
Soul King System

The human race is weak ? Can she only conquer a meager fragment of the universe? Are human geniuses rubbish compared to ordinary people of other races? I will reverse this ratio. Any human child will be comparable to the best geniuses of any race, while any human will have the capacity to wipe out entire civilizations. From the moment I the Soul King is born, the human race is destined to fight across the universe for one day to stand on top of thousands of races! I don't know who the artist is, if they want I can remove the cover at any time. Currently on hiatus because I'd like to get it published in a publishing house. In the meantime I write this: https://www.webnovel.com/book/mercenary-system-i-can-increase-innate-potential-!_24843002705961105 Go have a look, I guarantee you won't be disappointed! haha (except for the number of chapters, but that will require a little patience ;)) If you like the story, don't hesitate to make a small donation of 2/3euros on my paypal. The student in me would be very grateful haha --> https://www.paypal.me/SoulKingSystem

Kasuma · War
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85 Chs

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Back in Teloria in Zaran territory, William retracted his gaze, then smiled slightly as he looked at Eva.

"Resurrect Arthur, and you will become the sixth supreme general," William said.

Exclamations and several whispers arose among the crowd of soldiers, but they quickly died down as Eva nodded firmly.

She approached Arthur's body and stood before him, hands clasped and eyes closed.

Eva began to whisper an unintelligible and extremely mysterious language.

As she sang, a scene appeared above Arthur's body and became more and more tangible.

In this image, a figure was advancing through the darkness, towards the only point of light present in it.

"Do you think this is some kind of corridor that you have to go through after death?" whispered a general to Alexander, the general who had served as William's guide in Aurora a few days before.

"Probably, and to cross it, it should take 24 hours since it would coincide with the time limit of Madam Eva's talent." answered Alexander after a brief analysis.

Suddenly, another figure stood in the way.

The first figure stopped walking and asked:

"Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

Surprisingly, this figure had the exact same voice as Arthur.

"I am here to give you the opportunity to resurrect," replied the second figure, who was none other than Eva.

Arthur remained silent for a moment, then said firmly:

"I don't want to resurrect. Now get out of my way."

These words, everyone present could hear.

"Our commander is crazy, we offer him to live again, but he dares to refuse?" thought instinctively most of the spectators.

"Impossible, I will not move from here, even at the cost of my life," Eva firmly replied.

"Then die!" said Arthur, and without hesitation he dashed towards Eva.

Eva, who was only of rank (D-) had no chance to react but she didn't intend to react either, she just kept her eyes open.

The next moment Arthur was in front of her, their faces only a few millimeters apart.

However, even after a few seconds nothing happened.

Eva didn't take a single step back, and confronted her gaze with Arthur's.

"How did you know?" asked Arthur without backing down.

"It's impossible for a person not to want to come back to life, because it's only by being alive that miracles happen. Besides, you are not an ungrateful person, so you would not dare to betray the expectations of His Majesty," Eva explained without batting an eyelid.

Arthur only smiled in response.

The distance was so short between the two of them, that Eva's heartbeat quickened as time went on.

"This guy is pretty good looking..." she thought, diverging completely from her initial goal.

As the atmosphere became slightly ambiguous, Arthur suddenly dropped to one knee in front of Eva.

Even she was surprised by this change.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

Arthur smiled, then asked a question as an answer.

"Eva, will you marry me?"

Eva was stunned by this very sudden change in situation.

The spectators outside were also speechless including the supreme generals and William.

"Wow, did the supreme general really just propose to someone he didn't know a few minutes earlier?" a soldier said with surprise in a loud voice.

A soldier next to him heard his sentence, then replied with a laugh:

"It's not that that should surprise you, instead, it's that Supreme General Arthur may be the first dead person in the history of the universe to propose to a living person."

"Unbelievable, I had thought of all sorts of methods at the time to propose to my current wife, but I had never considered this possibility!" replied a soldier right next to him, also laughing.

William could see his soldiers laughing at the situation, and he himself could not help but crack a smile at the surprising situation.

However, the happiness was short-lived, as a surprising situation occurred outside.

