
Soul Eater: Endo Shohei

A soul from our world transmigrates to the world Soul Eater! Has 2 perks to help him along the way. ____ Hello, I'm writing a soul eater FF! There aren't many on here and the ones that I found are... leave a lot to be desired. I know I'd like to read a ff about it so lets give it a shot. PS: If you know me as an author, you know my update rate is abysmal...sorry to say. This book is indeed a whim at the moment. Leave a comment and let me know if I should at least attempt to continue this book. I need to see if there is an audience. PSS: COVER NOT MINE! Let me know if you own it and would like it removed...Looks dope btw

Anoton · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Laughing Moon

???: "Welcome"

I blinked looking around my environment. Nothing but Void…

'WOAH, HOLD ON! I was sleeping in my room wasn't I? Why did I wake up here?!'

???: "Well you were sleeping in your room, but I sent Jesus to start the rapture and as my last mercy to you, I'll give you the chance that all weeb sinners would like. To reincarnate into a fantasy world."

My brain is currently processing the information I'm hearing all around me at the speed of light. I don't know where I am. The RAPTURE happened?! Jesus pulled all the believers and those that repented and I'm in a room with a chance at redemption? I feel like my soul is currently leaving my body dramatically…

???: "You'll spin 3 wheels. All at the same time. One picks your world, the other two will give you a chance of surviving said world. An ability, trait, skill, whatever it may be to help you. Are you ready?"

I feel like this is going all too fast. Deep breath me.

Deep breath in…Deep breath out…

'Jesus raptured everyone and I didn't make the cut huh. My sins have been judged and here I am to wallow in my own choices…Okay, I've sort of collected my thoughts. First things first'

Me: "Thank you for giving me the chance to redeem myself. Before that, what can I do to make sure I can go with you to Heaven? Is there some kind of goal you want me to accomplish?" I asked the mysterious voice. Honestly BIG lean towards God. I mean, he sent JESUS for the rapture. There isn't anyone else I know that can do that.

??? : "hahaha son, I believe you'll do fine without me telling you anything. My goal is for you to have another chance. Just do what you think is right." The voice said.

I'm not sure why but I felt a warm honey-like substance around my neck. A warm embrace around me like I was being given a hug by someone I love the most…My father that my mom divorced. My Step dad that raised me. My mother gave up her life in our country to move me to the states. My siblings and all their children. Me being the youngest, I didn't have the chance to have a family yet, or a girlfriend for that matter…

'Sniff sniff'

Me: "W-why am i crying?"

The warm feeling never leaves me as my tears stream down my face. As if telling me everything is alright. My legs get weak and I drop down to the void ground and weep like I haven't done in years.

Time passes on.

I don't know how long I've been crying but I feel like my tears are starting to dry up. Firming my resolve, I stand up.

Me: " Okay. I'm ready."

3 wheels appear in front of me. So huge I can't fathom how much is written on them, and so far away I can't read what's written either. Also in front of me is a small stand with a red button on it.

??? : " Just push the button" The voice advised.

Pushing the button, the wheels start to move all at once. I watch in awe as the first wheel finally lands on two words.

'Soul Eater'

???: "Hm. Not the easiest of places to live in. A lot of Kishins eggs, witches, and constantly leaking Madness in this world. Let's see what the other two wheels have given you."

'Soul eater is definitely an insane world. The power scaling is all over the place, people can come back from the dead, defy physics, turn into weapons, even by walking down the street with your family, you could get mercilessly killed for some witches experiment. Really ecchi too…'

Waiting for the two wheels to stop, both slowed down a bit and finally landed on my powers.

???: "Good draws. Your first ability is -Calm State-. The ability to enter or stay in a state of absolute tranquility. Your second ability is -Adaptation-. The ability to adapt to anything you may face. I'll leave it to you to understand the applications of your abilities. Life won't be easy in that place. Good luck my son."

'Thank you, Yahweh, my God' My thoughts overflowed with appreciation as I felt the warm embrace leaving me. My body slumped as gravity pulled me down and my vision darkened.




My consciousness comes too and I open my eyes next to a dilapidated hut. I hear the patter of the rain and the coldness of the night soon hits me. I look around to see myself only dressed in a tattered robe.

Soon I take a breath and the night doesn't become so dark and the cold isn't that bad anymore. Looking around, I seem to be in a destroyed village. Steadily I stand up to observe my surroundings. Taking note of my unusual calm in my situation, it can only be credited to my new perks given to me.

'Thank you for your mercy' I prayed to God in my mind.

The rain soon started slowing down until it became a small drizzle. The clouds started to disperse soon after.

???: "Ha Ha Ha"

I hear a strange barratown voice in the distance laughing all so slowly. I can't seem to tell where exactly it's coming from…until I decided to look up.

What felt like a creepy painting in an art gallery that seems to follow you with its eyes, I see a huge crescent moon with eyes and a mouth laughing in the sky. Blood slowly drips down its mouth, somehow seeming to commemorate the night with this village's destruction.

'I'm really in Soul Eater now, aren't I…"