
Soul Evolution System.

Rinodino · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 4 Gaia (part2)

[Maybe you should buy a manual or something like that]

"Does the system have such a thing?"

[That's right, it contains all the books in all the worlds, it shouldn't be difficult to find it. Do you want me to find and buy one for you?]

That's true, Aurora is also connected to the system, I had completely forgotten. This is bad ... maybe she thought I didn't trust or felt insecure allowing her to operate the system. Well, maybe I'm thinking things too much.

"Sure, please do it Aurora"

[Done, it has been stored in the inventory, it is [How to dismantle animals, for fools] and it cost 1G, you can take it now]

After a few seconds she report her achievement, that was quick ... also what happens to that name? Isn't that a bit offensive? I would like to know what Aurora thought when choosing it...

[In several book descriptions it was the one that said that it could be learned quickly and easily, that's why I chose it, is there a problem? Should I have selected a different one?]

"No, do not worry, they are just my detriments about the book's name, let's first see it and find out if it is useful or not."

I took the book from the inventory, it was not very thick, and flipping through it a little I could see some illustrations as an example. ... Damn, do I have to hang the wild boar? ...I look at the wild boar and then the trees around, it is impossible, suppose that for some miraculous and strange reason I can lift it, I doubt that any branch of a tree can bear its weight ... let's keep reading for now.

Turning the pages then I saw the process in case the animal could not be lifted. Well, the first thing is to bleed the wild boar.

Since I don't want to make a mess here and the blood to attract monsters, I bought a large metal container for 20G. Placing it under the pig's head, I take the sword from the inventory and cut his jugular. Blood flowed inside the container, and then just wait.

After a few minutes the stream of blood had decreased to simple drips, I take back the container to the inventory, it seems that I can also store things that contain others objects, I'll throw the blood away later. Well, now just as in the manual, I turn it over his back and start cutting from the legs. I cut the skin in a line from the base of the lower limb to his upper body by inserting the tip of the blade between the skin and the muscle, repeated the process with each of its legs, and then made an incision in the middle of the neck till the crotch.

Now there was only pulling the skin out and separating it from the flesh cutting it with the sword. Although the blade make the process easier thank to its edge, it still took me about two hours to skin it completely because I had no experience. I cut the legs and head directly since I didn't feel the need to peel them, I didn't plan to eat them.

Finally I opened his belly with care not to puncture the viscera, once I could see them I simply remove them, what I got as a result was the body of a wild boar with only its flesh and bones.

"Fuuu... it´s done"

[Fufufu ... good job Alexander]

I exhaled a sigh having the pleasant feeling of doing a good job and Aurora praised me in good mood. As I don't intend to eat it all at once, I separated a leg and then keep the rest in the inventory. I can probably eat wild boar for a while.

The only thing left was to store the parts and leftovers that I didn't want, I wrapped everything in the plastic and put it back in the inventory. I feel strange using it as a dumpster, whatever, ill deal whit it later.

Finally, I washed the meat that I plan to cook and remove the excess of blood and also I rinse my hands to clean them. The only thing left was to spray a little powder to neutralize odors.

I moved near the cave entrance and began to prepare things for a campfire and to cook the boar's leg. I then buy utensils and some spices from the system store to add some flavor, everything for a price of 430G.

Finally, after about 3 hours since I start whit the work of skinning the wild boar, it had its meat cooking in the fire. Well, before eating, I should take a shower and change my clothes. I said while looking at myself.

It really has been a long day, there were spots painted whit blood and dirt all over my clothes and body. Moving away from the fire I undressed completely and then I took the canteen and poured the water on me. After about 15 minutes I had all the dirt removed, nothing is better than a good bath and a cool beer after a difficult day. And although I could only get the former, for now its more than enough. Or rather, I think I shouldn't drink with this body's age ... it will take a while until can get drunk again.


I let out a sigh with some grief and taking out a clean set of clothes to put on. I approached the fire again to warm my body that had cooled and check the how is the cooking. I rotate the meat that is in the container above a tripod that supported it over the flames. So it did not will burn and could be cooked in the most uniform way possible.

The smell began to emanate from it, it was very pleasant indeed. I could even feel my mouth secreting more saliva forcing me to swallow it whit a sound. I watched anxiously waiting for the moment to get the meat out of the fire.

"Hahaha ... now I'll chew your meat damn pig"

It seems that I was still kind of resentful to the wild boar since unintentionally that phrase came out by itself while licking my lips.

I decided to kill the time waiting for the food to be ready, I began to review the rewards from the goblin's mission. I first take out one of the most intriguing ones from the inventory, the small chest.

