
Chapter 4 Thunder Beibei

Translator: WuxiaWorld

Bei Bei looked at him with a hint of surprise, "Little Brother Huo, you must think this through. Joining the sect is no small matter. Although the Tang Sect has declined, it has once been the number one sect in the world. If you regret it in the future and want to betray the sect, neither Tang Ya nor I will let you off easily."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "Big Brother Bei, I have thought it over. I have no family left, and I'm still young. It was only on this trip to Xingdou Forest that I realized how dangerous the outside world can be. I want to stand out and become a powerful Soul Master, and joining the Tang Sect is undoubtedly a shortcut to that end. Not only can I enter Shrek Academy, but I can also receive guidance from you. Moreover, I trust you. You were willing to disclose all the difficulties facing the Tang Sect, and I can feel your sincerity towards me. I am willing to work with you to create a glorious future for the Tang Sect."

"Good, very well said," Tang Ya said excitedly as she hugged Huo Yuhao.

Bei Bei also nodded slightly at him. Just as he felt, Huo Yuhao was far more mature than his peers. Although he had gained his first soul ring after the age of ten, he could become accomplished through effort. Moreover, he was a rare possessor of a Spirit Martial Soul. It seemed the Tang Sect had caught a lucky break.

The faint fragrance from Tang Ya made Huo Yuhao's face turn red, and he stood there without daring to move, standing obediently in place.

It was Bei Bei who broke the awkwardness, "Teacher Xiao Ya."

Tang Ya then let go of Huo Yuhao, looking at him with a smile. She looked more than satisfied. Of course, she would never admit that her initial desire to have Huo Yuhao join the Tang Sect was because of the deliciously grilled fish he made…

"Little Yuhao, time to take me as your teacher. Our Tang Sect is small, so we don't have many formalities. You just need to kowtow once and address me as 'Teacher', and from then on, you'll be part of the Tang Sect," Tang Ya said seriously.

Huo Yuhao nodded, and with a plop, he knelt in front of Tang Ya, "Disciple Huo Yuhao pays respect to Teacher."

Tang Ya stood still, letting him bow three times before helping him up.

"Very good, Yuhao, from now on, you are my second disciple. Meet your elder brother," she said while pointing at Bei Bei beside her.

"I pay my respects to elder brother," Huo Yuhao bowed again to Bei Bei.

Bei Bei gave a slight smile, saying, "Little junior brother, don't be too formal. From now on, we're family."

Tang Ya looked relieved and said, "Yuhao, from now on, you should call me Teacher Xiao Ya like Bei Bei does, but don't follow him in being too casual. Understand?"

"Yes, Teacher." After becoming a disciple, Huo Yuhao naturally acted more reserved, but the emptiness in his heart also stabilized a lot. Joining the Tang Sect had given him a sense of security that he had not felt for a long time.

Xiao Ya flipped her hand, seemingly producing a book from nowhere, and handed it to Huo Yuhao, "Little Yuhao, this is a copy of 'Mystic Sky Records,' which contains the ultimate techniques of our Tang Sect. Among them, the Mystic Sky Method is fundamental, and meditation upon it will definitely speed up your cultivation. You are just starting, so switching to Mystic Sky Method won't affect you in any negative way. Bei Bei and I will guide your cultivation later on. Apart from the Mystic Sky Method, 'Mystic Sky Records' also includes five ultimate techniques, which are: Mystic Jade Hands to practice hands, Purple Demon Eyes to practice the eyes, capturing technique of Controlling Crane and Capturing Dragon, lightness technique of Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, and the method of Hidden Weapons Hundred Solutions for hidden weapon use. Our Tang Sect is most famous for hidden weapons, but you must build a solid foundation before starting that cultivation. What you need to do now is to start practicing the first five techniques, and later I'll teach you about hidden weapons."

