her. "

As Beibei was talking, they entered the nearest building to the entrance. It was a two-story building. At the front door was marked teacher's building. This means the other two should be the student dormitory and the last was for the classes. The first thing they saw entering it was a door on which is marked ' the dean's office '.

Not turning around to look at them, the masked man said " This is the dean's office. Be sure to be respectful when you meet her. " As he was speaking, he knocked on the door " This is temple knight Xia, I am bringing the Leng twins. "

After a minute of awkward silence, a cold feminine voice resounded " You may enter "

Opening the door and entering, masked man Xia said " Excuse me "

As he did that, the twins followed him silently. They were never really taught how to be polite. Their speech pattern was quite casual so they decided to stay silent when not asked to talk.

As they entered the relatively simple but elegant office, they saw the Dean who was a masked woman with blond hairs and eyes, dressed in a white gown. She had a very cold aura surrounding her, making the twins very nervous.

Pointing to the seats in front of her desk, she told them to sit down and dismissed masked man Xia.

Looking at them silently, she began to speak " So, you two are the twin geniuses of the flying snow village? " Bringing up a stack of papers, she continued " Leng Feng: martial spirit unknown, tentative name: heavenly star. Innate full spirit power and now at rank 13. Leng Beibei: martial spirit ice polar dread claw bear. Awakened as a rank 8 spirit master and is now at rank 9. Is everything right? "

As the elder brother, it was Feng who replied, although nervously " Y-Yes. "

Gazing deeply at Feng, she said " Just so you know, your current spirit rank was not mentioned on the report. Tell me, who permitted you to hunt a spirit beast by yourself? I believe Luo knows that these kinds of actions can limit your potential as a not matching or weak spirit can reduce considerably your value. "

Even more nervous than before, Feng replied in a mosquito voice " I-it's because... " He recounted what happened during the travel, without hiding anything about the spirit ring or the effect of the day's first sun rays.

After he was done talking, the dean closed her eyes and just said " I see... from now on, whenever you are at the limit of your rank, come report to me. "

" Yes! "

Taking a key, she handed it to him as she said " This is the key to your dorm room. Follow temple knight Xia and rest for the week. You can tour the academy or do whatever you want. The only premises are that you cannot go to the advanced academy or be loud. Is that clear? "

" Yes! "

" You can go now. "

" Then excuse us " Feng and Beibei got up and left quickly. The dean didn't exert any form of pressure on them but she wasn't any less scary. As they exited her office, the dean got up and disappeared. When she reappeared, she was in a magnificent looking trone. There were seven of said thrones and as she sat, a voice coming from another one boomed...

Once out of the office, the two scared kids looked at masked man Xia who only nodded and began to walk. Helpless, they followed him while repressing any words that wanted to leave their mouths.

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