Placing it in front of me, I wonder if when you kill monsters in this world there is the possibility that they appear. This world is more and more like a video game, similar characteristics keep emerging.

[This chest did not appear by some law of this world Alexander, it is an additional reward from the system. And yes, you are correct in thinking that it looks like a video game, Cross's design was based on the video games of your world to make it easier for you to understand. Sometimes, when you kill monsters these chests will appear as extra rewards. What they contain depends on the chest level, the more elaborated the chest looks, then better things it will give you. The wooden one you just got is the simplest, so don't expect much]

"It's not like I can complain about something that is free"

I try to open the chest by touching it, it then shook a little as if it were alive, that really surprised me. Then the lid lifted slowly, at that moment I remember the Mimics from games, monsters whit the form of a chest ready to attack you when you lower your guard, I really hope that Cross doesn't have a bad sense of humor , ending up killing me for something he gave me.

[Don't worry Alexander, no trap chests will appear, they will only be chests with objects inside]

When Aurora was comforting me the lid opened completely and several objects sprouted from inside, a gold card with a [G] in it, black leather shoes, a bigger crystal than the one I took out previously and some bottles.

[1,000x Gold] [100x Crystals] [Lizard Leather Shoes-J] [2x Potions-I]

The funny thing is that the names and description of the objects appeared on a small windows of the system. This should be my ability [evaluation] working alongside the system, but why does it appear now and has not appeared in others stuffs?

[It must have been because you looking at them thinking about what they were and your skill got activated, as for the other objects, they were probably worthless]

I see, I said as took the gold card and the crystal in my hands. So these can merge ... this can avoid me troubles, it is good that they did not spread all over the place and I had to collect them one by one. The shoes look like they are of my size, has the system considered my current appearance or was it just good luck to get them my size? I bet is the first...

The potions are higher in quality than those given to me in the first mission. Since I am healing well enough and I'm not going to do anything risky for today, I will wait to recover completely. I'll save them for later and use what already had, it would be a waste otherwise.

[If possible, the system automatically selects the appropriate objects so that you can use them comfortably, excluding those with a pre-established fixed form or that you specify to be otherwise. In addition, I also believe that it is better to keep the potions for later use, although there is not much difference in quality, they are superior to the others. In case you suffer more serious wounds, they can heal things that the others can't do.]

"I thought so ... finally, it seems like the food is ready, let's try it"

While listening to Aurora, I watched the condition of the meat, it seemed to have roasted completely. I picked up the objects with enthusiasm and approach the fire, I took the knife that I had previously cleaned and cut a good piece of the boar's leg. I place it on a plate and blow it to cool it.

When I judged that it was enough not to scald myself, I sink my teeth on it as revenge. I felt a surge of flavor spreading through my mouth causing me to stop.

"Delicious ... this is really delicious!"

Coming out of the momentary stun, I take a bite of the meat again, soon the plate was empty, I then take the knife and cut another piece of the boar's leg. I ate as if I was afraid someone would come and take it away from me.

After a while I was licking the bone, as expected everything good comes to an end. At first, I thought that the whole leg of the wild boar would be to much and I would have to keep the leftovers in the inventory for tomorrow, but everything just entered my stomach. I am surprised that I managed to finish everything, I wonder if I will end up becoming like those gluttonous characters like Goku or Luffy ... well, if that happens I will only have to get more food.

"With this now I forgive you damn pig"

I place my hands together in a small prayer in honor to the wild boar, if it were alive would probably spit blood until it died again.

[Fufufu ... it is normal that it have a good taste, although it was a low level being, in this world and several others, the body of all creatures absorbs world energy in their cells, after dying this energy spreads and returns to the environment once again or is absorbed by the one who killed them. However, there are still some remains in their flesh, that's why it's said dragon meat is a delicacy, since they are strong beings they store a greater amount of energy in their bodies.]

"Ooh ... dragon meat ... one thing to wait for in the future"

Even satiated by the large amount of food I ate, I could not help salivating by imagining a flavor superior to the one I had just tasted.

"... Wait Aurora. Does that also apply to me and other humans?"

Suddenly my face turned pale at the thought of the possibility of a world full of cannibals. It can't be that they sell meat from people of a level 2 or higher soul as a treat, right?

[Well ... I think the taste of things also depends on the mentality of individuals, since usually eating meat from your peers would generate disgust or nauseous by instinct. So you should not worry about this being a world of cannibals. Although as I said this world is very wide and varied so there could be a large number of deviants]

"Haaa ... it's good that the predominant in this is normal. You said that when killing something you absorb the energy from the other party right?"

