
Soul Land: Clear Sky Douluo

What would happen if Tang San is from the Spirit Hall? This is a question that might have never crossed the minds of other Douluo Dalu novel readers. Unfortunately for our main character, he is faced with this grim reality as he realises what this could possibly meant for him. With Bibi Dong's hatred to destroy the Angel Family and the world aided by Tang San's hidden weapons... Our main character, Tang Yin is now desperate to increase his strength as fast as possible so that he doesn't have to face this grim future. ... Clear Sky Hammer A spirit that is forgotten by most. Known as the no. 1 tool spirit, yet never able to shine in any story. Our main character equipped with this spirit, a spirit that can't be used openly to avoid from being chased by the Spirit Hall. How will our main character survives? ... No Twin Spirits! No Cheat! No System! No Ha.... *COUGH* YES HAREM!

OnionHater · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Tang San's Abandonment

It was a dark yet warm place.

'Where am I?'

A thought passed through someone's mind, as he tried to move around.

'It felt all gooey and warm here...'

'Where is here?'

As our main character is thinking...

*In audible voices* "Ah Hao... I fel... It's... moving..." *In audible voices*

He heard a voice. He then focused his hearing on it as he then 2 people conversing.

'Is that Chinese?' he thought.

He then continued hearing and piecing the pieces together...

He then realizes to his utter shock that he is in someone!

No the better way of saying it is that he is in someone's womb!

'Am I a Fetus?!' he thought still in shock at this utterly bizarre situation.

Then like any weeb his thoughts instantly cross to...

'Did I cross over?' he thought excitedly

'Ohhh god please let this world be a world where there are magical powers!' he then wished to absolutely no one.

he then continued to daydream about what his life could be like in the future. Wait is it called daydreaming if you're a Fetus? Whatever it doesn't really matter now does it?

After some time...

'Now what should I do?'

'I don't know when I will be able to get out of here so I should at least do something.' he thought.

He spent some time thinking. He doesn't know how long but he's sure it's just a couple of minutes. He can't really tell either way as he's a Fetus now maybe his concept of time is different? He doesn't really know. It's not like there is a Fetus out there that said what it's like in a womb...

After some thought, he had decided on what to do while in here...

And that is to train!

Wait, wait, wait! You might think that he is crazy as how can a Fetus inside a womb train?

Well my friend there is a lot of form of training.

Right now, he's just a Fetus naturally he can't do any muscle training that you would normally think of when you hear the word training.

What he can do though is move around.

You might not think of this as much but right now his body is in a period of development where are nerves that controlled his movements are still being developed.

Just moving around for him right now will have very good effects on his nerves.

Let me give you an example, he would be able to be ambidextrous as his nerves developed the same amount in both of his arms as he moved them around. Now this is just an example, there is a lot more like having really dexterous legs where he might be able to write with his toes.

'Now! As I've decided on what to do, let's start!' he thought still with the excitement from before.

As he moved around he was able to feel something beside him...

No, it's someone! There's someone else in here with him!

Now you might be wondering how is he able to know that it's a person.

Well, considering that he is in a womb, he should be feeling walls all over but this is different. He can feel bumps and others on this 'thing'. He then with a dazzling display of logic concludes that it is his twins.


It's been a few months since he crossed over as a fetus.

He has been training by moving around every day, and now he feels like he has perfect control over every single part of his body front head to toe.

He trained when he is awake and slept when he is tired.

This goes on for the next few months.

He has pieced a lot of things together about this world by hearing the people outside.

The first few things he pieced together is his parent's name which is Tang Hao for his father and Ah Yin for his mother.

At first, he just felt that their names were familiar but as time goes on and he pieces more things together...

He realized to his utter shock and excitement that he is in Soul Land!

Everything starts making sense to him then his father is the Clear Sky Douluo, Tang Hao. His mother is the Blue Silver Empress, Ah Yin. His twin brother should be Tang San, the main character of the original Soul Land. Now he said should be as he isn't sure yet. Why is he isn't sure? Well, that is because he could Tang San.

Now, now you might say he is crazy and stupid as Tang San is the one that has his soul transmigrated into a baby right so surely Tang San is his twin right?

Well, that is true but you need to understand how he looks at this first. The way he looks at this is divided into two.

First, the name. Tang San is named after the trio of Tang Hao, Tang Hao's brother Tang Xiao and Ah Yin. This trio travelled across the mainland and Tang San is named after the tree of them with San in Tang San meaning 3.

