
Soul Land: Grasping The Sky

To put it short, a guy Reincarnated in Douluo Dalu in the Era of Tang San, with a few perks. The updates will be random as I am also busy and this is just a hobby. The story is also slow pace. It's a harem probably 3, 4 or 5 that's it. I am not chinese if somebody ask and this is not a translation I am just using A.I to improve the grammar. Also don't put too much hope on this fic. I mostly finished Soul Land 1, I barely read Soul Land 2 it feels like it was just trying to gain sympathy points so I stop, Soul land 3 barely read a couple of chapters of manwa it's too depressing when I spoiled it's ending, Soul Land 4 feels too complicated, Then there is Soul land 5 where it felt like the story just started again, when I first saw it I thought it was a fanfiction. That's probably all. I don't own anything besides my oc's and some other things.

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 12

Hu Liena and Ghost Douluo maintained a strategic distance from the unfolding battle scene, staying far enough to avoid hindrance yet close enough to intervene at a moment's notice.

They observed Cai Wen with a discerning gaze, noting the palpable tension and fear that danced in his wide eyes as he watched the Blue Horn Tiger encircle him. It puzzled them why he had chosen to fight this ferocious beast when every fiber of his being seemed to yearn for escape.

Suddenly, Cai Wen's demeanor shifted dramatically. His eyes closed for a moment as he took a deep, centering breath. When they reopened, the formerly evident fear and anxiety had vanished, replaced by an aura of serene calmness.

His unanticipated transformation inspired both surprise and admiration in his onlookers. Regardless of whether this newfound courage was a facade, a testament to his emotional control, or an innate talent for battle, it was indeed commendable for someone who had never faced a fight, let alone a death match.

However, his next action sent their minds spinning with concern. He lowered his hands in a seemingly suicidal move, providing an open invitation for the Blue Horn Tiger to pounce.

As the tiger closed in, their anxiety spiked. Especially when Cai Wen remained seemingly passive, not making a move to defend himself. Just when Ghost Douluo was about to intervene, Cai Wen's next move left them utterly dumbstruck.

With a swift sidestep, he dodged the Blue Horn Tiger's attack, seizing the opportunity to bind it with chains summoned by his martial spirit. The tiger writhed in struggle, but Cai Wen swiftly ended the fight with two additional chains piercing the beast's eyes and brain, killing it instantly.

The entire battle did not even lasted a minute.

"How did I do?" Cai Wen asked, a hint of a playful smile gracing his features as he directed his gaze towards them.

Ghost Douluo responded concisely, "Excellent."

Hu Liena, on the other hand, reacted quite differently. She stormed over to Cai Wen, swiping at his head with her right hand.

"Why did you do that!? You could have injured yourself!" she scolded.

Cai Wen's calm exterior crumbled under her reprimand, and he clutched his head.

"Ah, sorry?" he responded, his tone suggesting anything but remorse.

A vein throbbed on Hu Liena's forehead, a sight that Cai Wen immediately noticed. Not wanting to incur further wrath, he attempted to justify his actions.

"Well, everything that happened in the fight was according to plan. I had confidence in dodging the Blue Horn Tiger, so I just... did it," he explained, punctuating his statement with an awkward chuckle.

"You!" Hu Liena pointed at him, took a deep breath to calm herself, and smacked him again. Cai Wen wanted to protest, but was silenced by her sudden embrace.

"Although that was incredibly foolish, you were also extremely impressive. Looking back, you seemed rather cool. But that's no excuse for taking such a risk when there were safer strategies to employ," she scolded, though her radiant smile softened her words.

Cai Wen found himself on the brink of saying something, but instead, he chose to close his mouth, enjoying the warmth of the unexpected embrace. Even though she was only 3 to 4 years older than him, her height exceeded his own. He was also faintly aware of a pleasant scent that seemed to cling to her.

Then, quite abruptly, Cai Wen slapped both his cheeks, surprising Hu Liena suddenly.

'No lewding the lolis!' He chastised himself internally.