Dozens of spaceships appeared and surrounded William's army, all of them being corvettes like the zaran spaceship that had been captured by William during the previous battle.

Soon a huge spatial fluctuation occurred in the sky, and then a spaceship that was very thin in length but very thin in width appeared and covered most of the sky.

It looked like a giant gun. It was so large, that even though its width was really small compared to its length, it was still much larger than the width of the corvettes.

"In battle positions, Charles to the west, Frederick to the south, Edward to the east, Victoria to the north, I remain here to protect Arthur and Eva."

"Aye, aye!" replied the supreme generals, who quickly positioned themselves in their designated positions, followed by their own generals and soldiers.

Various orders were issued, and the skeletons that roamed the battlefield quickly returned to support the defensive lines that were being built.

A minute later, the lines were all in place, allowing for effective defense in the event of an attack.

The previous battle had developed the mentality and experience of the soldiers and generals who had participated in it, and this had contributed significantly to the rapid execution of orders.

Now there was only William and Eva standing next to the lifeless bodies. Eva was on her knees on the ground next to Arthur's body, her hands intertwined as if she were praying for him.

Soon, a voice came from the strange spaceship:

"Sweetie, Daddy is here to protect you!"

This voice made William breathe a slight sigh of relief.

Although his army had become dozens of times stronger than before, he didn't know if it could win a battle against an army with so much technology.

Because revealing so much technological power meant having the confidence to protect it.

Victoria was slightly embarrassed by her father's words, but she did not show it on her face. She had learned over time to hide it.

Suddenly, Klavis appeared right in front of William with a dozen experts under his command.

He walked towards William, until they were less than a meter apart.

Klavis and William stared at each other for a few seconds.

Klavis was more than 20 centimeters taller than William, so Klavis had an undeniable advantage in terms of momentum, but yet to the onlookers, William did not look at all inferior.

The situation stagnated slightly while no one dared to make a sound.

Then Klavis broke the mood by starting to laugh.

"That's great! It is with the birth of geniuses like you William, that humanity continues to defend itself and keep hope for the future!"

Klavis glanced at William's subordinates, and even he could not help but be surprised.

More than 10,000 soldiers of rank (D-) or higher, at least a hundred of whom are extremely close to moving up to rank (C-).

Then he looked at his daughter and the other supreme generals, with his strength it was easy to estimate the strength they possessed, and that only added to his amazement.

"They have become much stronger since we last met!" he thought secretly.

But as he looked at William again, he was truly incredulous inside.

"Even I can't estimate its strength anymore, but it should at least be comparable to an (A-) rank, this is completely absurd! She was at most comparable to a rank (C+) 2 days before!"

For his part, William had not been idle either.

"System, analyze Emperor Klavis for me."

[Order received.]



[Unable to determine the statistics of the human emperor Klavis.]

Name: Klavis

Rank (A+)

Title: The human emperor of Teloria. Protector of humanity. Former slave.

Race: Human

Level: 59

HP ?/ ?

MP ?/ ?

Strength : ?

Agility : ?

Stamina: ?

Intelligence : ?

Wisdom : ?

Power of the soul : ?

Talents :


"Why is it impossible to determine his stats?" William secretly asked the system.

[Answer to the host, Emperor Klavis has an item or skill that invalidates the system's analysis].

"I see. It's been a long time since I've looked at my own record, can you post it?"

[Of course.]

[Displaying the host's status page.]

Name: William

Rank (C-)

Title: Pioneer (50% bonus XP in each parallel world.)

Boundary Breaker (50% bonus on all stats.)

