
Soul Exodus

Wolf Anderson, a teenage girl with fluffy grey hair and bright purple eyes that only stare at her goal of freedom for all, sets out to achieve just that. With her close friends, she is thrusted into a Universe filled with scales unimaginable and opponents even larger. Filled with determination and the drive to change the way things are, she stops at nothing to achieve her goal of setting the Universe free of the restrictive grasp of the Council and become the Prime Councilor.

SCandleStudios · Action
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42 Chs

CH. 15 - The Classes and Their Teachers

The next day before class, Wolf stands with a shocked look as the boy from before stares back at her with the same look.

Wolf/Boy "You! What are you doing here??"

They shout as the other students ignore them.

Moshiro "Come on guys, not on the first day."

She says with a frustrated look. 

Phoenix "Wolf! Don't cause a scene!"

Boy "So, your name is Wolf. How lame."

Wolf "Oh yeah? What's yours? Baldy Poopypants?"

A vein pops on his head.

Cole "It is Cole. Cole Jigoku."

Wolf presses her lips together angrily but listens to Phoenix's words and tries not to cause a scene.

Wolf "Wolf. Wolf Anderson."

She says, shaking his hand aggressively. 

Girl "Making new friends already, Cole?"

A girl says coming from behind him only for her to stop when she notices Wolf. Both of their eyes grow wide as they step towards each other before hugging each other excitedly, Wolf spinning her around in her arms.

Wolf "Alston??"

Alston "Wolf! How long has it been??"

She asks excitedly as they step back from each other.

Wolf "I missed you so much! You've… changed a lot."

She says, noticing Alston's large chest.

Yoko "Woah! I've never seen such impressive firesacs on a human before!"

They shout as Wolf stares only for Phoenix to smack them both on the back of their heads.

Phoenix "Stop perving on the poor girl!"

She says with a huff before turning to Alston with a smile. 

Phoenix "Hi, I'm Phoenix. I'm Wolf's bestfriend."

Alston "Alston, Alston Lexare. I'm glad to see Wolf had someone to keep her in check this whole time."

She says with a laugh as Phoenix laughs a little awkwardly.

Phoenix "Ahha, yeah. Have we met before? Since I've known Wolf for so long, I assume we have."

Alston "Nah, I doubt it. Wolf and I go waaay back. Ain't that right?"

She says, looking past Phoenix at Wolf who steps forward.

Wolf "Yeah! We used to go to daycare together with Jonah."

Alston "Ah, I miss the man. Hope we get to see him again one day."

Wolf "Well, you'll get to see him. He might miss you since you're still so short!"

Alston "It doesn't help he's a giant."

They laugh as Phoenix watches them with a slightly jealous look. Cole then steps next to her with a serious look.

Cole "You seem like a much more reasonable individual. I offer a proposition."

Phoenix looks surprised but gets a serious look too.

Cole "Keep that small fry away from Alston."

Phoenix "And you'll keep Alston away from her."

They look at each other with sharp looks before shaking hands approvingly. Tadashi watches with a sweat drop as he speaks to Moshiro.

Tadashi "Are we the only ones with any brain cells here?.."

Moshiro "Unfortunately."

She says while stepping towards the door.

Moshiro "I appreciate the reunion but if we don't get into the classroom, we'll be late."

She says while opening the door only to find the rest of the class sitting quietly. She looks around and sees the teacher sitting in the front of the class with his feet up on a podium and arms behind his head. The teacher is the same man from the entrance ceremony wearing the mask and hat. He sits quietly making no noise nor movements. The crew sweats a bit before stepping into the classroom quietly and making their way to seats with their names on them. As Wolf sits down, she looks back noticing Cole staring at her with a blank gaze. 

Wolf "Can I help you?."

She whispers.

Cole "No, I am merely thinking of the many ways I could beat you with only a leg of lamb."

Wolf gets angry and stands up abruptly. 

Wolf "Alright, that's it!"

She shouts before suddenly stopping as the entire class stiffens up. They all turn and look at the teacher leaning back in his chair as he flinches a bit. They all sweat as the man then starts snoring loudly with a snot bubble growing from his nose.


They shout together as the bubble pops. He opens one eye and looks at the class before yawning and stretching his arms over his head. As he does this, the chair beneath him gives out and he crashes to the floor with a thud. The entire class sweats as they watch the man clumsily prop himself up on the podium.