"I mentioned earlier that there was one Tang Sect ultimate technique that is particularly well-suited to you, and that's the Purple Demon Eyes. Purple Demon Eyes is a method to practice the eyes. When cultivated to a certain level, it can unleash a very powerful attack. Your Martial Soul is your eyes, so there should be nothing more suitable for you than this technique. You must practice it diligently," she added.

Receiving the 'Mystic Sky Records' from Xiao Ya, Huo Yuhao carefully tucked it into his chest, "Thank you, Teacher. I will definitely work hard at my cultivation."

Bei Bei pressed a button on his own belt, revealing a black belt inlaid with round white jade pieces.

"Little junior brother, this belt, modeled after the Soul Guidance Device 'Twenty-four Bridge Moonlit Night' possessed by our Tang Sect ancestor Tang San, is my gift to you as a welcoming present. With it, carrying certain items will become much more convenient," while speaking, Bei Bei fastened the 'Twenty-four Bridge Moonlit Night' belt around Huo Yuhao's waist and explained how to use it. It turned out that the twenty-four jade pieces on the belt each had a half-meter cubed space to store various items. They could be manipulated with soul power, making them quite precious Soul Guidance Devices.

Yuhao wasn't particularly gifted physically, but he was extremely intelligent. After a few tries, he was able to easily control the 'Twenty-four Bridge Moonlit Night'. However, manipulating it consumed a not-insignificant portion of his already meager soul power.

"Little Yuhao, your elder brother and I came out to hunt soul beasts to increase our soul rings. You just follow us for now. After I've completed the hunt, I'll take you back to Shrek Academy," Tang Ya said.

"Yes, Teacher," Huo Yuhao hurriedly replied respectfully.

Tang Ya chuckled, "Although you've become a disciple, you don't need to be so tense. With just the three of us in the Tang Sect, what's the fun in being too stiff?"

Bei Bei said with a touch of annoyance, "With a teacher like you, it'd be weird if the disciple could be reserved. The sky is getting dark; we should hurry on our way. Let's hope we get lucky and find a suitable soul beast to hunt on the outskirts of Xingdou Forest."

"Mhm," Tang Ya nodded and said, "Let's set off."

Tang Ya led the way while Bei Bei held Huo Yuhao's hand from behind, and the three of them sped up towards Xingdou Forest.

Huo Yuhao could clearly feel his cultivation improving, especially his physical condition, which made it much easier for him to travel. But compared to Tang Ya and Bei Bei, there was still a significant gap in speed. A gentle soul power came from Bei Bei's hand, almost carrying him as they ran, so Huo Yuhao hardly needed to expend any effort.

As they walked, Bei Bei said to Huo Yuhao, "Little junior brother, our Tang Sect's Mystic Sky Method is one of the best cultivation methods on the continent. If you practice diligently, you will definitely reap rewards. Let me tell you the intricacies of how to operate Mystic Sky Method. Make sure to remember them."

"Okay." Huo Yuhao nodded, listening intently to Bei Bei's explanation.

Not only was Bei Bei elegant in appearance, but he also had a very mild and meticulous temperament. When explaining the Mystic Sky Method's cultivation technique to Huo Yuhao, he patiently detailed every aspect. Whenever Huo Yuhao didn't understand something, Bei Bei could explain it in a way that was both straightforward and easy to grasp. Huo Yuhao quickly became immersed in the extraordinary cultivation method.

Tang Ya, walking in front, couldn't help but stick out her tongue, because she was absolutely certain that if it were her explaining to Huo Yuhao, she definitely wouldn't have been as methodical as Bei Bei. She really was an unqualified Sect Master of the Tang Sect.

With Bei Bei explaining and Huo Yuhao listening, time had unknowingly passed, and nearly two hours had gone by.

The main road had disappeared, and they were surrounded by dense woods. The air became fresher, yet a somber aura faintly emanated from deep within the forest.

"The basic method of cultivation is like this, but you'll have to try it yourself and slowly figure it out. If there's anything you don't understand, just come and ask me," Bei Bei said to Huo Yuhao.