Now logically the first person being born would be named Tang San. So if he got born first chances are he would be named Tang San.

He hopes and desperately hopes that he isn't the first one being born as 'Tang San' could transmigrate into him! Now, it's not necessarily what would happen but it could happen you know. And he also doesn't want to be Tang San. So there's that.

And Tang San could also become his younger brother if he is born later than him and that could be funny as he himself would be named Tang San while the transmigrated 'Tang San' would have other names! Hahaha.

Secondly, the twin Spirit Essences that Tang San is born with. You know he does not know whether he would have twin Spirit Essences like Tang San in the original. Whether our bodies would be exchanged or even none of us would have twin Spirit Essences.

There are a lot of things that he had thought about while in here. I mean what else would you do while in here? Other than training which is just moving every single part of his body, there is not much other than pondering over his future. Oh, he also has burned the plot of the original Soul Land deep in his mind. Everything that he knows of from the original is an advantage for him. So he needs to make sure that he doesn't forget any of it.

So yeah while training every day and pondering about his future, he also keeps remembering about the original Soul Land plot.


"Woah..." a baby's cry is heard as he just got out of his mother's womb.

A middle-aged man with bulging muscles is currently holding the baby that just came out of his mother's womb. The middle-aged man's face is full of smiles and he then looked at the woman in front of him.

"Ah Yin, it's our baby." he then handed the baby to her.

The woman is beautiful with blue hair reaching her waist and sparkling blue eyes.

She reached out to take the baby from the man.

"Ah Hao, what do you think we name him?" the woman asked the man called Ah Hao.

Ah Hao is the nickname for the man. Naturally, the man is Tang Hao.

"How about we name him Tang San?" the man asked with his face full of smiles while looking at his wife.

"Then we'll name him Tang San" the woman replied with her tired face also full of smiles.

As they are celebrating the arrival of a new family member, the woman then felt something...

"Ah Hao, I felt like another one gonna come out!" Ah Yin said with shock.

"Another?!" the man screamed also with shock.


Now to our main character who is still in his mother's womb.

'Come on! I want to get out too!' he screamed in his heart.

His heart right now is burning with passion.

Passing to reach the peak of this world.

No, to surpass it.

Beyond Titled Douluo, beyond God King.

He will become the strongest.


He opened his eyes.

His beautiful sparkling blue eyes looked at the man in front of him who is currently holding him.

"Ah Yin, his eyes are just like you!" Tang Hao said with surprise evident in his tone of voice.

"Let me see!" Ah Yin said with excitement in her tone. She is excited to hold her second child.

Ah Yin reached out to our main character. She smiled at our main character when she holds him.

"Since his eyes are just like yours, how about naming him Tang Yin?" Tang Hao said once Ah Yin holds our main character.

"Okay, but..." she said with worry in her tone.

"But?" Tang Hao asked confusedly. Why is she worried?

"Aren't babies supposed to cry after they are born?" she said worriedly as Tang Yin is not crying. He just continues to look around him with curiosity.

Now you might be wondering what about Tang San, why did he cry while our main character doesn't? Is he acting?

Well, Tang San hasn't transmigrated yet. So right now he should be a genuine baby. He should transmigrate during the fight against Qian Xunji and others.

Now back to our main character.

"Uhhh, how about spanking him? He should cry then, right?" Tang Hao said also with worry in his tone.

"Uh... Okay." Ah Yin said. Then just as she is about to softly spank Tang Yin who is in her arms...

"Woah..." a baby cry is instantly heard before she even managed to hit him.

He instantly cried. He doesn't to get hit especially as a baby. Right now he is really sensitive *heh*. A light hit would a lot to him.

"He's crying!" screamed both Ah Yin and Tang Hao.

"Is he a genius? He realizes that you're going to hit him so he cried?" Tang Hao asked happily.

"Naturally, he's my child after all. Of course, he's a genius." Ah Yin said with pride in her tone.

Tang Hao then reached out to Tang Yin with a piece of cloth in his hand.

Tang Yin looked at that piece of cloth and then he glanced at Tang San who is wrapped in the same piece of cloth.

He quickly understands that the piece of cloth will be used to wrap him.

Now as Tang Hao is wrapping him... He hit Tang Hao!

Tang Hao looked at him in shock. He then shook his head. He just thought of it as a baby playing around. So he continued wrapping Tang Yin. Then, Tang Yin hit his hand again!

Soon Tang Hao understood that Tang Yin doesn't want his arms wrapped in a piece of cloth. He just wants his body wrapped not his arms.

