
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Mental Awakening

Yawning, Kin disembarked from the carriage, entering Baron Mansura's mansion through the back door and finding himself in the study.

"What did you do last night?" Mansura's expression was far from friendly, his beady eyes glaring at Kin. If he weren't balding, his presence might have been more intimidating.

"Just handling a little problem," Kin replied, finding a seat for himself, which only deepened Mansura's displeasure.

"A little problem? Do you know how much it cost me to bribe the patrolling priest to have drinks with us last night?" Mansura slammed his hand on the desk, his face flushing with anger.

Quickly regaining his composure, Mansura continued, "Kin, remember this: you are strong, yes, and you've made my business much safer in the city. But you are not irreplaceable."

"I need stability. No more trouble," he said, the mark on the back of his hand faintly glowing.

Kin glanced at it, scratching his cheek as he yawned again. "Don't worry. I guarantee nothing big will happen. Trust me."

Without waiting for a response, Kin waved his hand and left. Mansura's face darkened as he watched him go.

"Master, should we really not deal with Kin?" asked the elderly servant, dressed in immaculate white gloves and a formal uniform, standing behind Mansura.

"Let it be for now," Mansura replied, hiding the mark on his hand and pulling out a stack of documents from a drawer.

Ten years ago, Kin arrived from elsewhere. To outmaneuver competing families, Mansura had taken a gamble and partnered with Kin, solidifying his smuggling business. Attempts to investigate Kin's past yielded nothing useful, confirming that Kin was more than just a powerful supernatural being.

Given the need for resources, it was best not to stir up trouble now, Mansura thought, sipping water from a cup engraved with the image of a floating city.

Adam felt his recovery was faster than expected. By the afternoon, he was almost fully healed. Sitting on the bed, he clenched his fist and then released it, feeling a newfound awareness of his body's every movement. He could almost sense his life force flowing through him.

His will seemed to flow with his blood, reaching every part of his body, greatly enhancing his control. Adjusting the balance again, this heightened control faded, replaced by other changes. His physical senses dulled, but another sense emerged, born from his soul and shaped by his thoughts—a mysterious power revealed itself, creating a new sensory perception.

"Mental energy," Adam realized, willing the power to move. The wooden painting on his nightstand floated gently into the air before settling back down.

"According to Adair's notes, one must gather all senses and enter a meditative state to develop mental energy, the first step to becoming a sorcerer. When I shift the balance towards my soul, mental energy emerges automatically. This suggests my sorcerer talent is strong."

"And it's not just for enhancing mental energy," Adam recalled the previous night's battle. He had instinctively used it to amplify his aura, making it tangible, even stirring the wind and rustling leaves.

If his aura was linked to mental energy, then...

Adam blinked. Though his actions remained the same, even the dust around him seemed to dance, becoming like tiny spirits. The light brightened, and his disheveled hair transformed into an artful mess.

Simply lying there, he could captivate all eyes, perhaps even the admiration of all things.

"Charm or charisma can also be influenced by the soul's balance," Adam noted, his voice carrying a soothing magic, making others want to listen.

This newfound charm felt natural, not intertwined with mental energy. Adam's inherent charisma had always been strong, but now it reached an inhuman level. If he walked out of a church, anyone seeing him would think he was an angel.

He opened the window, and several birds flew in, perching on his hands. Their eyes met his, and he seemed to understand their emotions.

Adam could sense the birds' innocent souls, influenced by his presence. Gently extending his mental energy, he touched the bird's soul, transmitting a route and Kin's image to it.

Other birds followed his commands, flying outside to watch over the people below.

Adam gradually withdrew his charm but kept the balance tilted towards his soul, heightening his thoughts.

"The balance involves more than just ratio distribution; it changes something deeper. I'm new to mental energy, yet controlling and using it is surprisingly easy. This isn't normal."

"Does adjusting the balance enhance my talents?" Adam pondered, his intuition confirming this. With stronger mental energy, his intuition was sharper, validating his hypothesis.

At that moment, his intuition tingled, and Adam retracted his unusual aura, turning towards the door. Three seconds later, it opened, and little Lena peeked in.

Smiling, Adam waved her over. She joyfully ran and leaped into his arms.

"Adam, play with me!"


"Adam, you've become more beautiful!"

"Really? You're beautiful too, Lena." Adam squinted, realizing that despite trying to suppress it, the change had already occurred. Whether his balance leaned towards soul or body, his presence had transformed.

Charm, like perception, wasn't merely a soul-related attribute.

Birds soared in the sky, following the mental map Adam had implanted in their minds. One landed on a wooden house, where Kin, fresh off a carriage, noticed it and saw it flutter down to his feet.

"Nesser's scent," Kin muttered, crouching to look at the bird, smiling. Reaching out, the bird hopped onto his hand, tilting its head curiously.

For a moment, Kin thought the bird's expression mirrored Adam's serene look.

"Already mastering basic mental energy control? Truly talented," Kin said, standing up and bringing the bird inside. He rummaged through a cabinet, finding half a loaf of bread, which he crumbled into crumbs and placed on the table.

"I might need to find him a sorcerer teacher," Kin scratched his face, admitting his own limitations. While he excelled in combat and his unique abilities, mental energy wasn't his forte.

"But there aren't many sorcerers in Royea," Kin mused. Most sorcerers served the military or were under noble patronage. Baron Mansura knew one, but hadn't managed to retain their services.

These sorcerers operated under church oversight, their activities closely monitored. Taking on an apprentice required thorough investigation.

"Though there might be hidden masters," Kin recalled sensing a powerful mental energy sweeping across the city before vanishing.

Royea was more complex than it seemed, with many hidden talents.