

Iron Heart Village lies on the outskirts of the mainland with it's neighboring villages, Holy Spirit Village and Blue Garden Village. The village was large by normal standards, housing more than four-hundred families. There was nothing really special about the village except for the great iron mines that was very abundant thought the entire village.

It is better to call it a mining town than a village. Every young child, boy or girl, is encouraged to learn how to mine and the differences between good from a young age.

But today, was a special day. Even miners have stopped mining for this day.

It was the annual Spirit Awakening Day.

Every single six year old has the chance to awaken their innate Spirits.

In the outskirts of the small village, a broken down small was seen isolated from the rest of the village. Inside the hut a young boy with long white hair and a pair of captivating black eyes. He was looking around the hut with a confused expression. At times he would look down at his hands and would also touch his face and body repeatedly.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

What just happened? I was...doing nothing in my room and now...I'm here. Where is here anyway?

I scanned the 'room' around me. Looking for some indication of where I was.

Did- did I get sent to the gulags? Wait - that was edgy, even for me. But why is this place so - whats the word - disgusting?

A captivating white light started forming on the table in front of me.

I stood up and went towards it.

The white light finished forming and shaped itself into a letter.

[A Gift from Your God]

The only god I believed in was the god of reincarnation and I sure as hell didn't do anything that was worth a gift.

I instinctively reached out my hand and touched the paper.


The paper tore and transformed into a million pieces of light.

I closed my eyes trying not to get blinded right after my reincarnation.

Pieces of memories started flowing into my head.

I am Xiao Bai of the Iron Heart Village, Son of Xiao Tang . Son of a mass serial killer who sexually assaulted a majority of the women in the village. After a whole five years of not getting caught, Xiao Tang got sloppy and targeted the wife of the village chief. Long story short, he got caught and was tortured to death.

But that was not before impregnating the chief's wife.

For some reason, the chief and his wife decided to keep the child.

Well, then I got born and that killed the chief's wife in the process. Now the village hates me because I killed the kind wife of the chief and because my dad was a serial murder/rapist.

Next was a series of images that showed the type of world I was reincarnated to.

To sum it all up. I was in a world where people are born with spirits. They can be weapons, beasts, or part of your body. These spirits are cultivated until you reach a bottle neck. Then you have to absorb a beast's life essence which takes the shape of a ring and continue cultivating until you reach another bottle neck. Then repeat the process.

Every child awakens their spirit, courtesy of Spirit Hall, by the age of six. Coincidentally, I happen to be six years old right now.

The light in the room started to get brighter and brighter.

Another piece of information passes through my head.

It was me, standing in front of a being made of pure light. It looked like I was bargaining with it.

[Binding to Soul Body...DONE]

[Creating Spirits...DONE]

Did I just get a system? I got a system. Holy sh*t I got a system.

I've read enough books to know what to do!

"Status." A feminine voice rang out from the room.

It took me a while to understand that was my voice.

I'm still a guy. I checked a while back. Am I a trap!

A transparent blue glow appeared right in front of me.


« General Information »

Name: Xiao Bai | Age: 6 | Sex: Male | Spirit Power: 10|

« Assets»

Shop Points:100

Spirit Coins: 0

« Spirits»

[Wisdom of the Sage]

[Three-Eyed Rose Golden Lion]

« Skills»



What the heck! Where are my stats? My OP starter pack. My OP inventory!

Another stream of information goes through my mind.

It took two minutes to digest the information.

This is kind of disappointing. My system was only a tracker and a shop. I had no heaven defying stats page. No earth shattering inventory.

But at least I still had twin spirits. Let's see.

I focused on my spirits.

_ _ _

[Wisdom of the Sage | Body Spirit | Control, Power, Defense, Auxiliary System]

✦Innate ability: Control over the forces of the universe✦

『Negative effects: Decreases your Life Span with every use』

[Three-Eyed Rose Gold Lion | Beast Spirit | Power, Defense, System]

✦Innate ability: Manifestation. It allows the user's Strength, Speed, and Defense to increase dramatically.✦

_ _ _

Sh*t. B*tch. F*ck. Isn't the second spirit supposed to be super weak! To hide myself from evil forces who want to experiment on my body!

I took a deep breath.

Calm down. I just have to show the one which I want to use the most. Seeing as how I want to live, I will choose the Three-Eyed Lion.



I heard the bells ringing from the middle of the town.

I quickly shift through my memories trying to remember what that signal was.

In a matter of seconds I quickly burst out the room and ran towards the middle of the village. It was the last call for the spirit awakening ceremony.

When I got towards the populated parts of the village, I received glares of contempt. The adults even covered the eyes of the children as I passed by.

I felt my face heat up. I know it isn't my fault for all this. I had no control of the wife's death or Xiao Tang's actions. But there is a certain feeling in my heart that made me cringe.

I kept my head down and ran to the most populated part of the town.

The Iron Hall.

It was where the ceremony took the place.

When I arrived at the Hall, I saw twenty kids in a line facing a man with a grey color scheme. He looked at me and gestured to join the line.

