
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasy
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100 Chs

First Experiment

Upon arriving at the Reflection Tower, Adam was surprised to find that Anthony was not waiting for him on the tenth floor.

After sitting and reading for a while without anyone showing up, Adam became slightly curious.

So he left the tenth floor and headed to the twelfth floor.

Anthony resided on the twelfth floor. When Adam first arrived at the Reflection Tower, Anthony granted him access, but he had never been there until today.

As he opened the door, he discovered that the place was quite different from what he had imagined.

The environment was very dim, and he could sense the vast emptiness.

In the depths of that darkness, there seemed to be something invisible slowly spreading. Although his senses told him that the area was empty, it gave him an eerie feeling.

Vaguely, Adam sensed something. Just as he was about to investigate further, he heard a voice behind him.

"What are you doing here?"

Turning around, he saw Celine standing not far away, holding something, with an even more expressionless face than usual.

"I'm just here to check on the teacher. He seems..." Adam exhaled and asked, "Isn't he feeling well today?"

"That's none of your concern," Celine said sternly, hiding her own charm. "You should leave now. The master needs rest. You'll have to study on your own today."

"Alright then." Adam glanced at Celine, didn't persist, and turned to leave.

"Is there a problem with the longevity method?" Adam wondered silently. Not all longevity methods required the use of otherworldly beings; some wizards used other natural forces to achieve longevity.

However, the power of sin was the easiest natural force to use for longevity.

Other natural forces either had too high a cost, were not suitable for the human body, or had other difficult-to-overcome side effects.

The power of sin, however, was most suitable for humans.

"After all, this world was originally built on the bones of the enemies of the gods." Adam recalled the records in the divine texts. Since the world's inception, the influence of the enemies of the gods had persisted.

From the earliest beasts to the magical spirits in the underground and the subsequent otherworldly beings, the power of sin had been passed down this way.

If the gods and various churches were not involved, the power of sin was indeed the best force.

As Celine had said, Anthony did not appear all day. Adam didn't mind and spent the day alone in the library, reading various books to enrich his knowledge.

"Vitality is supplemented by the human body through breathing, eating, and other means of absorbing natural forces. But how is mental power replenished?"

"This is precisely the secret we tirelessly seek to uncover, the mystery of the soul." Adam closed a book and couldn't help but think of the events he witnessed the night his bloodline awakened.

The soul, under the influence of weight, swiftly soared, reaching beyond the world.

"Huh?" Adam suddenly stopped and closed his eyes.

These past few days, he had been practicing the Nether Meditation Method, making slight adjustments. Until just now, he suddenly felt his spirit relax.

Entering meditation once again, he noticed that his mental power operation mode had stabilized with the changes brought by the meditation method.

The previously deformed model of the Invisible Blade now integrated into the mental power operation mode in a natural and harmonious way.

Although there were still some minor issues, the Invisible Blade could now be used.

Adam activated the part of the model with his mental power. No longer needing casting materials, his mental power surged and was enveloped by an invisible force, forming a slightly curved Invisible Blade.

"It still feels a bit sluggish, and the control range is an issue." Adam tested the effectiveness of the Invisible Blade, slowly summarizing the current problems with the spell model, and had some preliminary ideas for modifications.

For now, the current state of the Invisible Blade was sufficient.

"Looks like I can leave early this afternoon." Adam checked the time, returned the books he had taken off the shelf, and then left.

Outside the tower, Crow was already waiting. Even though Adam had told him he could be free for a while, Crow hadn't left.

Without asking why Adam was leaving early, Crow drove the carriage and took Adam back to the Borku residence.

The animal test subjects promised by Doug weren't ready yet, but Adam had already made preparations.

He stood at the door, waved his hand, and several stray cats came to the door, looking up at Adam with wide eyes.

After a brief selection, Adam chose one that was relatively clean and carried it upstairs.

After washing it, Adam once again cast the Invisible Blade.

"Human life diagrams start with the lungs, so animals should start with the lungs too." Adam gently stroked the cat's head, and the originally very agitated stray cat instantly calmed down.

He activated the Dustless Shield to absorb the dust.

"Paralysis Curse!" He then locked eyes with the kitten and cast the curse.

This curse was a practical one Adam had found in the library, capable of temporarily making the target lose control of their body and parts of their senses.

Adam manipulated the Invisible Blade to make a small incision in the cat's chest. His mental power slowly extended, exploring and observing the inside.

Every living being had its own life operation mode. This mode might not be perfect and could even have significant flaws, but it could ensure survival.

For example, the human body had many structural issues—respiratory system, spine, heart vessels, and inverted retina, among others—but humans could still survive.

If you rashly change something, it could cause various problems, and even changing one part could trigger a chain reaction if other organs don't match.

Therefore, each life diagram was a result of generations of continuous exploration.

But how should the cat's life diagram be modified? This had never been done before.

Adam could only start by observing.

The cat's two lungs wrapped around its heart, and the trachea and blood vessels intertwined. As his mental power explored, the cat's internal structure gradually formed in Adam's mind, corresponding to human anatomy.

"Human life diagram practice requires individuals to infuse their will into vitality during training. Clearly, this can't be done with animals. Cats have lower intelligence than humans, and even most humans struggle with it. It's impossible to expect a cat to achieve it."

"Therefore, I need to use my mental power to replace its will." This time, Adam's mental power extended from the Invisible Blade, carrying a sharp attribute.

"I touched it." Adam's spirit was uplifted. The Nether Meditation Method made his mental power lean towards life, originating from how Yi created the body of the fiftieth child with nether soil and then summoned back the child's soul.

With the sharp attribute added, Adam finally touched the cat's vitality and made slight alterations.

Sensing the cat's restless agitation, Adam soothed it again, further extending his mental power blade to manipulate its vitality.

"It's not enough to just be sharp. If it's just this, I can only cut its vitality without changing it." Adam chose to give up after experimenting for a while.

He could indeed modify the cat's life operation mode, but mere cutting would only worsen its vitality, failing to enhance it.

"Therefore, the Invisible Blade's spell model needs to be modified from a surgical knife to a versatile tool, or I need a complete set of tools to achieve the desired transformation on the cat's body." Adam slowly conceived.

Achieving this wouldn't be easy, but once accomplished, Adam's power would see a significant leap.

Compared to humans with complex thoughts, animals and beasts were easier to control and more influenced by charm.

Once successful, Adam could continuously create an army of animals under his control, all trained in life diagrams.