[Right, but not only by killing you can absorb the energy, just by fighting in a duel without killing you can achieve that, you can see it as being absorved from the energy spent in the fight or a reward from the world, well, it's complicated because it implies the laws of the world. And for a reason equal to the previous one, people do not find themselves killing at their first meeting without have grievances, but it is certainly more common for them to seek strength by killing others]

"I think to understand. I just have to be stronger than others to secure my life."

[That's the spirit Alexander]

When Aurora cheered me up, a smile formed on my face, I cannot complain, I already have many advantages that others don't have, it will not be easy to survive here but I already expected when I came to this world, I can only strive to survive.

I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was already going down, there is probably a little more than an hour remaining of light. Thinking about that, I checked the inventory and took out the object that was bothering me since I got it.

"Aurora the Summoning scroll is what I think it is for?"

[Yes, it is to bring a person from another world ah this. But it is up to the person to accept and follow you. Since this does not force them to do that, so you will have to convince or negotiate with the other person so that the scroll is not wasted. From the worlds you know, it's better that you choose a person who is adaptable and the ties to their world are not too strong. Preferably someone who dies in their world and can take the call as a second chance]

"Fuuu ... those are many requirements, but several people come to mind that fit the description. Well, I'll think about it tonight and tomorrow I will use the scroll"

I kept the [Summoning Scroll Level 1-E] again, it shouldn't make a big difference to me in strength by her being a level 1 soul, right?

"Aurora can you explain to me how different are the souls with the increase in level?"

[Of course Alexander, Level 1 souls are like normal people consisting of your world, their physical 

level would be like:

1-4: A minor Child.

5-9: An average man.

10-19: A man with a developed physique.

20-49: A soldier or trained martial artist.

50-89: A Master Martial artist.

90-99: A man who is at the physical peak of a level 1 soul.

Variations of levels can be considered the experience of the individual, in addition this is only an example using your world, and in others it may be that to be considered a Master in a discipline you must reach higher soul levels and therefore physical level as well. Just take it as something to give you an idea not as a set rule that it is always like that.

If you want to standardize it more, you can see it as those of a low level 1-60 would at lost when facing a firearm, while for those of level 61-99 although the weapon is still deadly they can react to the movements of those who carry it and evade it.

A level 2 soul from the beginning can be considered super men, breaking their first physical limitation and these are stronger, the usefulness of firearms will decline at this level, although they can't be considered immune to them yet. Here the individual begins to integrate a type of energy into his body to strengthen it.

A Level 3 Soul has greater control of this energy, capable of showing strength to completely destroy houses or buildings.

The people of a level 4 Soul can be considered tactical level weapons, being able to wipe out entire cities.

Level 5 souls would be people whose powers are on par with that of natural disasters, being able to decimate entire areas of a world.

In souls from level 6 onwards I only know that divinities already come into play or are people who have reached the level of the gods. The other information is blocked, if you want to know more you will have to get close to that level]

"... uh, so a God is only level 6 ... or rather, how long will it take to reach that level? It is certainly not easy. Aurora, why the worlds that have weapons comparable to people with a level 4 soul remain as worlds level 1?"

[Weapons are inanimate objects and the laws of the worlds only take into account the level of the souls of sentient beings]

"So not only a person with a stronger soul than me can kill me, but also someone weak but with a powerful weapon. Fuuu ..."

[That feeling is shared by everyone who is threatened by someone weaker, but with a strong weapon. You may think that this is also part of his strength, but one sure thing is that a person with a level 4 soul is much more fearsome than a person with a level1 soul and a strong weapon, since the latter would have greater vulnerabilities]

I can imagine that. It would be possible to face a level 1 Soul with a powerful weapon taking countermeasures and making plans. But if you face a level 4 Soul it would be a dead end almost 100%.

"Tomorrow will be a new day to wait for, let's rest early"

Because those things look distant, cut with those thoughts, let's focus first on what we can do now and we'll see what follows after that.

I got up and put turn off the fire by kicking some dirt on it, then I walked to the cave and enter, I took out the sleeping bag and spread it on the floor and then went inside. And as I watched the rays of the sun disappearing I began to think about the possible companions I could summon tomorrow.

I hope things go well tomorrow, even though I can talk with Aurora, someone whom physical interact with is a necessity as a person.

[That's cruel Alexander]

Aurora's voice claimed me in the form of reproach.

"Hahaha ... I'm sorry about that Aurora, but it's not like I'll put you aside. Well, think I'll try to sleep, good night Aurora"

[Have a nice rest Alexander. And don't worry, I will be accompanying you all your life fufufu ...]