"Thank you, Big Brother Bei." Huo Yuhao's respect for Bei Bei continued to rise with his explanation, naturally leading him to behave more respectfully.

Just then, Xiao Ya, who was walking ahead, suddenly huffed coldly. Her steps became elusive as her body flickered and she pounced towards a large tree to the left. Huo Yuhao barely caught glimpses of cold light flashing by, and one of the Wind Baboons that had almost killed him before fell from the treetop.

Xiao Ya said irritably, "These Wind Baboons are the most annoying, always launching attacks and preferring to ambush."

Huo Yuhao, who had not used his Spirit Eyes just now, didn't see how Xiao Ya had made her move, "Teacher Xiao Ya, was that a soul skill you used just now?"

Xiao Ya replied with some pride, "It wasn't a soul skill, but a combination of our Tang Sect's Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track and hidden weapons. Impressive, huh? Practice well, and you'll be able to do it too in the future."

"Xiao Ya, be careful." Bei Bei's expression suddenly changed. He violently raised his right hand, making a clawing gesture towards Tang Ya. They were obviously accustomed to cooperating. Xiao Ya tapped the ground with the tip of her foot, her body floating up as if weightless, being pulled over by the pulling force in Bei Bei's hand.

A dark shadow instantly landed with a soft "puff" sound. Right after, a thick sweet scent assailed their senses.

Huo Yuhao felt dizzy for a moment, but then a cold current surged from within his body, sealing his mouth and nose. A wisp of cold fog was faintly expelled from his mouth and nose, expelling the sweet poison he had inhaled back into the air.

Ice property, my second Martial Soul? Huo Yuhao immediately thought of the origin of the cold current. However, he clearly hadn't been the one controlling it just now.

As he marveled at the effect of his second Martial Soul, Xiao Ya had already been pulled close by the pulling force in Bei Bei's palm. She pushed down on Bei Bei's shoulder with her right hand, coiled her body, and flipped over to land behind him.

Two rings rose from under Tang Ya's feet, the bright yellow pulsing up and down. Both of her soul rings were actually at the Centennial level.

Streaks of blue vines rapidly unfurled from Tang Ya's body in that instant. One of them wound around Huo Yuhao's waist while many more spread far and wide into the distance.

In comparison to Tang Ya, it was the sight of Bei Bei that truly shocked Huo Yuhao.

All this time, in his mind, this Big Brother Bei had always been gentle and refined. Bei Bei, standing next to Tang Ya, was always accompanied by a mild smile, giving off an approachable vibe. But now, he had become entirely different.

As Xiao Ya soared over his head, a dazzling blue light shone from Bei Bei's forehead. The light spread instantaneously, covering his entire body from his brow to his feet. Streams of blue-purple lightning, like tiny snakes, erupted and swirled around his body. At a glance, Bei Bei's changes didn't seem to be major, except for a blue lightning mark on his forehead and the transformations of his body due to the Martial Soul attachment.

Yet, it was this sole transformation that gave Huo Yuhao a whole new understanding of Soul Masters.

The change was in his right arm. The sleeve on his right side had burst into ashes due to the arm's swelling, and the arm had grown about six inches longer. The entire arm was very thick and covered in blue-purple scales. His hand became claw-like, sheathed in the same scales. Each joint on the hand became extremely bulky. Blue-purple lightning, coiling around him, constantly converged and flitted across his arm. The three soul rings of two yellow and one purple didn't circle his body like those of other Soul Masters; instead, they revolved around the specially mutated arm.

Three rings, Soul Venerable level - Huo Yuhao was stunned to discover that Big Brother Bei, who was only four to five years older than himself, was already a Soul Venerable above level 30. Moreover, his soul rings were of the highest combination: two Centennial and one Millennium soul rings.

In the hierarchy of soul rings, white stands for 10 years, yellow for a hundred years, purple for a thousand years, and the higher black represents ten-thousand years. A hundred-thousand-year soul beast, like the one that had once persecuted the Skydream Ice Silkworm, would have a red soul ring if it transformed.