Race: Player

Class: Warrior (Super Rare)

Level: 30 (189 123 093/ 100 000 000 000)

HP 3 989 760/ 3 989 760

MP 733 920/ 733 920

Strength: 960 (+98 784) (+16 dmg & +40hp)

Agility: 950 (+94,430) (+16m/s)

Stamina: 906 (+78,097)(+0.016 hp/s)

Intelligence: 556 (+45,314) (+16 magic dmg & +16MP)

Wisdom : 556 (+42 645) (+0.016 MP/s )

Soul Power : 600 (+61,320) ( 660/ 61,320 )

Passive Skills:

Infinite stamina (B) (Never feels tired in a fight)

Sword Mastery (B) (Allows you to wield a sword like a normal person who has trained for 500 years)

Sword and Shield Mastery (C) (Allows you to master the combination of a sword and a shield like a normal person who has trained for 500 years)

Spear Mastery (C) (Allows you to master the spear like a normal person who has trained for 500 years)

Dagger Mastery (D) (Allows you to master the dagger like a normal person who has trained for 100 years)

Bow Mastery (D) (Allows you to master the bow like a normal person who has trained for 100 years)

Twin Sword Mastery (B) (Mastery of two one-handed swords like a normal person who has trained for 2000 years)

Mastery of the 4 elements (B) (Allows you to master the magic of wind, earth, fire and water like a person with the lowest magic skill, having trained for 100,000 years)

Mastery of poison, thunder, ice, magma, sand and lightning. (D) (Allows mastery of these elements as a person with the lowest magic talent, having trained for 300 years)

Active Skills:

Robin's Technique (B): 1st move: A drop of water, 2nd move: An autumn rain, 3rd move: A sword breaks the world, 4th move: Divine execution, 5th move: Divine Rain.

Walking on the Wind (D): Slightly increases movement and attack speed.

Sword Strengthening (E) : Allows you to apply the aura to your sword to increase its sharpness.

Body Reinforcement (E): Applies a 20% increase in strength and endurance.

Spear Reinforcement (E) Allows you to apply aura to the tip of your spear to increase its piercing effect.

System Skills :

Soul King (?) (Submits the soul of the defeated opponent to the Soul King. Possibility to pass on a "Supreme General" or "General" authorization to a subordinate whose soul has surrendered to the Soul King)

Shadow Storage (?) (Allows to store controlled skeletons without any cost)

Wrath of a King (?) (Doubles all stats until the end of the wrath)

Immortal Army (C) (Immediately resurrects a skeleton of rank D+ or lower for free. A skeleton in rank (C) will require 1 mp, a skeleton in rank (B) will require 8mp, a skeleton in rank (A) will require 150mp. Condition: The soul of the skeleton must be controlled).

Soul King, first unlocked battle form: (+10,000% soul power, +9800% strength, +8600% agility,+8200% stamina, +7900% intelligence, +7400% wisdom.)


Uncommon body (+20% strength)

Uncommon body (+20% agility)

Super rare body (+50% in all stats)

Affinity to Wind, Fire, Water, Earth (Rare): (+50% in agility, strength, intelligence and stamina).

Affinity to Poison, Ice, Magma, Sand, Lightning (Uncommon): (+20% in Soul Power, Wisdom, Strength, Stamina and Agility.)

Born Assassin: Blessing of Shadow Elements (Epic)(+500% in agility, +100% in other stats.), Twin Dagger Wielding (Epic), Stealth(Super-rare), Cold Blood(Rare), Agility Body (Rare)(+50% in agility).

Class Talent: +200% in Strength, 100% in Agility, 150% in Stamina.

(System Note: Congratulations, your body has finally become powerful enough to handle the most important part of your talent! That is, the stat bonus that is inseparable from your talent!)


For the more curious, here are the calculations:

Strength: 50% + 9800% +20% + 50% + 50% + 20% + 100% + 200%

=10 290%

Agility : 50% + 8600% +20% +50% +50% + 20% + 500% + 50% + 100% =9440


Endurance: 50% + 8200% + 50% + 50% + 20% + 100% +150% =8620


Intelligence: 50% + 7900% + 50% +50% + 100% =8150


Wisdom: 50% + 7400% + 50% +50% + 20% + 100% =7670


Power of the soul: 50% + 10 000% + 50% + 20% + 100% = 10 220

= 10 220%

Sorry for not publishing for a long time, I was sick (and I still am but less), and also it was really not easy to make this statistic sheet without destroying all coherence to my story ;)

By the way, 2 new records have been reached last week when I didn't publish :

13th position in the war ranking, and more than 160 powerstones given during this period.

I can't thank you enough.

Kasumacreators' thoughts