
Soul Gear of Divine light

The being that saves the protagonist will tell him that he is a god candidate and release the seal on is soul core after his seal is released he kills the captain who wanted to kill him because he wanted to get a promotion for killing a Colossal dragon to get a better squad than after the protagonist kill him the captain then he saw dragons like monster with black iron skins he went on a rampage until he bleed out and died but get the second chance to live again and his name is (Aster Dawn)

Randompattern21 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3:chaos sent me back in time

POV Aster Dawn

As I open my eyes I look around then I notice I was in a nice ass room but for some reason I can remember this place as I look around I saw for a split second my reflection on the window glass I look for a mirror then I saw my self I look like my 15 year old self with grey colour hair and a pretty boy face their is no mistake it did he sent me back in time as I had that thought I wanted to test something when I thought I was a pawn chess piece a knife and gun appeared they have a yellow colour to it so I still have my gear. then I hear knock on my door I dissummon the weapons and answered the door then I saw a maid elf holding to be my breakfast "young master Aster please take your breakfast and can you not just stay in your room even if your not the future family head can you please stop being a good for nothing " I forgot how the maids treat me well can't blame them they have to serve a gearless son while the family has a half orc son who is a unique gear user but imagine their shock to know that this son has a unique gear as well then I said to the maid "OK can you setup the training zone room for me"."Oh ok young master after your finished your breakfast first" well I ate my breakfast witch I savoy then I followed the maid to the training zone which is a virtual reality device to test your skills in group and solo combat well I look at the settings I picked the hardest of this time impossible but this will first be a group of beasts and monsters then a dragon this was around these times when the hardest thing you can face was a dragon at the time well I first went to test my pawn ability when I went in I saw wolf like beast and even humanoid beast as well well this is perfect I first shot most of the wolf and they die immediately then started cutting down the humanoid beast then I heard a Ai like voice said would you like to retry or move to the dragon next I said I like to retreat then I thought of a Bishop piece then I saw two guns in my hand instead of the knife and gun with the pawn well I just fired one of the gun and like a high powered Cannon well I thought of any other use this had as I thought that the two hand cannon change to attach themselves to my arms making them into gauntlet I move them around I saw a yellow line following my finger I wanted to start I asked the system to start and the beasts started appearing I point a finger at the beast then one thing pop in my head fire as I thought that the yellow lines became beams that blown the head of the beast when I did that the beast started to Swam me I started to make new lines on that hoard of beasts then I thought fire then a beams of bright lights shot out wiping out the rest of the beast then the Ai asked "again do you wish to fight the dragon next or to reset" I said I wish to challenge the dragon then I saw the Scene around me change to a volcanic area

In the middle was a wing monster with four legs and a power face of Western dragon with dark horns . It seems it has not notice me so I use the piece that can kill those nightmares the queen piece as I thought that two chain blades were on my arm and the blades on my hand I swing the blades at the dragon it blasted a fire balk back at me for attacking it I use the blades to cut the fire ball in half then I jump off the ground in the air I extended my blades with the chains to get to the dragon neck then I spin myself in a angle the chain following my arms when though the neck of the dragon cutting it off then when I got back on ground I heard the Ai congrats me on killing a dragon solo then It said "you are currently a ranker what will be your nickname for the database " as I heard the I said "light" mainly because how light I feel using the queen piece .then I hear "well if you wish to see other rankers here the list you are currently the 20th ranker congratulations on this achievement " well I read the list most of them did use nickname Except two witch are

Akio Dorron

Rune Ryoko

So this is something interesting I recognised instantly the Ryoko name because of Verin Ryoko know as dragon killer or dragon King so his father was a ranker well then I tested the other two well rook give you a great sword while knight give a katana but can spit to give two wakizshi well I know which will be useful against armoured beast that is the rook and the queen while for groups to wave of beasts pawn,Bishop and knight will be best use their well I guess it time to leave so after telling the Ai am leaving the scene change to a white room then a door open I went through and I saw a maid waiting then they said "young master what will you like for dinner " well if they are asking then can I have steak and ruman and ice cream. "As you please young master I sent a message to the kitchen can you please goto the dining table for your meal" well I can have some rich food well I went to the dining room and sat my self waiting for the food then I saw the food and I suddenly realised how amazing it was to eat this food than I felt happy then I remember I Need to do something else that would make me able to have a better life then I did in my past life.

Pov: Rune Ryoko

As I thought my son is a Prodigy for now I will keep it a secret that my son has a formless gear status as a secret and has had said he can use impossible mode for the dragon I check the ranker list then I notice a new name 20th ranker light Hmm OK I guess it a young master or a highly qualified soldier when I check the video I saw the Scene of the dragon getting it neck cut off I notice he had to be a formless user because I look at the other videos but they were not as unique as him using the chain blades when I saw was when he jumped I saw a light following his foot until he spin himself and cut the dragon neck then I heard my son asking me if he can do the dragon I smiled at him I told the Ai to put on the dragon then I saw why I was so proud of him. standing in a soul aura construct was my son in a aura dragon facing the dragon in a couple of seconds I saw the dragon ripped to Shred and my son say his name to the Ai "verin Ryoko" and his name popped up in the 21th rankers list well I just want to know who is the 20th ranker and maybe add him to my family.