Huo Yuhao had previously inquired about it; both Bei Bei and Tang Ya were fifteen, with Bei Bei being slightly older by months. To reach the Soul Venerable level at such an age with three soul rings of this caliber was more than enough to describe Bei Bei as a prodigy. By cultivation level, he was already far beyond Teacher Tang Ya, a Grand Soul Master above level 20.

"Quack, quack—" Amidst the strange cries, the shadow that had landed on the ground bounced up, lunging straight at Bei Bei.

Bei Bei let out a cold snort, a layer of purple glint appearing in his eyes. His bulky right arm swung horizontally, casting a dense net of electricity in the air, blocking the path of the shadow.

"Crack—" Amid thunderous roars, the shadow ricocheted back, and Bei Bei staggered three or four steps backwards, his expression slightly changing, clearly the strength of his opponent had exceeded his expectations.

"It's a Datura snake. Wow, Millennium level, perfect. Bei Bei, I want this one," Tang Ya said, her voice high with delight rather than fear.

Huo Yuhao could now see what had attacked them more clearly. It was a large snake over three meters long with a peachy red body and a small raised section on its forehead shaped like a flower.


Bei Bei clearly did not share Tang Ya's excitement; his face was solemn. Although he was already at the level of a Soul Venerable, facing a thousand-year soul beast still did not assure him an easy victory, and this was only because his Beast Martial Soul was strong enough. If it were an ordinary Soul Venerable-level Soul Master facing a thousand-year soul beast, the only option might be to turn tail and run.

"Xiao Ya, protect Yuhao well," Bei Bei shouted lowly, and at the same time, the first soul ring on his right arm shone brightly. Under the intense fluctuation of soul power, a blue-violet lightning dragon claw with a diameter of about one foot was rapidly conjured and shot out towards the Datura snake.

Thunder Dragon Claw, Bei Bei's first soul skill.

The Datura snake was extremely cunning. Having been coiled on the ground just before, the moment Bei Bei launched his attack, it suddenly leaped up into the air. Its long tail whipped violently through the air and instantly turned into a streak of pink light, lunging towards Bei Bei.

Bei Bei did not retreat but advanced instead, swiftly ducking his body and stepping on the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, flashing quickly. The Thunder Dragon Claw he had previously launched in the air unexpectedly curved, chasing the Datura snake from behind. At the same time, the second soul ring on his right arm lit up as well, with countless snake-like lightning bolts intensifying to form a net of lightning arrows in the air, creating a Thunder Net that enveloped the Datura snake from above.

The previous Thunder Dragon Claw was just to get the Datura snake moving, while the net formed by the second soul skill, Thunderous Rage, was the real trap. As long as the snake was covered by the electric net, the Thunder Dragon Claw coming from behind would, even if not seriously wounding the Datura snake, at least give him the upper hand.

However, the strength of a thousand-year soul beast was not so simple to deal with. Just as the electric net was about to close, a cluster of pink fog sprayed from the mouth of the Datura snake, emitting an aroma ten times more potent than before and spreading in all directions.

Tang Ya quickly retreated with Huo Yuhao, afraid of even the slightest contamination, and for the first time, a look of concern appeared on her pretty face.

The lightning arrows created by Thunderous Rage were doused by the pink toxic fog as if splashed with water. While their power remained, they dissolved into a myriad of small fragments in an instant.

The Datura snake showed its staunchness, stiffening its body in mid-air and crashing head-on into the electric net. It miraculously opened a gap in Thunderous Rage and, while flying out, flicked its tail. The tip shone with a bright pink light, striking the oncoming Thunder Dragon Claw and shattering Bei Bei's first soul skill.

However, Bei Bei's attacks were not completely ineffective. As one of the strongest Beast Martial Souls, his attacking power was among the very top of his peers. Although the Datura snake was formidable and had broken through two thunderous soul skills, a fine layer of electric light appeared on its body, preventing it from continuing its attack upon landing.