Tang Hao then told Ah Yin about this. And then the two of them decided to just let him have his way and not have his arms wrapped.

Now you might be wondering why is he even bothering with this small thing.

Why doesn't he just acts like a normal baby?

Well, he has his reasons and plans. If it works...

The gains would be huge.

Now you might be wondering what would it be. It is just letting his arms out how big could the gains be?

Well, you will see.


As the family of four were spending their together celebrating the coming of new family members and coming out of a dark place for our main character.

An aura full of oppression comes.

"Tang Hao!" a roar is heard coming from outside the house.

Both Ah Yin and Tang Hao's faces turned solemn.

Then both of them come out of the house with Ah Yin holding Tang Yin and Tang San.

Outside are multiple people standing opposite to them.

A man comes in front and starts opening his mouth.

"Tang Hao, hand her over and our Supreme Pontiff will let you live." the man said arrogantly.

"If you want to get Ah Yin, then you have to step over my corpse." Tang Hao snorts as he takes out his Clear Sky Hammer.

His aura changed from that loving father to a domineering man with a huge war hammer in his hands.

The next few things developed according to the original story.

Tang Hao fights them. Qian Xunji, Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo come out. So on and so on until Ah Yin's sacrifice comes.

"Ah Yin! No!" Tang Hao screamed as Ah Yin to him. He is currently holding both Tang Yin and Tang San in his arms.

Tang Yin looks at all this calmly with his glinting. It is unknown what is currently going on in his mind.

"No!!!" Tang Hao screamed as his aura soar from Level 89 to Level 92.

Tang Yin's eyes flashed as he reached out with his small hands towards the floating Spirit Bone.

The Blue Silver Empress 100,000-Year Right Leg Spirit Bone.

The Spirit Bone floats into his hands on its own.

I guess Ah Yin saw him reaching out and thought that he is sad about her death so she gives him her Spirit Bone to comfort him.

Now you might be wondering what about Tang San?

Well, he's sleeping. I guess he's tired from crying after birth.

After that Tang Hao with Titled Douluo's level of power starts fighting in rage. Which is a stupid decision and he has to hold two babies. You wonder what would he do then. Well, he chooses to put one of the babies down. And the baby he chooses to put down is Tang San as currently, Tang Yin is currently holding a Spirit Bone which is what the Spirit Hall wants.

Now even if he wants to fight, he should at least keep the Spirit Bone in Tang Yin's arms in a Spirit Guidance Device right?

Well currently he is in a rage and he doesn't even think of that.

So he starts smashing the enemies around him.

Qian Xunji got smashed till he was seriously injured.

Tang Hao wants to escape after that but he finds he can't escape with both of his children in his arms as he can't use his hammer.

So he has to make the heartbreaking choice to abandon one of them and he chooses...

'Wait what?!' Tang Yin thought in shock as he looks at Tang San being abandoned by Tang Hao!

After a moment of shock, Tang Yin instantly realizes why Tang San was abandoned instead of him. That is because he is currently holding the Blue Silver Empress 100,000-Year Right Leg Spirit Bone!

Now in this short moment of shock, he realizes what this could mean...

Tang San in Spirit Hall...

With Tang San's Hidden Weapons...

Bibi Dong's hatred towards the world...

Tang Yin felt...



6 years later...

Right now under a waterfall, a shirtless boy is currently wielding a wooden hammer and swinging at the waterfall falling on him.

"81st Hammer!" the boy screamed as he swung the hammer at the waterfall.

The waterfall starts flying upwards from the shockwave by the hammer swung upwards.

"Huh... Huh..." the boy gasped as the water starts falling down like rain.

"Congratulations, you have finished the 2nd part of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Training." a middle-aged man with messy hair like a bird's nest said with shock evident in his tone.

Who else could this middle-aged man be if not Tang Hao?

As for why someone like him is shocked that he can't even hide his shock?

Well if you can finish the 2nd part of Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Training in 1 week you can achieve it too.

Now you might be wondering what is Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Training.

Well, let me graciously explain it to you.

First, we need to start with the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique.

This is the Clear Sky Clan's signature secret technique used with hammer combat and blacksmithing.

This is a technique that Tang San learned from Tang Hao in the original Soul Land after he awakened his twin Spirit Essences.

Tang San uses this technique to build his hidden weapons.

The Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique is already strong on its own but when used with the Clear Sky Hammer, it can create a gravitational effect.

