
Soul Factor System

Due to the dwindling number of religious believers and humanity's desire for scientific progress, in the year 2100, "He" spoke to the entire human race directly for the first and last time. A beam of light covered the world and brought along the long-lost knowledge about humans' hidden potential - The potential of the Soul itself. The power of the Soul... A power sealed away long ago, and unlocked by this fateful "meeting" once more... Now that humanity has been brought back to light, with its newfound powers capable of shaking all before-known concepts, how will the forces lurking in the dark respond?

VioleP · Fantasy
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13 Chs

~ War and Blood

Vatican - The year 2177 

 Loud sirens, fire burning everywhere and the smell of blood filling the air. This is the battlefield... With the attack against the central religious base location in Romania, the troops standing there had their hands too full to act as reinforcements for the greater problem. Around the same time, an all-out war started in the Capital of God on Earth: the Vatican. 

 "Agent Orario... Is that right? You've got orders to identify the enemy's leader and main forces... Please proceed with caution," facing the dull-looking youth, the soldier sent the message.

 "Alright..." said Orario, turning around and walking slowly towards the battlefield.

"H-huh...? What was I doing?" quietly muttered the soldier that was facing the young man a moment ago.


 "We need reinforcements! The number of casualties: 147 fallen, 372 injured! Danger class: S, around 200 High-Class demons, and one Special-Class... We are currently identifying him!" said one soldier on the battlefield through the station. The battlefield was harsh, and High-Class demons were a force to be reckoned with... They had a will of their own, special abilities different from any Medium or Low, and bloodlust on par with their power... Meanwhile, the one referred to as the Special-Class was sitting quietly in the middle of the demons, seemingly bored by the lack of power his enemies were showcasing.

 "I don't know why I am even here... These weaklings can't even defeat a High-Rank on their own, I feel like sir Belphegor still treats me like a child..." said the young man standing in the middle of the demons, while fidgeting with his smartphone. 


 However, through the desperate shouts and screams of pain, the youth couldn't even hear that the tide of the battle was turning, and then, just before it hit him, he felt the holy energy approaching. One light arrow, that was not targeting him especially but was rather shot just to mess with him... He caught it with his demonic arm, just before it pierced his mobile phone.

 "You are no fun, Eagle... Stephan Tryphon," said the demon slowly raising his view from the phone, breaking the light arrow with relative ease.

"Well, well..." looking into the sky above him, the youth saw the one who shot the arrow, standing on a light platform, talking to him. "I have to say... When I heard that there was going to be a Special-Class, I didn't think I'd have to face one of the Chouten. The strongest Morphing Type... I believe that we can cure your boredom for a bit."

"You say...?" and just like that, the demon did something that could only be described as a contradiction.

"Isn't it an irony?" muttered Stephan to his support who was the one responsible for the light platform he was standing on, and then continued: "The user of "The Ally of God" being on the demons' side..." looking at him, his white, angelic wings were tainted by the blood of the numerous soldiers he's killed, while his demonic hand seemed to be trembling, aching for more...

"Well then, Eagle... Show me what you've got!" said the mongrel, speeding towards Stephan.

"Prepare yourself, Dena... This won't be easy..." said Stephan, preparing his longbow.


 Saint Nicholas Academy, Romania - The year 2177

 "Resume of the battle please..." said the principal to Grigory who came into his office with the report.

 "Over 500 casualties, including students from 2nd year and upwards... Theodor Tryphon, Bronze, S-class and leader of his group disappeared after fighting with Asmodeus. After the fight, another member of their group went missing, without any notice. Chroma Kosetsu, also known as Snowfall is currently in a depressed state, and unresponsive."

"I see... I would have liked to be able to let them rest, but we are facing an unprecedented situation. The war at the Vatican is not going in our favour, and I've just got a report that both a Chouten and a Sin are present in the enemy lines. If we lose the Vatican, it might be the end of the world as we know it," explained the principal.

"We are waiting for orders... After all, we are the most important branch outside the Vatican. I've been given notice that the other religious centres around the world have already sent reinforcements, but they are also facing issues of their own... If the demons manage to get to the underground-"

"We can't let them there!" shouted the principal at once, interrupting Grigory. After calming down, he gave his order: "Half of them... Deploy half of our forces in the Vatican. Also... Send Snowfall's group there... This is war, so I'll also do something unprecedented. I will promote all of his group to Silver-Class, grade retained..."

"B-But, sir! They only have three members now, with both Theodor and Paul missing!"

"I've thought of that already... Don't think they are the only gifted 2nd years we have around," and as he said that, a knock could be heard at the door. The principal then urged the visitors to enter the office.

"Claude Angelos and, Buki Samira... I've assigned someone to forward the details of the mission to you beforehand, and as such, you will join Snowfall's team for this mission," explained the principal.

"Yes sir!" they both responded.

"Grigory... Forward these details to the remaining members of their group. They will leave tomorrow, so tell them to brace themselves..."

"R-Roger that!" and so, he left the office in a hurry.