Bei Bei did not pursue either, as the pink poison fog spread through the air, and he dared not touch it in the least. As he quickly retreated, he produced a porcelain bottle from his hand, took an elixir for himself, and then threw the bottle towards Tang Ya.

Tang Ya caught the porcelain bottle, poured out two elixirs, ate one herself, and put the other into Huo Yuhao's mouth.

"Bei Bei, let me help you," Tang Ya said while taking the medicine.

Bei Bei shook his head and said, "This guy is tough; we might need to prepare for a drawn-out battle. There might be other soul beasts around. You focus on protecting us; I'll deal with it myself. Also, keep Yuhao safe."



This was already the second time Bei Bei reminded Tang Ya to take good care of Huo Yuhao. Huo Yuhao felt a warm current surge through his heart. Aside from his mother, it was the first time someone had treated him so well, and he couldn't help but become excited.

I must help Big Brother. I am not a useless person.

Huo Yuhao quickly stimulated his Soul Power and channeled it into his spirit eyes. The soul skill he had just acquired flashed in his mind for the first time.

In his deep blue eyes, a faint golden glow emerged once more, and a white Soul Ring rose from beneath his feet.

On the surface, there were no other signs of change, but in the next moment, both Bei Bei and Tang Ya shuddered, their eyes showing shock.

Under their gaze, it seemed as if time had slowed down. Everything around them became extremely clear, and a massive amount of information appeared in their minds wherever their sight fell. When Bei Bei focused on the Datura snake, the distance between him and the snake and even the strength changes in each muscle on the snake's body appeared in his mind. All the minute details were clearly presented in the depths of his mind.

Not only that, but within a thirty-meter radius, there was no need to use their eyes to see, as all the scenery presented itself in three dimensions within their minds. Any slight change in the surroundings was immediately reflected in their brains.

Is this...

Both Bei Bei and Tang Ya immediately thought of Huo Yuhao. Was this Huo Yuhao's first Soul Skill? How could it be so miraculous? With this detection assistance, dealing with any enemy would be much easier. Especially against soul beasts like the Datura snake, which were adept at speed, it allowed them to anticipate the enemy and act first. For Bei Bei, who had sufficient attack power, no assistance could be more effective than this.

A skill provided by a 10-year Soul Ring was so powerful, and the auxiliary capability was so exceptional—it really lived up to the rarity of a spiritual mutant attribute!

Huo Yuhao naturally didn't know that Bei Bei and Tang Ya attributed the magic he showed to his mutant Martial Soul. In reality, what he was using was not one skill, but two.

The million-year Soul Ring came with the first soul skill, Spiritual Detection, along with the second soul skill, Spirit Share.

Both skills were of the auxiliary type, and it was Huo Yuhao's first time using them. Although he had not fully comprehended the mysteries of these two soul skills, they still played a tremendous role.

With his current physical strength, the power of the soul skill provided by the Skydream Ice Silkworm's Soul Ring was comparable to that of a four-hundred-year-old soul beast. Therefore, both the range of Spiritual Detection and Spirit Share were around a thirty-meter diameter. However, with his present strength, he could share his Spiritual Detection ability with at most three targets at the same time. Anymore would be beyond his capacity.

Both soul skills didn't consume much of Huo Yuhao's Soul Power, but they did require a certain amount of his Spiritual Power. It could be said that he was supporting these two abilities with both his Spiritual Power and Soul Power. With his current state of cultivation, supporting it for at least a quarter of an hour was no problem. How long it could last would have to be determined through trial.

A deep rumbling sound suddenly erupted from Bei Bei's body, his entire body emitting dense blue-purple lightning. The scales on his right arm quickly spread across his body, covering his right chest as well, and his aura surged in an instant. His purple third Soul Ring also shone brightly at this moment.


Millennium Soul Ring Technique, Thunderous Rage.

