
Soul Land: I am guardian of Qian Renxue

Ji Wudao enters the Douluo Continent and joins the Eight Worshipers of the Spirit Hall. His main goal? To defeat enemies like Bibi Dong, Tang San, and Tang Hao

The_Grand_Warden · Book&Literature
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31 Chs

Chapter 18: Young Miss, Steady Yourself, He's Your Uncle!

Chapter 18: Young Miss, Steady Yourself, He's Your Uncle!

The Seven Monsters, along with Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin, chatted back and forth, broadening their horizons and gaining a deeper appreciation for the power of Titled Douluo in this world.

At the same time, they developed even greater respect for the Sword Douluo before them. After all, he was a formidable Titled Douluo who could create wonders with just a sword!

The line of carriages, resembling a serpent, moved towards the distance, with the carriage of the Crown Prince, Xue Qinghe, at the forefront.

Inside the carriage, Xue Qinghe leaned lazily against his fist, a strange glint passing through her beautiful eyes. The foremost carriage belonged to the Knight Corps, while beside her rode Ji Wudao (Ning Rongrong), and the second carriage behind her was quite far away.

She murmured softly, "Uncle, why did you fail?"

At her words, Ji Wudao (Ning Rongrong) was startled, his pupils suddenly contracting. This was originally Qian Renxue's voice, very sweet, but she shouldn't be using this tone at this moment; it would be bad if discovered.

"Young Miss, please be careful. If we're found out, all our efforts will be in vain. We've spent more than a decade on this!" Ji Wudao reminded her, his voice very low, fearing that others might notice.

Qian Renxue sat in the carriage. At this moment, she was not Xue Qinghe but Qian Renxue. She whispered, "Don't worry, Uncle, no one will notice. You still haven't told me why you failed."

Qian Renxue looked at Ji Wudao (Ning Rongrong) as if coaxing him, waiting for his answer.

Ji Wudao (Ning Rongrong) sighed helplessly and said, "I didn't expect Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi to arrive so quickly. Failure is failure."

He didn't want to find reasons for his failure. Failure was just failure. Why look for so many explanations?

At that time, he had already planned to kill Tang San and then kill all the others while he was at it. After all, they were also a threat, especially Ning Rongrong. The Martial Soul of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was already so powerful, even abnormal.

Eighty-nine percent attribute enhancement made Chen Xin, who was weaker than him, fight him to a draw, showing the immense power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

And the Nine Character Sword Art was even more powerful, even abnormal. It could even raise attribute enhancement to one hundred percent. If Chen Xin had one hundred percent attribute enhancement at the time, he could be sure that he wouldn't stand a chance against him.

Unless he obtained the Middle Three Movements of the Nine Character Sword Art, there would be a hint of a chance of winning.

Just the Lower Three Movements of the Nine Character Sword Art already made him invincible at the same level. He believed that when he obtained the Middle Three Movements, he could even fight against Bibidong!

Inside the carriage, Qian Renxue chuckled lightly. Although she looked like Xue Qinghe, she was equally beautiful, giving people a gentle feeling, completely unlike a man.

Xue Qinghe's feminine appearance was already quite effeminate. If Brother Ji didn't know the other's true appearance, he wouldn't be able to stand such a person.

"Brother Ji, you're as consistent as ever in not giving yourself reasons, even if it's a poor excuse," Qian Renxue said softly.

She was practically raised by him and knew him very well. Even if he failed, he wouldn't give himself reasons. Failure was just failure, end of story.

Brother Ji whispered, "Young Miss, you know me well. Failure is failure."

Qian Renxue nodded. When she learned from Brother Ji that Tang San couldn't be recruited and might even become a threat to them, she had already made up her mind to kill him!

"Brother Ji, do we still have a chance at Spirit City? It's exhilarating to think about ending the life of a talent before they've fully grown." Qian Renxue spoke softly, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Brother Ji.

Brother Ji shivered as if struck by lightning and coughed, "Young Miss, steady yourself. You're in Xue Qinghe's appearance right now, and it's a bit... awkward for me to see you like this."

Qian Renxue smiled and asked, "Awkward? Brother Ji, why don't you tell me what's awkward? This journey is so dull, and you're the only one I can talk to."

"It's just... I have an urge to hit someone, seeing a man make such a face at me makes me want to beat him up!" Brother Ji said bluntly!

It was this feeling that made him want to beat up Xue Qinghe, not Qian Renxue, after all, he was now facing Xue Qinghe's appearance.

At his words, Qian Renxue looked at Brother Ji with a smile, then blew him a kiss, her eyes shining like stars. "So, Brother Ji, do you feel that way?"

Seeing Xue Qinghe like this, Brother Ji immediately pulled down the curtain. He realized that the Young Miss had become increasingly mischievous over the past two years, and it made him feel itchy.

He even wanted to tear off her disguise and punish her on the spot, letting her know the consequences of provoking and seducing him!

But the thought disappeared in an instant. It wasn't the right time yet. Both of them had intentions, but not now, not in the next few years, but when they had completely stabilized the entire continent.

Just now, Qian Renxue's actions made Brother Ji feel as if his long-closed heart was shaken. This seductive little demon!

Xue Qinghe then opened the curtain and said with a smile, "Brother Ji, look, I was just joking with you. You got annoyed so easily. If in the future..."

Before Qian Renxue finished speaking, Brother Ji's face turned serious, like the most saintly sage, and he said softly, "Young Miss, steady yourself, or else I'll go up front and leave you here. I'll do what I say!"

Seeing Brother Ji like this, Qian Renxue smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to Brother Ji. By the way, Brother Ji, did you go to Spirit City yesterday?"

Brother Ji didn't deny it and said, "I brought those two useless people back and handed them over to that foolish woman. I also met your grandfather and other worships."

When Qian Renxue heard Brother Ji mention Bibidong's foolish woman, she didn't feel repulsed. In her eyes, the woman was indeed foolish. Her father had treated her so well, even grooming her as the future Pope, but what had she done in return?

Moreover, her attitude towards her was very poor, especially in her early years, when she was psychologically traumatized!

She knew, she knew.

The coachman had already closed off his hearing. He felt that if he continued listening, he might die.

Young Miss, steady yourself. He's your uncle! The coachman's heart cried out!

The coachman's current mood was one of despair. He had heard things he shouldn't have heard, although he was a servant of the Hall of Offerings, he felt that he had heard things he shouldn't have.

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