 Sitting in the almost empty classroom, on the 2nd floor of the Academy, Chroma was still staring into nothingness, seemingly thinking about what happened the previous day. Alongside him were Rebecca and Fabio who were trying their best to cheer him up, but the frustration and sadness could also be read on their face... Not only did Theodor disappear, but Paul also went missing a short while after.

 Slamming the door of the classroom, one girl entered, followed by a boy whose face the group knew well enough. 

"Hello everyone-" it seemed like Claude who initiated the conversation wanted to say more, but he was interrupted by the loud voice of the girl who stepped forward and pointed her finger towards Chroma.

 "We have to follow THAT guy?! Look at him... Why should I follow him? Out of pity?" she said in a loud voice. Her name was Buki Samira, also a 2nd-year student who didn't stand out as much as Chroma's group during their first year, and also, alongside Claude, a new member of their group. She was a really tall girl, around 1.75m, with waist-long brown hair tied up in a ponytail, carrying alongside her a sheathed katana.

 "Hey, Samira! I think you are too harsh on Chroma-" but he was once again interrupted by yet another person who stood up from her desk with an angered gaze directed towards Samira. 

 "Don't talk like you know what mister Chroma went through! You don't know anything... He also protects us, so how would you know how he feels when two of his comrades disappeared while he was on the same battlefield as them?!" Rebecca's desperate shout resounded throughout the classroom. She was sulking and was probably never as angry as she was now... But she stopped. Feeling something lightly touching her sleeve, she looked towards the depressed Chroma who said quietly: "It's alright... She is not in the wrong."


"I said it's alright... After all, I was weak... I failed to protect Theodor, and that also led to Paul leaving us. I am entirely at fault..." said Chroma, stopping all of Rebecca's attempts at finding excuses in his name.

"Yo, Angelos... Are you sure this lame guy is the strongest in our year? I refuse to be led by him, so I'll listen to your orders for now... I don't want someone like him defending my back after all," said Samira, turning around and leaving the classroom.

 Fabio rose from his seat and followed her outside, also urging Claude to come with him.

"You two... Those two aren't in the best shape now, but I think we still need an explanation. I take that the two of you will become part of our team, but what's the reasoning behind that?" asked Fabio.

"I take it that Grigory hasn't told you yet, but we'll be leaving for the Vatican tomorrow with our forces as reinforcements. The situation is dire, and it's a matter of life and death..." explained Claude.

"Tch, so he can't even rest after all he's done..." mutters Fabio, reminiscing on the moment when Chroma wiped out an entire demon battalion, protecting half the city. "The world really is cruel..." he added.

"I am sorry..." muttered Claude.

"No, it's alright. After all, you also had it pretty rough yesterday... But I guess that's one aspect where you and Chroma are completely different," said Fabio.

 Claude forced a smile and said: "Maybe you are right..." 

 While the conversation unfolded, Samira could only stand and watch without interest.


 Vatican - The Year 2177

"Huf, Huf... You are one tough guy, I'll give you that..." said Stephan sulking, with blood dripping from his fingertips, all beat up and bruised.

"And you are really dull... Why do you humans always do such foolish mistakes? If you hadn't protected that woman behind you, maybe you could've entertained me... You are not realizing that after I kill you, she is my obvious next target-" one arrow, flew right next to his head as he said that.

"Tch, my accuracy dropped..." he said.

"Mister Stephan! Let's retreat!" shouted Dena from behind Stephan.

"Dummy... Do you think that we can escape that guy? It's alright... We can't lose this fight..." he muttered, making Dena's eyes widen at once, perhaps noticing something in Stephan's words.

 She grew nervous at once and said: "No, you can't use that! It's too dangerous!" 

"Us both dying here is also pretty dangerous if you ask me..." he muttered.

"Is you worthless chit-chat over? Brace yourselves, cuz I am coming!" shouted the half-breed, fluttering his tainted angelic wings while speeding towards Stephan who was now wide open.

 Dena put up a three-layered barrier with her ability, but the demonic arm pierced through them one after the other with relative ease, aiming for Stephan's head.

 "Dammit- I can't dodge this!" Stephan thought, seeing the demonic claws of his enemy right in front of his very eyes. However, the ground vanished right beneath him, and he started falling quickly. The barrier he was standing on came undone, from Dena's will, and so she remained up in the sky with the enemy.

"Tch... That idiot!" Stephan shouted as he fell onto the battlefield, in the middle of the demons. Seeing himself surrounded he muttered: "Move..." and aimed his boy towards the sky, firing multiple arrows at once, that fell on the battlefield, taking down his attackers.

 Shifting his attention towards his previous battlefield, he saw his opponent facing Dena.

"Quite the bold move, woman... Is this your sacrifice?" he asked.

"Anything for our leader... That guy never runs from a battle and is pretty reckless at times, so I had to force the need to retreat into his mind," she explained.

"Marvelous... I don't understand this behaviour typical of humans, to sacrifice yourself for the other, but I am deeply moved..." 

"Maybe because... You are also a human?" she said, smiling bitterly.

