
Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Xanok_Malakai · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 69: Destined Desire(r18+)

Chapter 69: Destined Desire(r18+)

(at the end of the chapter, I also have a query which I hope some of yall can give your opinions on)

(This is also the conclusion of volume 3 volume 4 starts next and it should be the last volume unless I choose to develop this further into the next stages of Douluo Dalu)

Word count = 1480 for story and another 800 for the author note regarding a new poll for a total of 2257 words on 8/23/2023

Two figures can be seen flying high above the sky. One of them is wearing a thought provoking beautiful wedding dress that starts white at the top and the bottom is an array of colors that starts from yellow to orange to red and then darker colors like purple. This person has pink hair that accentuates the dress and her head is leaning into the chest of the 2nd figure with both tears and a smile on her face.

The other figure is a man in a black, red and slightly gold robe with a pair of black fire enhanced wings that seemingly rips through the air as it provides flight to the duo. He has a scar on his neck due to his recent decapitation that was nullified after a few seconds of death. He has a stoic expression with a hint of annoyance and anger that he needs to release.

These two are naturally Xue Tie and Bibi Dong after having just ruined and escaped Bibi Dong's trap wedding which was arranged by Qian Xunji to lure Xue Tie in. It might have been official too but Bibi Dong herself had no desire for it and canonically is 'manipulated' by Qian Xunji to give birth to his child. Which means that Qian Xunji might go after the Clear Sky Clan in the next few months which will designate Tang Sans birth.

The thought of the scenario brings a smile to Xue Tie's face as he lands just outside the cave that was the first official outpost for his new organization. He has no desire to fly for a whole day back to his kingdom when a maiden is already in his hands.


As they land, a thud sound is heard due to the bowling bowl artifact still stuck on Bibi Dong's arms. He grasps the ball and crushes it with pure physical force which disables its weight effect and then he breaks the chains, letting them fall to the ground with a…

CLANG. Tslslsl (the heavy locks and then the connected chains falling on itself)

Bibi Dong breathes a sigh of relief as he massages her wrists. She looks around confused. "Why are we here? Why arent we going to your kingdom?" She questions

"This place was the first base for my organization, it's where I kidnapped members from slaughter city to follow me. As for why we are here. I need to make an honest woman out of you."

"How am I not honest?" She asks in shock.

"An honest woman would not have nearly married another man when she loves someone." He says and gives her a spank on the ass.

"AH '' She lets out a sound after being spanked. Both in shock at the action and his words.

"I never, that bastard approached in talks about marriage for 'the sake of Spirit hall', and I rejected. We even fought but I was no match for him and was captured. Why do you think I was in chains?" As she gives her explanation, Xue Tie puts both his hands around her waist and carries her into the cave with a smile on his face at the situation. Once inside, he brings out a spare bed he has stored away in his dimensional items.

(This is a warning for what is likely the rest of the chapter being R-rated. You have been warned)

He sets her down and gives her a deep kiss which stops her from making any more 'excuses'. His hands lower to massage her bountiful ass.

"AH" she moans into his mouth and he has half a mind to simply rip the dress apart but she does look beautiful in it, as such, he stores it away in his storage ring, revealing her half naked body. The sudden exposure to the air makes her shake a bit. Her ass which is only covered in a set of matching red lingerie that somehow was not noticed through the dress. Xue Tie looks at her with a questioning look.

"They had forced me to wear this, I was against it because I didn't know you were able to succeed." She says shyly and Xue Tie only gives her another spanking on her now exposed ass.

"Your lack of faith disturbs me. Another flaw to be fixed. I shall show you true dominance with your body." he lifts her up again and drops her on the bed.

He casually tears off his clothes, leaving him in his underwear. He leans over her and gives her another kiss, this time beginning to go down her neck and into her abundant breasts. Moving the lingerie aside, he begins to massage them with hands and tongue. Letting the natural heft of them to please his mind.

"Ahhh, oooh, mmmm, AH" Bibi Dong moans as Xue Tie's hands roam her body. Naturally he doesnt forget to give her her spankings for being naughty.

After her 5th spanking, he begins to move down again, kissing her belly before descending to the dark depths below.

"AHHH" Bibi Dong moans louder as Xue Tie moves aside her underwear and inserts a finger into her pussy. Her body writhes in pleasure and this only increases as Xue Tie lowers his head to begin licking her there as well. He has to use his other arm to keep her legs down so she doesnt keep hitting him with her knees.

With no other choice, he wraps her free leg around his neck to pull him in deeper. That doesnt mean she doesnt wiggle about more but she is just more vocal with her moans now.

She orgasms due to Xue Tie's relentless actions, as such, he takes off his underwear to reveal his hard member. He moves over to Bibi Dong's face as positions himself next to her. She willingly opens her mouth to which he brings his dick in. She begins to suck on his dick while he regularly moves his hips to go in and out in her mouth. Of course he still gives her attention but with her height being equal to his. He can only massage her breasts further.

"HAA" "mmmm" His breath is caught in his throat from the pleasure. Bibi Dong also let's out a muffled moan from him teasing or slapping her breasts and sucking on his dick.

