
Soul Land: Echoes of Douluo

In the mystical world of Douluo Dalu, a new soul finds its way into existence. Tang Jiyao, a once-in-a-millennium musical prodigy from our world, wakes up in the body of Tang San's younger twin brother. Gifted with an extraordinary talent for music, Tang Jiyao faces the challenge of survival in a realm where strength and martial spirits reign supreme. Determined to forge his own path, Tang Jiyao discovers that his musical prowess can be a unique weapon in a world dominated by soul masters and powerful beasts. As the echoes of his melodies ripple through the Douluo continent, Tang Jiyao must navigate the intricate web of martial spirits, soul beasts, and political intrigue. Embracing his artistic gift, Tang Jiyao sets out to redefine the role of a soul master, weaving the harmonies of his music into the fabric of the Douluo world. Alongside his elder brother, Tang San, he faces challenges, forms bonds, and unravels the mysteries of their family's past. Note: This is a fanfiction, and any references to characters or settings from Douluo Dalu belong to their respective creators.

SleepNyx · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: Preparation

In the morning Tang Hao called the Tang brothers, wanting to ask and see their resolve.

"Wait a moment before we start. Xiao San, Xiao Yao, I ask you, do you both want to become a spirit master?"

Tang San was dazed for a moment, looking towards Tang Hao, unwilling to deceive his father. He hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Tang Jiyao just nodded without even thinking.

Tang Hao heaved a sigh, his face seeming even older.

"In the end, you both still want to head to this path." Tang Hao only spoke this sentence, then returned to his room.

Tang Jiyao noticed, when Tang Hao sighed, the emotions that he exclude were disappointed but nevertheless gratified. He understood that in his father's heart there seemed to be many hidden things.

Tang Hao returned, then urge the Tang brothers to follow him. Tang Hao proceeds to go at the stove where an iron chunk was glowing red hot in the fire.

"Tell me, when you swing the forging hammer to beat it, at what part of the body does the strength come from?" Tang Hao ask.

"It should be the waist, right. From the waist through the back, then afterwards along the arm to raise the forging hammer?" Tang San thought, then said.

Tang Jiyao tilted his head, not understanding the conversation.

Tang Hao did not confirm nor deny Tang San's statement, but continued asking.

"Of the human body apart from the brain, which part is the most important?"

"It's the heart." Tang San replied without the slightest hesitation.

The heart and the brain could similarly cause instant death, and while the brain still had the skull for protection, the heart had only skin and muscle, nothing more. As a Tang Sect disciple, he was very clear on the human body's composition, and using hidden weapons to pierce an enemy's heart was the most effective and fastest method to cause fatality.

"Then you tell me how many hearts a person has." Tang Hao paused for a moment, then said.

"Aa?" Tang San, taken aback, looked at him, rather at a loss. Saying how many hearts a person had?

"I know, I know!" Tang Jiyao shouted excitedly while raising his hand."One!" Tang Jiyao said proudly.

"No, you're mistaken. Remember, people have three hearts, not one." Tang Hao shook his head, amused.

"Three?" Tang San stared dumbstruck

at Tang Hao.

Tang Jiyao just tilted his head at his father, not understanding what he meant.

Tang Hao reversed his grip on the iron hammer, using the handle to poke both Tang Jiyao and Tang San's calves,

"Here. On people's two calf muscles, in other words, are the second and third hearts. If a person wants to bring out one's entire physical strength, in that case, he must use three hearts simultaneously to have a result. Therefore, when bringing out strength, it does not stem from the lower back. The three hearts is the correct starting point."

Tang Hao raised the hammer in his hand, making Tang San draw back several steps. At the same time, the hammer in his hand already changed direction to return, and with a deep loud shout, his body half turning, both legs sticking firmly to the ground, uncovered by tattered trouser legs both calves momentarily tensed, his whole person resembling a fierce tiger ready to spring. Legs emitting strength, waist twisting, and the forging hammer was invisible in the midst of already being brought back down, with a clanging sound. Heavily coming down on top of the red hot chunk of pig iron.

Tang San could completely feel that this was only a single person emitting physical strength. Tang Hao didn't have internal strength, and even further he had not released some kind of spirit power. This was entirely the strength of the human body, and that chunk of previously red hot iron, still had completely caved in nearly a third from the smash, the deformation was

extremely distinct.

"With the lower legs emitting strength, controlling the body's strength to successfully link it into a whole, is how to go all out." Tang Hao passed the iron hammer into Tang San's hands.

"You do it."


For the next months Tang San learn how to forge from his father. Tang Jiyao also tried and is decently talented but not as much as his older brother. Tang Jiyao not use to that much labor stopped quickly.

Tang Hao, upset at his youngest child, not learning their clan's heritage, tried to force him.

That made Tang Jiyao, not speak to him for a day. Tang Hao, learning his lesson, did not force him to forge but made him practice his own martial spirit.

Tang Jiyao concedes then practice his own spirit. Tang Jiyao saw that Tang San gets distracted sometimes, so Tang Jiyao came up with an idea to make a song that can make the minds of the target/listeners more focus.

Tang Jiyao named this music 'God's Cynosure'. When Tang Jiyao played this music when Tang San is forging, it made Tang San enter enlightenment, with the key proponents, Tang San's focus and with Tang Jiyao's music, it made Tang San's brain more astute in forging, making him notice some of his mistakes and how to correct them.

When Tang Hao learn this, he instruct Tang Jiyao to also play this music to him. Tang Hao is shock to see that it even him can be affected though not as much as his eldest son, Tang San.

Tang Hao then encourage Tang Jiyao to create more music and to make him familiarize his spirit.

Tang Hao is uncertain who would go to attend the academy at Nouding City. Tang Hao  rather Tang San stay with him so that he could guide him with his Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang Hao watch as the brothers interact.

"Brother! Taste this!" Tang Jiyao shouted to his brother, Tang San.

Tang Jiyao wants his brother to taste his cooking. In his past life, Tang Jiyao's parents will not let him get close to a knife so he's pretty much ignorant when it comes to cooking.

One afternoon, where they're about 4 years old, Tang Jiyao saw his brother cooking, bored and don't have anything to do. Tang Jiyao, curious about cooking, asked his brother to teach him.

At first, Tang San was pretty hesitant, not wanting his brother to hurt himself, but, Tang Jiyao bored that he might become crazy, force him.

Tang Jiyao is suprisingly an amazing cook with the way he control the fire, with the way he taste his dishes. It seems to be always on the spot. At first, he didn't manage to catch the taste but after learning and sensing his family's emotions, Tang Jiyao manage to learn his family's taste buds.

"Hmmm... Its good as always." Tang San smile while patting his baby brother's long black hair.

Tang Hao watch them and know whats the answer now.

Months pass like this and now it's time to decide who's going to Nouding city to attend their Primary Spirit Master Academy.

To be continue: