
Soul Land: Exposing Tang San

Transmigrating into Douluo, Su Yun discovered that his Martial Soul was unexpectedly the Blue Silver Emperor, Ah Yin. "Alright, Tang San, I must expose your true face!" Su Yun declared. "Sister Yin, actually..." Su Yun began, but Ah Yin interrupted him. "Little Yun, Tang San is not my son; he has been possessed by someone! You must help me kill this scoundrel who stole my son's body!" Ah Yin explained urgently. "???" Su Yun responded, perplexed. Ah Yin continued, "He possesses many Soul Skills and cunning weapons I had never seen. Be careful." "???" Su Yun repeated, still confused. Ah Yin reassured him, "But do not worry, even though I am just a Martial Soul, I have awakened a system. I will definitely help you become stronger!" "???" Su Yun remained baffled. What? What was going on? Wasn’t I the transmigrator? Why wasn’t the system bound to me? Several years later, Su Yun stood at the pinnacle of the empire, embracing Ah Yin, looking down at Tang San below. "Mom!" Tang San called out. "Su Yun, help me kill him!" Ah Yin demanded. "Alright, my wife," Su Yun agreed. Check out my Patreon to read advanced chapters: p@treon.com/anish_44.

The_Grand_Warden · Book&Literature
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110 Chs

Chapter 78: Dai Mubai Fooled and Beaten

Chapter 78: Dai Mubai Fooled and Beaten


Dai Mubai was stunned.

"What did you say?"

Did he just hear things?

Yu Xiaogang repeated, "Become my disciple."

"As long as you become my disciple, I can give you what you want."

When Yu Xiaogang said this, he had a confident look on his face.

"Become your what?"

Before Dai Mubai could doubt or agree with Yu Xiaogang's request, he delivered a swift flying kick!


Yu Xiaogang, along with his wheelchair, was sent flying. Grandmaster Flender watched with astonishment.

"This kid is really something. He just attacked without hesitation."

Back when he found out that Yu Xiaogang had let down Liu Erlong, Grandmaster Flender had wanted to beat him up but was afraid of incurring Liu Erlong's anger.

Now, with Dai Mubai stepping in, he had no reason to stop him. At most, he would pretend to try to intervene.

"Stop it, Mubai! Don't beat him!"

Grandmaster Flender shouted to stop the fight, but he was secretly delighted.

He wished Dai Mubai could kick Yu Xiaogang's bad leg a few more times.

Dai Mubai, on the other hand, continued kicking Yu Xiaogang and cursing him at the same time.

"I've never seen someone as shameless as you!"

"You not only plagiarized the Spirit Hall's knowledge but also pretended to be a grandmaster."

"And now, you want to be my teacher!"

"Get lost! Who do you think you are?"

"My teachers at home are at least soul masters above the rank of Soul King. Do you even qualify?"

"You're lucky that I let you stay here, and you even dare to meddle in my affairs with women!"

"You idiot!"

Dai Mubai had originally planned to live a carefree life here until he turned twenty-five, when his family would take him back. But Yu Xiaogang had shattered his dreams, and he wished he could kick this guy to death!

Yu Xiaogang was left dumbfounded. This kid was way too aggressive, attacking him as soon as he spoke!

He used his hands to fend off Dai Mubai's assault while hastily pulling out the Spirit Hall emblem that Tang Hao had given him from his pocket.

Yes, the Spirit Hall hadn't taken away this emblem because it required an equivalent identity to use.

They had already informed various branches of the Spirit Hall about their current situation.

Someone like Yu Xiaogang, who was weak, would only be expelled if he tried to use the emblem.

"Stop! Take a look at this!"

Yu Xiaogang took out the emblem, and an invisible fluctuation emanated from it, causing Dai Mubai's raging anger to subside.

On the side, Grandmaster Flender's eyes also narrowed, and he stared at the emblem, sensing the aura emanating from it.

"This is..."

Dai Mubai increasingly felt the aura from the emblem, and his initially angry expression gradually faded, replaced by a solemn one.

"The aura of a Title Douluo!"

Grandmaster Flender took Yu Xiaogang's arm and helped him back into the wheelchair, then took the emblem. "Such a domineering aura, it can only be from the Clear Sky Douluo!"

