
Soul Fusion System Awakening

Moments after being beaten and forcibly sacrificed on the altar of a mysterious tomb, Rama discovers an unfamiliar power awakening within him. This power grants him the ability to harness and use the skills of Supernaturals - the monstrous beings that threaten human existence within the city walls by absorbing their Soul. Making him able to use their ability as his own. Armed with this newfound power known as [Soul Fusion], Rama seeks vengeance against those who callously discarded him like garbage. However, there's a deeper secret to this power. Soul Fusion turns out to be a power harbored within his very soul - an ancient power that played a significant role in The Great Supernatural War. A parting gift from both of his parents. The once underestimated and scorned E Rank Hunter now possesses something that could make him the strongest. How will Rama's journey unfold? What is the true mystery behind Soul Fusion? And how will he endure when he realizes that his enemies aren't limited to the Supernatural realm, but also in human society? Another threat soon will unfold as well. The race of Vampires, Werewolf, Even Angels and Demons. Are the Supernatural beings that will be involved in Rama's journey? ~~~

Diyen_Pi · Fantasy
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206 Chs

A Woman And Her Thing

The Forsaken Bloodline descendant...

Rama sighed and scratched his head. Once again, he encountered something puzzling. What's worse, he had no idea where he could find answers to this mystery.

If he tried to consult someone in Twilight City, it would raise suspicions. But Rama knew he couldn't seek answers on his own.

He glanced at the large double door still open at the end of the room. Rama could only see a dark void beyond the door now, but he was sure that as soon as he stepped into another room, it would reveal itself to him.

But for now, he wasn't confident enough to enter because he wasn't sure he was strong enough to face whatever might be inside that room. So, he had no choice but to leave it for later.

He only knew one safe place to look for answers. So he would come back here eventually. Before that, he couldn't let anyone discover this Holy Tomb.

Rama exited through the same cave door he had entered. The door closed on its own after he stepped out.

'This... Holy Tomb Dyre... responds to my bloodline, which it calls the Forsaken Bloodline. So it's possible that another Holy Tomb will open when I'm near it.'

That was both good and dangerous. He might find treasures, but he would also have to find out why these Holy Tombs could open.

He decided to think about that issue later. Then Rama thought... he had been putting off quite a few problems for later.

He shrugged. 'Well, if I can't think about it now, why should I keep worrying? Feeling anxious and confused will only bother me, right?'

After completing the mission, Rama returned to Twilight City. He collected his reward and chose to return home and sleep.

Now, his strength had greatly increased, but fighting those knights had left his body fatigued. After this, he would have to take another mission to kill Supernaturals and level up. And after that, he would have to train his Sword Mastery.

There were still many things he had to do before entering the Holy Tomb again if he didn't want to die foolishly. This power had given him extraordinary strength, but he still had to struggle to become stronger.

His life had indeed become better, so Rama wouldn't complain too much. At least he could eat well and had money now.


The woman wiped the dusty glasses after spending hours in the basement. After wrestling with the dust for a while, she finally found what she was looking for.

She opened a book covered in human skin and dust. To open the book, she had to recite a few lines of spells left by her father so that the writings inside could become visible. If one didn't read the specific spell, they wouldn't see anything written inside.

Moreover, if anyone tried to force it open, a curse would befall them.

"In the end, I still need this," the woman murmured, smiling as she gazed at the book.

Initially, she thought she had mastered enough spells and knowledge of dark magic. But it turned out her knowledge was still limited, even though she had succeeded in creating another kind of Ghost. A much stronger and faster version.

The woman smiled. "Oh, how beautiful dark magic is."

She walked into her room and opened her wardrobe, muttering a spell. Afterward, a door appeared inside the wardrobe. She entered the door, and once inside, the door disappeared again.

The woman appeared in a room with walls made of white bricks. The hanging lamps above the room added light to it.

In the center of the room, there was a man tied with chains connected to a pole beside him.

The man was naked with a well-built body. There were no injuries on his body, even though he had been detained for 24 hours. Because the dark mage woman still hadn't found the book she was looking for.

Now, the man's time had come.

"Wake up," the woman said.

The man immediately opened his eyes and looked up at her. "What are you going to do to me, Sophia?"

The woman he called Sophia smiled. She did have a beautiful face, which is why she could easily lure the man here to become her subject.

"You'll find out in a moment," Sophia said as she opened the book.

She began reading some spells written in an ancient language inside it. Then she approached the man and placed her hand on his forehead.

The man's eyes widened and rolled back until only the whites remained. His mouth opened, and blood began to pour out.

About a minute later, the spell was completed. Sophia closed her book and placed it on the floor, then went to pick up a small vial from a table beside her.

She recited another spell and opened the vial. A moment later, a white mist emerged from the vial and materialized into a Ghost.

Sophia directed the Ghost toward the man's prone body. With another spell, she inserted the Ghost into the man's body. The man convulsed for several minutes while Sophia waited with a curious and anxious expression. Would this experiment succeed?

Several minutes passed, and Sophia just watched the man convulsing intensely. Then he stopped moving as if he had lost all strength.

Sophia approached, frowning. Was she going to fail, or succeed?

Suddenly, the man jerked his head as if something was forcibly pulling it from behind. Sophia's eyes widened as she watched.

The man's eyes were shrouded in white mist, but not long after, the mist disappeared, and his eyes returned to normal.

Sophia, enveloped in euphoria, jumped and laughed out loud. Finally, she had successfully fused a Supernatural and a human.