Phoenix "Uh, sir? Are you okay?"

She asks, confused and concerned.

Teacher "Yes I am, thank you for asking, Phoenix."

She looks surprised as he knew her name. Killian gets an excited look before raising his hand.

Killian "Woah! What's my name??"

He asks excitedly.

Teacher "Killian Kamui."

He looks around at the other students.

Teacher "Law Jay. Octavia Brumana. Jeni Marchent."

He says as he shifts his gaze across the class before staring intently at Wolf making her a little nervous, noticing his gaze.

Teacher "Wolf Anderson."

Moshiro "And what is your name?"

She asks, not entirely impressed by his knowledge of their names. 

Nobody "Me? I'm… well, Nobody really."

He says casually, placing his hand on his.

Saika "Mr… Nobody?.."

He says, confused.

Nobody "Professor, actually."

He says while standing up.

Cole "Professor Nobody, understood."

He says boldly as Wolf rolls her eyes. 

Rye "Why is your name Professor Nobody, if I might ask?"

They ask genuinely.

Nobody "That really depends on you. It is just a name afterall. I'm not really sure I would have an answer for that."

He says, leaning on the pillar of the wall next to their seat. They swing their head around, shocked at his sudden change in location. Everyone is in awe.

Harley "What was that??"

Tadashi "It was like there was no movement at all. Like he was…"

Cole "As if he was always there to begin with…"

They say in shock. Despite this, a couple kids snicker in the back of the class.

Student 1 "It seems like Mr. Nobody doesn't have an answer about much."

He whispers as the other kid giggles to himself. 

Nobody "Oh, but I do have an answer for that."

He says, now crouched between and behind the two students. They turn in shock as Nobody stands up.

Nobody "Go ahead and pick up your things. You're expelled."

He says as the class is shocked and the students frightened.

Student 2 "N-no way! You can't do that!"

Nobody "Try and tell me what I can and cannot do again."

He says sharply but without anger or frustration in his voice. The student pulls back in fear nonetheless.

Nobody "I suggest you do what I say. You'll get to live much longer that way. Leave."

He says, calmly but intensely. The students lower their heads and do as they are told, slamming the door behind them. The others watch as they leave when Nobody starts speaking while making his way to the front of the class.

Nobody "If there is one thing you take away from my class, this is it."

He says with his back turned to the class before turning around and looking at them. 

Nobody "I am here to develop your Soul, not make it for you. If the problem is your Soul, there is nothing I can do for you."

He says boldly as Wolf's eyes shine a bit admiring the man before her. His demeanor softens a bit as he leans back against the podium. 

Nobody "Now, what do you say we get to know each other a bit before jumping into the good parts?"

He asks the class as they begin. The new first year class of the ASA is now filled with 18 students. Law Jay, Angie Disc, Jeni Marchent, Galen Viscor, and Octavia Brumana, five students who were handpicked by scouts of the ASA for extraordinary power and promise. Cole Jigoku, Alston Lexare, Harley Hadachi, Ivailia Nora, and Rye Reeds, five students who were offered and surpassed tests given to them as applications to the ASA for their outstanding grades and skills. Dante Oort and Yoko Tatsuo, two students who were let into the ASA on special admission for intriguing backgrounds and abilities. And finally, Killian Kamui, Saika Martinez, Moshiro Ken, Tadashi Gin, Phoenix Geist and Wolf Anderson, six students specifically selected by Southpaw and Teach for their incredible display of heroism and determination. These students make up the next generation of heroes coming from the Academy of Superior Abilities and will have to fight and work harder than ever before to take their place amongst the Academy's finest. Soon, the first class comes to an end as the students begin to leave the classroom and make their way to their next class. Killian's head smokes as his eyes swirl.

Saika "That Professor Nobody really is something, isn't he??"

He asks excitedly.

Killian "Yeah, I guess, as long as he doesn't talk about science and math as much as he did today.. There's no way that was a part of the regular course.."

He groans.

Tadashi "That's too bad. He was talking about some really interesting things."

He says with a smirk.

Cole "Yes, quite. Especially the part where he started talking about Itonic Reductors although I am certain that is not a part of the regular course."

