
Reaching the village

I have been walking for a few days already, I was able to find a lone tree and ate some fruits from it during this time period. On the other hand it didn't really fill me up much.

As of right now I'm currently heading towards the village, quite weak from not having enough food, but seeing this village with my own to eyes fills me with strength.

I would finally be able to make some real progress in this journey, and fill up my stomach. I was also quite lenient on my cultivation this past few days so I will probably stay here a bit.

"Finally I reached it" I say as I step my food into it.

The village itself was quite big, given a few years I'm sure it will develop into a city. That's a plus for me, there will be most likely an Inn in a place like this. So I won't have to stoop so low as to beg for food from someone and just buy it instead.

While trying to look for an Inn I was looking around, the village really seemed to be developing quite fast. They already seem to have a town square, there is a pretty big and not wooden building so that's probably a town hall.

Most of the paths were already made from stone. There were a few building that were still made out of wood but most wasn't. They don't seem to have any walls probably because they want to gradually expand the size of this place.

"Finally found it" Before me there was an Inn it was still wooden but looked the most expensive of all the other wooden buildings.

I enter the Inn and come up to the counter, there was a quite above average looking lady there, and she doesn't notice me... The counter is higher than I am.

"I'd like a room please" I say to her and she looks down.

"Hmm? What are you doing here kid, where are your parents?" She asks.

"Around 5 days walk from here, now give me a room I have the money for it" I answered calmly with a serious expression, and place some money on the counter.

"Oh? Right your room is number 20" she said quite surprised without much thinking, I quickly take the key, and started moving quite quickly towards my room.

"Wait a minute, isn't there a problem here" But I wasn't there anymore.

The room was quite normal, it had a bed, a wardrobe a desk with a chair, and a drawer. It was quite neatly decorated with a nice dark coloured carpet, the room also had a window with a view onto the city.

It's second and last room seemed to be a bathroom, It wasn't really anything interesting so I left it. I threw my bag next to the bed, and myself onto the bed.

"*Growl* Wait a just a little bit longer my stomach, you waited for so long you can wait for a bit longer"

To be honest during my time in the body sect I became quite prideful. What I didn't want to hurt the most is my dignity, and I haven't changed my clothing since the last time to keep my last pair clean for the village.

So before I go down I have to make myself presentable, clean myself change my clothes, make my hair etc. These are all quite important steps.

After an hour I was already ready, I wasn't in such a good mood since the moment I successfully left the sect.

As for my appearance, when I tried taking my hair band it broke so Instead of a ponytail, my hair is let got already below my neck just about going to my shoulders, and an icy light blue was coming from its ends up to the half way of my neck, the rest was black.

For my clothes it was a blue shirt, it was quite closer in appearance to a jacket, but it was a shirt. I also had dark brown pants, and they were quite baggy, this time they had pockets unlike my previous set of clothing.

Looking at the mirror right now, yes I quite literally look right now like a young girl.

"I will have to buy another hair band later" with my hair let go everyone would confuse my for one.

"Well it's okay looking like that once in a while, and they will also probably be looking for information about a boy anyway. Maybe I will even catch a discount, who knows?"

I take some of my money from the pouch and stuff it in my pockets, I leave my room and go down. Thankfully this in has something of a restaurant attached to it, and it has a different counter as well.

I walked up to the counter, there is an older woman there probably 50 years of age. I make a cute expression and start talking.

"Hello aunty, I would like to order a meal"

"Oh, little girl hello there what would you like to order..."

In front of me there were 3 big dishes with all sorts of meats and vegetables.

"Finally, a good meal after so long"

I quickly started stuffing all of the food inside me, I didn't even know that was possible for me before. I guess that's what being hungry for a long time does to you. In minutes the food disappeared.

"Full belly, after a few days" With a satisfied expression I relaxed on my chair.

With a full belly my brain finally starts to work, I guess I should plan out my next steps, I definitely need some more information, mostly if anyone is going to the direction of some seaside city.

I definitely need some supplies too, if there are still some days left before some caravans or merchants are going through this village. I will probably have to start cultivating.

I haven't really understood it before but now that I stopped cultivating for this few days I realize each day I lose is a huge difference. Every day I make a lot of progress and losing it is quite bad. Well I'm not in a hurry as well.

Tang San in Soul Land 5 always says cultivation is about accumulation, I just have to make full use of every rank you I'm at, sometimes even suppressing myself should be what I do. I guess it's about time to go back to my room.

I stand up from my chair and continue on to my room.

Back inside of my room I checked the window.

"How time quickly passes the sun is already about to set" the sky was already red and I could see the sun slowly go behind the horizon. I open the window slightly before going back onto my bed.

I guess I should check out my status.

<Name: Cai Ying>

<Soul 3 23 Rank: Compression:>

<Spiritual Realm: Spirit Connection Realm(300)>

<Bloodline: Hero's bloodline, Ice Phoenix Empress bloodline>

<Physique: Heroic Physique, True-yin element affinity physique>

<Martial Souls: Ice Brush, Water Pen, Spirit Eyes, Caliburn>

Oh, it seems I have made some improvement for my Spiritual Realm, I cannot wait to reach Spirit Sea realm, If I remember correctly I only need Spirit Abyss realm to become a titled Douluo, and since I have spirit eyes I'm 100% sure I will reach it soon enough.

Now that I think about it, how does exactly the spiritual sea work, I mean you need it to have soul spirits and you can fuse with them before you reach spirit sea realm. Does that just mean that you have it since birth but it liquefies only after you reach spirit sea realm?

Well it doesn't matter for now I should start my cultivation. Thinking that I leave my bed and start my meditation, trying to increase my soul power as much as possible.


we reaching 12k words with this chapter, soon I will be on the ranking

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