I went to the end of the line and the person in front of me moved away.

Again, I felt my face burning.

The man looked at this and ignored it. It wasn't his place to baby sit little kids.

"Ahem, I am the examiner. A Spirit Master Rank 26, sent by Spirit Hall. I will awaken your spirits!" He announced.

He guided everyone to the Iron hall and started awakening everyone's spirits.

The Spirit Master yelled out, "Lone Wolf!" and a magical transformation occurred. His body began to grow white and silver fur as his hair grew longer. His face shape started changing as his facial features got sharper. His nails got longer. His teeth became more prominent and sharp.

The other kids started to get scared while the only thing on my mind was, Explains the grey get up.

He went to the first kid in line.

"Spirit: Blue Sliver Grass. It's a junk spirit. No attack, defense, or auxiliary ability."

The man sighed and pulled out a crystal ball.

"This will test the level of your spirit essence." He said as he put it up to the girl who awakened the 'junk' spirit.

The girl put her hand on the crystal ball as everyone was watching intently.

The man waited for a couple seconds before sighing. "Essence: 0"

The man did this again and again.

He had now reached the sixteenth person.

"Spirit: Sharp Dagger. Not bad." The man praised. "Now let's check your spirit level."

The ball light up a bit.

"Essence: 4. Not bad. With a lot of effort, you might become a spirit master."

"I knew it!" Some kid yelled.

"Wu Tang has always been a phoenix among girls."

"As expected from the captain's daughter." Another boy yelled.

Wu Tang looked proud as she surveyed the entire room.

She had short light brown hair with a small build. Her eyes were screaming confidence and it was supported by her stance. Her whole energy demanded obedience.

When she saw my stare, she smiled even brighter.

The man kept continuing on awakening spirits.

Finally he came to me.

"Awaken!" He yelled.


A golden ring of light passed through Xiao Bai's body as his features started to change. His long white hair turned deep rose gold. His milky white skin shimmered with golds as faint golden scales started popping up.

Xiao Bai's nails grew longer and his teeth got sharper. His feminine body started to look more robust and his height started growing.

Behind him a behemoth figure rose. It had dreamy golden fur with translucent-like-crystal body. It's peculiar three eyes drew the souls of the spectators.


I looked at the examiner and he was speechless. I looked at the kids who embarrassed me and they were speechless. I looked at my hair and I was speechless.

"Th - That's a Three-Eyed Lion!" He finally said out loud.

He handed me the crystal ball and it made a Rose-Gold light.

"Full Innate Spirit Power!" He yelled out enthusiastically. "Young Lady, would you like to join Spirit Hall?"

Lady? Do I look like a lady to you!

"I'm not a girl." I said in my most manliest voice.

The man looked at the kids to see if he was getting played.

The just shrugged their shoulders. They weren't with me long enough to know if I was a girl or not. They just kind of assumed.

As a person from modern times, I am disgusted, and offended that this society is going to suppress my kind. Us traps have feelings too. We aren't any less of a person just because we look like this.

"I'll have to take your word for it. Everyone is dismissed." He laughed out loud. "But do you want to enter Spirit Hall?"

"What are the benefits?" I asked.

There is no way I'm joining a force this early into my reincarnation without having good benefits. Every chinese novel I've read can be summarized like this. Family bad. Forces bad. Strength is good sometimes. Rape is fine as long as you're handsome.

"Let me think." He said and I gave him a few minutes. I wanted his best answer.

"Firstly, It is the number one power in the continent, and with your potential, you'll have a bright future ahead. You'll also get 10,000 spirit coins every month. Not only that, but you'll have Spirit Hall's best experts helping you with your progression whether that be equipment or getting spirit rings."

This guy's good. He should be a cars salesmen or something. Or carriage seller.

"What are the restrictions?" I asked.

"Well - You have to protect Spirit Hall if it's in danger." He said.

"That's a given." I said back.

"You have to never question or go against - any order." He said the last part uncomfortably.

"Will you kill me if I said no?" I asked him.

I don't want to die because of this. It hasn't even been two hours since my reincarnation.

"No - No! It's your decision." He insisted righteously.

"Give me some money and I'll join Spirit Hall in the future." I promised.

The man thought about it for a few seconds and gave me a couple spirit coins. This was probably an investment for him.

"Will this be enough for a meal?" I asked him.

Xiao Bai never had anyone teach him the value of money. So I can't rely on the memories to find out.

He looked at me for a couple seconds. His eyes widened in shock and his expression was soon replaced with pity.

"Yes, that should be enough for food." He answered.

"Can you recommend me to a place to learn? Like a school?" I asked him.

Yes, the Notan Beginners Academy is in Notan City. You know where that is?"

I shook my head and he gave me a map.

"Alright, thank you! I'll be going." I took a bow that I saw from anime and left the Iron Hall.

This story is heavily inspired by the Quin Guardian Duoluo.

This book probably won't be as good as it though.

Travocreators' thoughts
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