 At these words, the mongrel fell quiet. He looked at Dena and asked her: "Did you just compare me to your inferior kind...? Me, who has transcended both holy and demonic? A human?!" and with a last scream full of anger, the demonic aura surrounding him grew stronger, making his angel wings turn completely red. He launched himself towards her, but while doing so, he heard something that made him stop in his tracks, directing all his attention behind him, at the boy who seemed to have appeared out of thin air, standing next to him.

"Well, I finally meet another one... Hamon Arzath, The Ally of God... A foolish human who thinks that he can reach the level of supreme beings while bearing a Morphing Soul Type,"

"You... " Hamon was filled with anger, but he just stood there, and didn't proceed with the attack. Seeing him standing still for no reason, Dena took this opportunity and turned off the barrier that was supporting her, retreating. Hamon tried to go after her, but yet again, he heard the voice of the boy and turned towards him, without attacking.

 With Dena back down on the ground, Stephan wondered what happened, and who is the person that was currently with Hamon, but he didn't pursue the matter, so for once in his life, he retreated together with Dena. After arriving at one of their camps, he was being treated, while wondering how they have escaped the pinch they were in.



  Romania - The Year 2177

 Walking on the long alley leading to a mansion that was one of a kind in the entirety of Romania, was one sole figure in the dark of the night, with a long robe covering his body, and his black bangs fluttering the cold wind. While watching the building he could have called home a long time ago, his face only showed disgust and malice.

 Entering the mansion through the huge wooden doors, he made his presence felt with a shout: "I'm home..."

 One butler came to answer this call, seemingly surprised that one of the young masters of the house was back after a long time.

"Master Paul, I am really glad to see you back and well after such a long period of time~," said the butler who seemed to be in his sixties, with his long, white hair fluttering as he bowed in front of Paul. 

"Boris, please announce to father that I have to talk with him... I won't accept any postponement or delay from him,"

"Oh my, I understand... I'll forward the message to the master. First, let me lead you to your room, so you can rest after the long journey..." 

"No need... I'll go there myself. You just go and send the message..." 

"Understood..." and after bowing once more, he went up the large staircase.

 While slowly walking on the huge corridor towards his room, Paul met some familiar faces once more. 

 "Well, if it isn't Failure-Big Bro... Whom do we owe this unannounced visit of yours?" asked the petite girl that was now standing in front of Paul, fidgeting with her long, brown hair.

"Anna, huh? I don't have time for your charades... I have a meeting with him soon enough..." as he said that, he passed her and continued walking.

"By him you mean...? Father, huh?" she said and then smiled bitterly and added: "After destroying everyone's expectations, and leaving our environment, you think he'd listen to anything you tell him? I thought you were smarter than Theodor, but I see he is not with you right now, so he might have made the right call..."

"There's no Theodor anymore, so shut your mouth!" he shouted as he turned around to face his sister, instinctively taking out his Weighted Blade.

"W-What do you mean...?"

Calming down, he retracted his Soul Type and muttered: "Just like I said... There's no Theodor anymore..." 

 Hearing this, even his sister whose ice-cold demeanour was well-known teared up. She might be harsh on them, but she didn't hate her brother or her cousin.

"How did this happen-!?" she shouted, but stopped midway, seeing Paul continue walking towards his room in silence. He was already over listening to anything anyone had to say.


 After a few hours, at around 2 AM, Paul got notified that his father was now waiting for him upstairs in his office. He left his room and was left speechless seeing his little sister still sitting on the floor of the long corridor, sobbing. The news of Theodor's death really hit her deeply, shaking her very core...

 Passing by her, Paul placed his hand on her head and said: "Don't worry... I will avenge him," and so, he continued walking forward.

 Arriving in front of the office belonging to the head of the Tryphon family, Paul opened the huge doors that were separating him from his father. 

"I'm here..."

"Don't explain it to me... I know everything already," he said in a low tone of voice.

"Of course you do... You always do, you goddamn stalker..." said Paul with a rather dissatisfied tone.

"Don't be so harsh with your father, after all, you are here to ask me for help, aren't you?" he said.

"I take it that you'll give that help to me, am I right?" Paul asked nonchalantly.

"Nothing would make me happier than to continue what we started a long time ago... I take it that getting Theodor out of the picture was the thing that needed to happen so you could open your eyes-" but before he even finished his sentence, Paul's katana was next to his neck. His speed was incredible, but the downsides were more than that... He was already panting and sweating after running at full speed for just a few metres.

"Don't show this side of you to me this easily, Paul... A leader needs to be calm and collected, not like it will matter what you're doing now after the experiment..." he said calmly.

 Paul retracted his Soul Type and took a few steps back, then he headed towards the exit, where a few servants were already waiting.

"You can really see everything, can't you... Father?"

"Go now... You'll be an entirely different person afterwards. Enough to even take revenge for that fool..."

 And so, the doors of the office closed once more, leaving inside only the master of the house, who continued his previous thought: "Not like you'll need to avenge anyone..."