As the owner of a beast Martial Soul with the most potent attack ability, this third soul skill, Thunderous Rage, instantly boosted Bei Bei's soul power attack effect by over fifty percent, with the electric attribute increasing several-fold. Although this wasn't a direct attack skill, it elevated Bei Bei's condition to an extremely fearsome state. Even some Soul Ancestors with four soul rings, if their Martial Souls were weaker, wouldn't be his match.

Although Bei Bei was young, his battle experience was exceptionally rich. With Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Detection and Spirit Share support, he knew his opportunity had come. Unsure how long Huo Yuhao could hold on, he went all out from the very start, unleashing his full strength.

In his transformed right hand, the claw now wreathed in bluish-purple lightning, a Thunder Dragon Claw, twice as large as before, formed anew. But this time, Bei Bei didn't send it out immediately. Instead, his figure flashed as he lunged towards the thousand-year Datura snake.

The Datura snake was also cunning. A thousand years of cultivation had granted it a certain level of wisdom. The aura emanating from Bei Bei made it feel a significant threat. Ignoring any further attempts to harm its foe, it spat out a cloud of poison fog at Bei Bei and then turned tail to flee.

"Hmph!" Bei Bei snorted coldly, his eyes gaining added depth. A layer of fine lightning burst from him, forcibly dispersing the poison fog, and at the same moment, his right hand's Thunder Dragon Claw reached into the air to his left.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao's Spiritual Detection fully revealed its effect. Because he shared his Spiritual Detection with Bei Bei, Bei Bei could anticipate the enemy's movements. As the Datura snake leapt, it happened to flee towards Bei Bei's left, and a powerful suction force appeared on its inevitable path. It was as if the snake had delivered itself into Bei Bei's hands. The immense pulling force disrupted the snake's charge and dragged it towards Bei Bei.

Faced with a life-and-death crisis, the Datura snake erupted in desperation. Intense pink light shone from its head and, with a "hiss" of a scream, the flower-like protrusion on its head burst open, sending a pink blood arrow flying straight at Bei Bei.

Once again, Bei Bei had anticipated and reacted accordingly. Just as the flower-like protrusion burst, his right hand's Thunder Dragon Claw had already ferociously struck out and hit the Datura snake the instant its protrusion exploded.

The pink blood arrow had barely flown out a few inches before it was blasted apart. Yet, Bei Bei broke into a cold sweat as he realized that the Thunder Dragon Claw, upon contact with the pink blood, had turned the same color. Had he not anticipated the enemy's move, being contaminated by that blood arrow could have spelled serious trouble.

With a flash of movement, Bei Bei surged forward. This time, the thousand-year Datura snake had no means left to resist. Bei Bei's right claw precisely grabbed it at its vital seven-inch section. It tried using its body to entangle Bei Bei, but he unleashed an irresistible force of Thunderous Wrath that electrically stunned the snake into unconsciousness.

The thousand-year Datura snake was known for its formidable physical strength and lightning-fast speed, but in the hands of Bei Bei, who possessed a formidable Martial Soul, its defenses were of no consequence. Under the state of Thunderous Rage, Bei Bei's dragon claw exerted force ruthlessly, making cracking sounds as if its skull could shatter at any moment.

"Xiao Ya," Bei Bei called out sharply.

Xiao Ya certainly wouldn't miss such an opportunity. She rushed over to the Datura snake's side with Huo Yuhao, a long knife of about half a foot appearing in her hand, which she thrust into the opened snake's mouth to end the life of the thousand-year Datura snake.

The radiance of lightning subsided, and Bei Bei finally breathed a sigh of relief as a purple Soul Ring slowly formed and took its place above the Datura snake's head.

Tang Ya excitedly looked at Bei Bei, and Bei Bei nodded at her, "Let's start quickly. I didn't expect to encounter a thousand-year soul beast at such the edge of the Xingdou Forest. The quality of soul beasts in this forest is really getting higher and higher."