"GAH, GAH, GAH" Xue Tie occasionally pulls out so Bibi Dong can catch her breath before resuming again. He challenges how deep she can actually take him down her throat which causes a few gagging sounds to resound in the cave as her gag reflex tries to stop him.

After a bit of time, she is able to take him fully as coincidentally that is when he releases his first load of seed down her throat

"AAAAAAAGH" he releases a deep moan as he pulls out. One last splurt lands on her face which is already quite covered in saliva. Bibi Dong catches her breath while Xue Tie prepares himself for what he must do next. He repositions himself on the bed, placing his throbbing wet dick against her own red wet pussy. He looks at her and says.

"I hope you're ready, because I'm never leaving you after this."

"I didn't want to leave you for a long time. I have grown dependent on your care since I was a child. I can only imagine my life being a nest of sorrows without you."

The two kiss as Xue Tie plunges himself into her dank depths.

There is no blood as she has long broken her hymen during her early teens during their many intense duels. As such, this was another one of Xue Tie's suppressed memories due to the beating her took that day as Bibi Dong took a very suicidal approach to battle that day. He still won but didn't dare fight her for a long time.

He doesnt outright move as the tightness around his dick is intense, he is happy he didn't enhance her strength further as otherwise he worries that his dick would snap right off from the pressure.

He begins to bob around which helps loosen her up a bit and he can finally begin to move.

"AAAAHH" A unified moan escapes both their lips as the pleasure of their sex overwhelms them. The passion they share for each other only increases their pleasure and desire for more.

"AGH. AGH, AGH.mmmm" Xue Tie quickly picks up speed and begins to move back and forth rapidly. Bibi Dong is unable to hold back her cries of pleasure.

Both are lost in the pleasures and continue for 2 days before stopping.


Welcome everyone, I hope you all enjoy chapter 69 as it is 'destined' to be. Took me some effort to both write this and be able to arrange the story so that this event is purposely on this chapter.

But onto other matters. Tomorrow is the last day of the volume 1 edits with chapter 23 being remade.

I plan to keep publishing every 2 days, since I'm used to it now. But i'd still like to work on the off days. Which is why I'd like to do a poll on what type of story I should go for next. I have a few ideas lined up.

2 novels, and a few fanfic ideas.

The fanfics in question are "A perfectly balanced adventure in Bleach" and then "Danmachi: Great Devourer" . I had originally planned to do book titles like the bleach one for this book as well but I couldn't come up with anything so i scrapped the idea.

It will be some time before i begin to upload these new stories, id like to focus on this story first while the others will be twice weekly published as i build up chapters.

Here is the summary for the Bleach story.

"A mechanic science student of modern day dies in and happens to meet an entity calling itself the God of Balance. For its own personal interest, It has taken upon itself to grant this student 3 wishes while reincarnating him in the world of bleach. With the only rule being for the wishes is that they must be unique from all others in the multiverse"

(i am throwing a bit of shade on all the authors who overuse stuff like sharingan and other abilities. Yall welcome to throw ideas for unique abilities or situations at me that could potentially be listed in the story but I have the rough draft of the idea ready)

(tags = romance, isekai, weaktoStrong, superpowers, etc)

Danmachi: "A wandering soul waiting to be reincarnated is kicked into the river of souls. As a result, it is torn apart and refitted with new parts as a goddess quickly fixes the soul up and reincarnates it with a single task 'Acquire a falna or you will die' "

(tags: romance, magic, SliceofLife, overpowered [not in the beginning but his skills are op])

(This story is a bit more casual and dungeon focused but I'm also expanding the known list of gods and goddesses because I can and I find it more interesting and just going for hestia or something). I plan to use a custom ability as the main one but single abilities from both Shadow of Mordor and Naruto will be included. I have to come up with a few more to spice things up)

Original novel idea 1: World Savior.

"In a world where all living beings gain abilities at a certain age. A young man who at the age of 8 unlocks the ability to manifest cards into real life. Be it equipment, or summonable people and spells. Unfortunately his magic talent is subpar and when his world is invaded by the demon race with his home town being one of the first assaulted areas. He becomes a slave for entertainment to a wicked demoness who uses him as a toy. Before his death, he absorbs a strange treasure, as such, he becomes a dimensional warrior who must fulfill the will of various gods to gain enough power before he can get revenge"

(This story tag = harem, weak to strong, world building, superpowers, level up, isekai)

Original novel idea 2: MMORPG Rise of the Dragon Lord.

"Sentience, a popular Virtual reality mmo game has been released for 3 years now when Jack, a small-time college dropout, falls into a dire situation where a car accident takes an arm and a leg from him. He falls into a coma as a result too. During this time, his relatives sue the one who caused the accident and once he awakens, he manages a small apartment complex that formerly belonged to the offender. He joins Sentience at a chance at a normal life once more and stumbles upon some shocking secrets that elevate his livelihood beyond what he could have ever imagined.

(possible romance [not harem], I haven't fully thought it out yet )

(tags = magic, Game, level up, system, Adventure, etc)