
Chapter 15

"That was absolutely amazing!" Hu Liena exclaimed, her voice brimming with awe and astonishment.

"I could scarcely believe that you could utilize your ability to fly, let alone at such an incredible speed that your figure was barely visible!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she enthusiastically gestured in the air, mimicking Cai Wen's movements.

Ghost Douluo, in his usual composed manner, chimed in. Although he tried to maintain his typical usual tone, a note of amazement crept into his voice, betraying his surprise. "This is very unexpected. Your speed should easily surpass that of a spirit elder, perhaps even more."

Cai Wen offered a smug grin, his ego swelling at the praise. Despite merely borrowing ideas from an anime, the compliments he received were undeniably satisfying.

"We should start heading back," Ghost Douluo announced, his gaze sweeping over the seemingly endless forest.

"Finally!" Hu Liena sighed, her animated excitement giving way to a palpable sense of exhaustion.

Ghost Douluo glanced at the sky, now bathed in the soft hues of twilight. "Since night is falling, let's find a suitable resting spot. We'll depart from Star Dou Forest tomorrow."

After showcasing his new spirit ability and winning everyone's admiration, Cai Wen and the rest of the group settled down for a much-needed rest as the blanket of night descended.

As dawn broke the next morning, they began their journey out of the dense Star Dou forest. Along the way, they encountered spirit beasts of various age groups, providing Cai Wen and Hu Liena with ample opportunities to put their spirit abilities to the test.

After a full day's travel, they successfully emerged from the confines of Star Dou forest, and it took them half a day by carriage to return to the bustling Spirit City.

As the familiar buildings and structures of Spirit City came into view, the city was alive with activity. Spirit masters of all ranks were busy with their respective tasks, creating a vibrant, energetic atmosphere.

The familiar sights and sounds of Spirit City welcomed them home. Street vendors shouting their wares, bustling spirit masters conducting their business, and the towering buildings all contributed to a comforting sense of familiarity.

Upon their return, their first stop was the Supreme Pontiff Palace, where they intended to pay a visit to Bibi Dong.

As they navigated the familiar corridors of the palace, they encountered the guards stationed at the main doors of the Supreme Pontiff Palace. Recognizing Ghost Douluo at once, they immediately showed their respect, but to their surprise, they also recognized Hu Liena and even Cai Wen.

News of Cai Wen's status as the second disciple of the pope had spread throughout the spirit hall. While his face wasn't well-known, descriptions of his unique eyes had circulated widely, making him instantly recognizable.

The guards respectfully swung the doors open, allowing them to proceed.

Inside the hall, they were greeted by Bibi Dong's familiar frosty countenance as she issued orders to high-ranking members of the spirit hall. As they noticed the new arrivals, they bowed respectfully to Bibi Dong before taking their leave.

Bibi Dong's penetrating gaze fell upon them, her visage a stoic mask. Ghost Douluo stepped forward, one knee sinking into the ground in a graceful kneel.

"We have returned, Your Eminence," he announced, his voice imbued with a resonant respect.

"Good," she responded, her eyes flickering to Hu Liena and Cai Wen. Cai Wen was acutely aware that he wasn't quite close with her yet and so he chose to remain silent, calculating the best moment to speak.

However, Hu Liena was a stark contrast. "Teacher, we have successfully procured our spirit rings!" she declared, her voice bubbling with excitement. Without pause, she launched into an animated account of their journey, vividly illustrating their adventures and even providing a demonstration of her second spirit ring's abilities, complete with a detailed description of the beast it originated from.

Throughout Hu Liena's enthusiastic storytelling, Bibi Dong remained impassive, her expression revealing nothing. Still, Cai Wen couldn't help but detect a faint spark of fondness in her eyes as she observed Hu Liena.

Once Hu Liena concluded her tale, Bibi Dong nodded approvingly. "Impressive. Your new spirit ability is commendable, but it will present challenges in a team fight where the space is limited. However, I believe you can find creative ways to utilize it effectively. The task of honing your skills is yours to undertake."

"Yes!" Hu Liena's response was brimming with eagerness.

Bibi Dong's gaze then shifted to Cai Wen, who understood her unspoken word. He began to recount his part of the adventure, detailing his battles against spirit beasts, including his triumphant struggle against the 800-year-old Burning Scale Serpent. He also described his first spirit ability and how he had used it to achieve flight.

Upon the conclusion of his narrative, he observed a fleeting expression of satisfaction flit across Bibi Dong's countenance, vanishing as quickly as it had appeared, leaving him questioning whether it had been a mere illusion.