With that, Grandmaster Flender turned to Yu Xiaogang and his eyes sparkled with excitement. "Did you really have contact with the Clear Sky Douluo, Hao Tian Douluo?!"

Clear Sky Douluo!

Dai Mubai's eyelids twitched. As a prince of the Star Luo Empire, he was naturally aware of the event seven years ago when the Clear Sky Douluo killed the Pope of the Spirit Hall.

Initially, the Star Luo Empire had been ecstatic because the Clear Sky Douluo, from the Clear Sky Sect, supported the empire, and the Spirit Hall was the greatest obstacle to the unification of the continent.

The Clear Sky Douluo killing the Pope of the Spirit Hall was a monumental event!

However, before they could establish contact with the Clear Sky Sect, Qian Dao Liu had come out and terrorized them.

Their terrifying strength made the imperial family immediately give up on the idea of contacting the Clear Sky Sect.

The Clear Sky Sect had remained in seclusion, and there had been no communication between them and the Star Luo Empire's royal family.

But Dai Mubai still held great admiration for the Clear Sky Douluo!

Killing the Pope!

To most people, that sounded like an impossible and blasphemous act.

However, Haotian Douluo achieved it!

It could be said that powerful individuals like Haotian Douluo were Dai Mubai's idols!

If it weren't for Haotian Sect closing its doors back then, he would have wanted to study there.

Yu Xiaogang tidied up his clothes and nodded, saying, "That's right."

Then, Yu Xiaogang continued, "Do you know why the Spirit Hall wants to capture Tang Hao, and also Tang Hao's son, my student Tang San?"

Tang San?

Both Flender and Dai Mubai didn't recognize him, but they knew that the Spirit Hall was looking for Tang Hao's son among those they wanted to capture.

Seeing the two shake their heads, Yu Xiaogang continued in a low voice, "Because Tang San possesses a twin martial soul!"


Dai Mubai and Flender were shocked.

A twin martial soul!!!

"That means Tang San and the current Pope..."

Flender exclaimed in astonishment.


Yu Xiaogang nodded and said, "The current Pope, Bibi Dong, also possesses a twin martial soul. With such strength, her position as Title Douluo is nearly unbeatable."

Afterward, Yu Xiaogang explained the situation involving himself, Tang San, and Su Yun to the two.

After listening, both Dai Mubai and Flender were amazed.

"A ten-year agreement to determine who the true martial soul ruler is."

Dai Mubai muttered to himself, as if he had remembered his own situation.

Seeing Dai Mubai's expression, Yu Xiaogang smiled and said, "Dai Mubai, I know deep down you still hold a glimmer of hope."

"I admit your elder brother is very strong, but your talent is not weak either."

"If you continue to live a mediocre life here, even I won't be able to help you."

"I originally planned to only take in Xiao San as my disciple in this lifetime, but seeing your current desolate state, I'm willing to give you a chance. Become my disciple."

"If you're willing to be my disciple, when you meet Haotian Douluo again in the future, I can introduce you to him."

"By then, with him to support you, do you think you can't claim the throne of the Star Luo Empire?"

Dai Mubai pondered Yu Xiaogang's words.

What Yu Xiaogang said made sense.

Haotian Douluo's status in the Star Luo Empire was extremely high.

Even his father had to show deference to him.

After all, a ruthless figure who could kill the Pope was a rare sight in the world.

Yu Xiaogang continued to defend himself, saying, "Don't think that everything the Spirit Hall says is true."

"While it's true that a lot of my knowledge comes from the Spirit Hall, I have also assimilated knowledge from various sources and refined it."

"Do you think the Spirit Hall is the only place with knowledge in this world?"

"I was born in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, where there are also many records."

"The Spirit Hall acts domineeringly because they have the upper hand with their power."

"When you become the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, leading millions of lionesses with Haotian Sect and your senior brother Tang San's support, will you still be afraid of the Spirit Hall?"

Yu Xiaogang used persuasive words, and even Flender began to think that what Yu Xiaogang said made sense.

Indeed, he had been believing the Spirit Hall's side of the story all this time.

Perhaps what Xiaogang said was correct.

Oh my?

Had he been wronging Xiaogang for so many days?


Just as Flender was pondering, Dai Mubai had already knelt directly in front of Yu Xiaogang, knocking his head:

"Please, Master, accept me as your disciple and help me ascend to the throne!"

(End of this chapter)

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