"Are you alright, junior brother?" Hu Liena inquired, concern etched in her features as she studied his actions.'Did my action just awaken something on him?'

"N-nothing," Cai Wen replied hurriedly, a blush creeping onto his face.

"Really?" She probed, skepticism seeping into her tone.

"Really!" Cai Wen retorted, his voice high-pitched and almost whiny.

They continued their conversation, seemingly oblivious to the presence of a third person. The ghost Douluo, however, chose not to interrupt their lively exchange and instead merely observed from the sidelines.

He cast a glance at the scene before him, a small, enigmatic smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, hidden behind his mask. 'The pope has indeed acquired an excellent student,' he mused, watching the duo with a keen eye. 'They make a rather fetching pair,' he chuckled silently to himself.

After several minutes of playful bickering, they abruptly remembered the presence of the ghost Douluo. Swiveling around, they found him silently observing them.

"So you finally remember me," the Ghost Douluo remarked. His tone was casual, but there was an underlying implication that set both Cai Wen and Hu Liena blushing.

"So, how long do you plan to stay glued to each other?" The Ghost Douluo teased, causing them to glance at each other and realize Hu Liena was still wrapped around him.

She quickly let go and coughed, trying to act nonchalant. However, the red hue on her ears betrayed her embarrassment. Cai Wen, on the other hand, resorted to using the Resonance Heart Technique to regain his composure.

"We've wasted enough time here. Let's carry on," the Ghost Douluo declared, taking the lead while the others hastily followed. Their quest for a suitable spirit beast was back on track. They encountered numerous spirit beasts along the way, some they ignored, while others attacked them. This time, Hu Liena was not the only one fighting. Cai Wen also started to engage in combat, gaining valuable fighting experience.

As night fell, they decided to rest. They found a comfortable spot and set up camp. Ghost Douluo, ever vigilant, stayed awake to keep watch, while Cai Wen and Hu Liena used the downtime to cultivate. Even though they knew they wouldn't make any significant progress, they understood that it would enhance the quality of their spirit power.

Suddenly, the Ghost Douluo felt an unexpected wave of sleepiness wash over him, a sensation he hadn't felt in ages. He quickly regulated his internal spirit power, causing the drowsiness to dissipate. He surveyed their surroundings before turning his gaze skywards. There, a majestic, two-meter long butterfly was gracefully fluttering in the night sky.

"That is..." Ghost Douluo's voice trailed off as recognition dawned on him. Without wasting a moment, he roused the two children from their trance.

"What is it, Elder Ghost?" Cai Wen asked, a sudden wave of sleepiness clouding his senses as he awoke from his spiritual cultivation. Hu Liena, too, felt the pull of drowsiness, her curiosity piqued by Ghost Douluo's sudden urgency. Ghost Douluo simply pointed upwards, directing their attention towards the sky.

Their gaze followed his hand and landed on the same captivating butterfly. Cai Wen remained largely unreactive, his knowledge about spirit beasts still in its infancy. Hu Liena, on the other hand, was electrified by the sight.

"That's a Dreamy Night butterfly! From what I understand, this elusive spirit beast emits invisible pheromones that induce an irresistible urge to sleep and have a nice dream in those affected," she hurriedly explained.

"Nice dream?" Cai Wen inquired skeptically.

"Indeed, it induces dreams so blissful and captivating that people subconsciously opt to remain asleep, ultimately succumbing to eternal slumber," she elucidated casually.

"It's a rare spirit beast, it's also suitable for me. I estimate its age to be around 700 to 800 years old. Elder Ghost, I need your assistance," she implored, her inability to capture the butterfly from its lofty height becoming apparent. The Ghost Douluo wordlessly disappeared for a moment only to reappear with the Dreamy Night butterfly, now caged within a black sphere of spirit power.

"Here," he handed over the butterfly to her, and she promptly brandished a knife.

In a short while, a spirit ring materialized. Hu Liena seated herself in a lotus pose as she began the absorption process. Cai Wen and Ghost Douluo watched over her in silent anticipation.