"Remarkable," she praised, her voice steady, yet tinged with an undercurrent of awe that was hard to miss. "It appears that my decision to take you under my wing was not misguided. I never anticipated you would conceive the idea of using your ability to fly."

She gathered her composure, her gaze sweeping over them. "I am pleased with the progress you've made during this journey. Hu Liena, as a Spirit Grandmaster, you will join your brother's classes at the academy and participate in their team training against other spirit masters."

"Yes," Hu Liena responded, her voice brimming with excitement.

Bibi Dong turned her attention back to Cai Wen. "Cai Wen, you will be joining the Spirit Hall Academy for your studies. As your teacher, I am also the Pope and a spirit master, and my duties often require my presence elsewhere. I will, however, continue to guide you both, as and when I can."

"Understood, teacher," Cai Wen replied, a hint of relief edging his voice, as this would afford him more freedom.

"That's fantastic! We'll get to see each other at the academy too, junior brother," Hu Liena clapped her hands together, her face lit up with a radiant smile.

"I am also happy to know a familiar face at the Academy," Cai Wen responded, mirroring her smile.

Bibi Dong observed silently, not voicing any comment on their growing closeness. She was unperturbed by the possibility of their relationship turning romantic.

"Now that you've reported your activities, you may retire and rest. Ghost Douluo, you will stay. The rest of you are dismissed," she commanded, her voice regaining its authoritative tone. "Nana, ensure that Cai Wen gets registered as a spirit master in one of the halls so he can receive his monthly stipend."

"Consider it done, teacher," Hu Liena assured her.

"Thank you, teacher. We won't take up any more of your time," Cai Wen said, his tone respectful.

"Farewell for now, teacher. Have a pleasant day," Hu Liena added, bowing in Bibi Dong's direction.

As the pair exited the chamber, Ghost Douluo remained behind. Bibi Dong's icy demeanor returned as she locked eyes with Ghost Douluo.

"Ghost Douluo, recount their journey as you perceived it," she commanded, her voice ringing with authority.

"Yes, Your Eminence," Ghost Douluo responded, his voice steady yet respectful. He began to expound upon their journey, delving into intricate details. His first topic was Hu Liena's performance, to which Bibi Dong responded with a nonchalant nod, as it mirrored Hu Liena's own account.

"And what of Cai Wen's performance?" she queried, her gaze piercing.

He took a cautious breath before saying, "In comparison to his report, my understanding of his performance differs somewhat." His words hung in the air, and the room seemed to grow colder, as if sensing the tension.

"Did he lie or something?" Her inquiry was sharp, her tone frosty and intimidating.

Ghost Douluo hastened to clarify, realizing the misinterpretation his words may have led to. "No, Your Eminence," he quickly assured her, "it's quite the opposite. His report was so humble, it seemed as if he undersold his own performance during our travels."

Her icy demeanor thawed at his explanation, replaced by a spark of curiosity. "Elaborate," she commanded, leaning forward with interest.

"Indeed, he reported that he could fly using his spirit ability, but he failed to mention his speed," Ghost Douluo elaborated. "He is faster than a spirit elder, and if that's not impressive enough, he was able to fly through a dense forest with incredible speed and swift precision that left me in awe. His battles were equally astounding. Many of the spirit beasts he fought could pose a serious threat to spirit grandmasters, yet he dispatched them effortlessly, as if everything was in his prediction."

As Ghost Douluo continued to praise Cai Wen's performance, a satisfied smile began to bloom on Bibi Dong's face.

'This exceeds all my expectations. Based on Ghost Douluo's account, it seems like he could even challenge a spirit elder or an spirit ancestor. Oh, Cai Wen, I wonder what other surprises you have in store for me.' A small laugh escape from her.

That night, Cai Wen lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Earlier he was accompanied by Hu Liena to register as a spirit master, now he would receive a certain amount of money every month. During registration they also check his Spirit rank, using the same orb that was used in the awakening.

The results shock the registrar, his results was Spirit Rank 15. This also shocked Hu Liena as he was quite close to becoming a Spirit Grandmaster like her. So she said a few words on him before walking to her room with a determined face.

His mind began to go about his journey through the Star Dou Forest and his first spirit ring ability. He acknowledged his growth, but he also knew he still had a long way to go. However, for that moment, he felt content. He had returned to Spirit City, he had his new spirit ability, and his journey as a spirit master had truly commenced.

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