Tadashi "I sure hope not. You know those things can be used to vibrate the bedrock of entire Districts and make them collapse?"

Cole "That sounds about correct to me. With a high enough energy frequency, the parts that utilize the…"

They begin to trail off as Killian watches them, his head spinning even more as they speak before he slams his hands onto his head and yells.

Killian "Gah! Please, just take me to the next class already!"

He yells, rubbing his head in frustration. Phoenix giggles a bit before a taller boy with curly brown hair steps in front of her with a smile on his face. She stops with a surprised and confused look as he examines her with bright blue-green eyes. He leans in closer causing her to sweat and blush a little as he leans his face close to her.

Phoenix "Uh, can I help you?"

Alston "It's that guy who asked that weird question at the entrance ceremony."

Moshiro "I can't tell if he's confident or just crazy."

She says as the boy stares before speaking.

Dante "There's something strange about your eyes, no?"

Phoenix looks confused.

Phoenix "No? They're just blue."

Dante smirks before leaning back when a loud voice calls his name.

Wolf "Dante! It was you! I knew it!"

She rushes to him and jumps up only for him to catch her in his arms with a giggle and smile too.

Dante "Damnit, and here I was trying so hard to avoid you."

Wolf pouts a bit.

Wolf "That's just mean."

Dante "Okay, okay, I will do it again."

He jokes, putting her down only for her to punch him on the arm playfully with a big smile on their faces. Phoenix looks surprised again.

Phoenix "Another friend from daycare?"

Wolf "Oh no, Dante is totally different. We were born in the same hospital!"

Dante "My first ever roommate. I swear I remember her crawling into my babybin and trying to hog all the space. Guess hers just wasn't enough."

They laugh together as Phoenix looks even more jealous than before but doesn't say anything.

Wolf "Anyway, let's get into class before the next teacher kicks us out like the first haha!"

She says before coming to the classroom door and slamming it open. She then stops as does the others when they see Nazuna sitting on the podium. She seems preoccupied with her tail slowly wagging in front of her as her eyes follow it back and forth. Phoenix and Alston gush over her.

Phoenix/Alston "So cute!"

She smiles before quickly grabbing her tail and pushing it down before noticing the class.

Nazuna "Oh, hello everyone! Please, sit!"

She says with a big smile as they take their seats.

Nazuna "My name is Ms. Nazuna and I am your secondary class teacher! Unlike Mr.. uh… what was it this time?.."

She mumbles as she thinks with her hand on her chin. 

Saika "Professor Nobody?"

Nazuna looks surprised but smiles.

Nazuna "Okay! While Professor Nobody focuses on more academic parts of your time here such as math and history, I will focus more on the developmental side of things! Things such as Soul related questions, identity development, technique understanding and mastery! I will help you figure out who you are and more importantly, who you wanna be!"

She says before noticing two empty seats in the back.

Nazuna "It seems we're missing a couple students."

Law "Professor Nobody totally threw them out."

Nazuna "Threw them out?"

Moshiro "They got expelled."

Nazuna looks surprised for a moment before sighing and shaking her head a bit.

Nazuna "Why am I not surprised? At this rate, he'll win the bet at the end of the week.."

They look confused as Nazuna exhales and smiles again.

Nazuna "Well, anyway. Let's begin with some basic questions like where you came from and the like. Alston, you go first."

She says with a smile before the class goes on. Soon, the class comes to an end as they leave once more. 

Phoenix "She's so sweet. I like her!"

Wolf "Yeah. So far, the teachers here have been super interesting. I wonder what our last teacher is gonna be like."

Killian "It's gonna be the training class right? Finally! Something I know plenty about."

He says with an excited smile.

Killian "I bet they're gonna be super cool!"

He says before they step outside in their training uniforms and are greeted by a loud voice.

Teach "Alright you maggots! I want 50 laps! Make it quick because after that, you pathetic lot are gonna be whipped into shape faster than you can blink!"

He shouts as the class stands before him with blank stares on a small, empty field within the academy. He puts his hands on his hips before laughing a bit to himself.

Teach "Relax! I'm only joking. The training we do here is far more comprehensive than that."

He says, acting as if the students found his joke hilarious. 

Teach "No, today we are gonna start with something simple. A demonstration of your powers."