This technique is learned by everyone in the Clear Sky Clan.

Now to the second thing, Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Training.

It is split into 3 parts.

Part 1 - Common Hammer Form, Nine By Nine, Eighty-One Swings, the Tempering Strength Path.

Part 2 - Create Many Hammers, Man & Hammer as One with 81 Swings no matter the Size, the Unyielding Resolute Path.

Part 3 - Daily Acts of the Clear Sky Hammer's Power, Constant Strength to Newer Heights, the Clear Sky Disciple's Path.

Now it is time for him to explain to you what each of these parts meant and how it is trained.

Part 1 and Part 2 is trained when you reached level 40.

This is because the Clear Sky Clan has a Spirit Power Sealing Trick that is most suitable for use between level 40 to level 50. Such a method of erupting after suppressing could only be used once in a lifetime. It prevents the target from expressing spirit power but allows the target to continue cultivating with normally absorbing spirit power from outside the body. During the sealing duration, the target can experience the perspective of using only one's physical body and spiritual power to train and live, a true potential of a mortal in the Spirit Masters' world.

There's also another reason why it is trained when you reach level 40 and that is because your physical strength has reached the requirements.

Now, now you might be wondering then how is our main character able to train it. It can't be that he's already level 40, right? He's only 6 years old now.

Well yes, he's not level 40 yet. Heck, he hasn't even awakened his Spirit Essence yet! Meaning he has no Spirit Power!

Then how is he able to do this training?

Well, remember the Clear Sky Clan's Spirit Power Sealing Trick that he just told you about?

The Spirit Power is a magical energy that enhances your physical body and does so much more.

As your Spirit Power Level grows it has the effect of strengthening your physical body and your Soul Power allowing you to absorb a Spirit Ring with higher age.

Now for Level 40 with their Spirit Power sealed, this meant that they can't enhance their body using Spirit power but...

That doesn't mean that their body becomes as weak as a normal person's. No, their body is still strong, much stronger than the average person without Spirit Power. It's just that they can't use their Spirit Power to enhance their body to be stronger than they already are.

Level 40 without Spirit Power enhancement has met the requirements needed to start the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Training.

Now then how is our main character able to do this training?

Well without Spirit Power, he can only train his body the old-fashioned way. Although he's able to do this training that only Level 40 can do that doesn't mean that he can absorb a Spirit Ring with the same age that a Level 40 can. You need to remember that a Spirit Master can use Spirit Power to enhance their physical body meaning they can use Spirit Power to aid them when absorbing a Spirit Ring.

Wow, that is a lot of rambling. He should get back to explaining the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Training itself.

Now the first part of the training is done when you reached Level 40 with your Spirit Power sealed. This training is done with a heavy metal hammer meant to strengthen your physical body. Tang San in the original work does this training for 3 months after the Spirit Master Tournament.

After the first part of the training is finished, they would start the second part which is much harder. The second part of the training is done with a wooden hammer. It is meant to train your muscle control. At the end of this training, you should be able to swing the wooden hammer 81 times continuously. The same as the first part where you would be able to swing your metal hammer 81 times. Tang San takes 9 months to complete this training.

The third part is done with your Spirit Power unsealed as this training is done with your Clear Sky Hammer.

By the end of this training, you should have a high degree of control over your Clear Sky Hammer.

Now you should be able to understand why even a person like Tang Hao can't hide his shock when our main character Tang Yin is able to complete the second part of this training in just 1 week.

Now you might think that this is ridiculous. A genius like Tang San who already takes much less time than Tang Hao the person who is expected to continue Tang Chen's legacy, takes 9 months while he a person who has no cheat like Tang San is able to complete this in just a fraction of the time and another thing, he hasn't even awaken his Spirit Essence yet.

Well, this all has to do with his physical body training. A training that he has started doing since he was a fetus.

His training involves every single part of his body that can be trained from strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and so on. This has given him an ability like Taskmaster from Marvel where he can do any movements humanly possible. Granted he doesn't have Taskmaster's ability to instantly copy others' movements since he doesn't have perfect muscle control.

His training for his body just allows him to learn and train other techniques that involve your physical body like Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique faster.

Another thing you might be wondering about is his physical strength.

How is he able to become so strong that he can start the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Training even before awakening his Spirit Essence?

Surely, just physical training can't make him achieve that level of power right?

And besides he is still a child, no matter how much training he does, without awakening Spirit Essence meaning without Spirit Power, how can his body get so strong?

Well, you would have to read the next chapter to find out.