With a giggle, Tang Ya said, "I didn't think it would go so smoothly, help me with the defense." As she spoke, she quickly sat down cross-legged next to the Datura snake, and a glimmering blue light shone from her right hand. She gently raised her hand and lightly touched above the purple soul ring of the Datura snake, immediately attracting the soul ring with the blue light from her hand, integrating it into her body.

The smile on Tang Ya's face faded as she concentrated on absorbing the soul ring. It was then that Huo Yuhao realized that Tang Ya had also reached the level 30 bottleneck. She and Bei Bei had probably come to the Xingdou Forest to find a suitable third soul ring for her. But what was Teacher Xiao Ya's martial soul? Blue vines?

"Xiao Ya's martial soul is Bluesilver Grass," Bei Bei said gently, as if he saw the confusion in Huo Yuhao's mind.

"Bluesilver Grass? Just like the legend from the Tang Sect?" Huo Yuhao asked in surprise.

Bei Bei nodded, "A ten-thousand years ago, the first-generation Sect Master of the Tang Sect created the glorious history of the Tang Sect with the Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul. Later, when he ascended to godhood, he did not leave any descendants in the Tang Sect. To honor him, the descendants of the Tang Sect have persistently considered the Bluesilver Grass as their glory and diligently cultivated soul masters with the Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul. Unfortunately, facts have proven that not everyone can unleash the powerful capabilities of the Bluesilver Grass. Ever since the departure of that legendary figure, the Tang Sect has not seen another strong Bluesilver Grass martial soul stand at the peak of the continent again. However, the tradition has continued and no one has been able to change it. Xiao Ya's talent in Bluesilver Grass is already quite good, hopefully, she can make a breakthrough."

Filled with curiosity, Huo Yuhao asked, "Big brother, if the Tang Sect was really as powerful as the legends say, why did it decline?"

Bei Bei smiled slightly, "You will gradually understand this question when you reach Shrek Academy. There are many internal and external reasons. The fact that only a few of us from Tang Sect remain may not be a bad thing; at least some of the constraints are unlikely to affect us anymore. As for you, little brother, you really gave me a big surprise!"

Huo Yuhao naturally understood that Bei Bei was referring to the soul skill he had just used, and he scratched his head somewhat embarrassedly, "I was just trying it out, I'm glad it worked."

"Worked? The thousand-year soul beast is something I'm not even sure I could deal with. If it hadn't been for your peculiar spiritual ability to assist me, I'm afraid I wouldn't have come out unscathed just now," Bei Bei said seriously.

Earlier, when he faced the critical moment against the Datura snake, he was able to accurately predict the movements of the Datura snake every time, thanks to Huo Yuhao's shared spiritual detection. Not only that, but the most crucial moment occurred when the Datura snake exploded its crown. At that moment, in the world of spiritual detection, Bei Bei clearly felt a sense of the snake crown lighting up, which he couldn't see with his own eyes; it was entirely a sensation from the three-dimensional world of Huo Yuhao's spiritual detection. That's why he was able to react instinctively in the first place. Otherwise, just a touch of that toxic blood would have meant he couldn't have escaped without harm.

This made Bei Bei realize just how significant Huo Yuhao's ability was in battle. He conservatively estimated that if he had Huo Yuhao's ability to assist him while contending with an enemy, it would at least increase his strength by twenty to thirty percent. That was a remarkable improvement! And this was just Huo Yuhao's first ability.

Huo Yuhao said with lingering fear, "That snake just now was really powerful, big brother, what soul beast is it?"

"It's called a Datura snake, with extremely strong poison. It has not only a paralyzing effect but also does great damage to the nerves, and is one of the most terrifying presences among poison attribute soul beasts. Its body is extremely tough, resistant to ordinary swords and blades, with only the mouth and eyes as its weak points. However, the Datura snake is very good at protecting these two areas and is incredibly fast. The most frightening thing is its aggressiveness. Once it has targeted its prey, it rarely gives up," Bei Bei explained.