
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasy
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100 Chs


Conducting experiments requires precision. After handling one ram, Adam brought in several more, each undergoing varying degrees of interruption in their life force's connection to their reproductive functions.

After some time, he observed these rams to see how different levels of life force affected their bodies.

"Originally, I wanted to start with the lungs, but I quickly realized my mistake," Adam said during a discussion with Anthony in the library.

The library was filled with a vast collection of books. Adam had even come across volumes describing training methods and life diagrams, which he studied thoroughly.

"Most life diagrams focus on breathing to allow personal will to penetrate life force, but the life modification surgery I aim to establish involves external guidance, so this step isn't necessary right now."

"Instead, focusing on three areas is more rational: the reproductive system, which consumes a lot of life force; the stomach, which is the main source of life force replenishment; and the heart, which regulates life force."

Adam's path became clearer. He decided to target animals, valuing their strong response to charisma.

While humans have high intelligence, their thoughts are too complex. Being kind and charming doesn't guarantee loyalty. So, Adam's strategy was to modify animals. They didn't need to be smart; their brains only needed to be loyal, while his life modification surgery would handle their training.

"That makes sense, but you need to consider how to channel the excess life force," Anthony noted. "You should reference some supportive techniques from Necromancy Meditation."

Anthony had taught Adam not just the meditation method but also numerous related spells, like clay puppets.

These techniques involve drawing on natural forces to create bodies and then infusing them with a spirit, making them servants.

For instance, Anthony's ritual, the Reflection Tower, used the reflection of the central tower as a natural force to shape the tower. Essentially, Anthony was the soul of the Reflection Tower, his second body.

This is the traditional route of Necromancy Meditation: creating bodies from natural forces and infusing them with spirits.

These servants are then placed in special locations, summoned when needed through imprints made during creation. This is the standard summoning technique, aligning with the common perception of sorcerers using mental and natural forces.

Adam's life modification surgery, however, differed, involving mental and life forces.

Adam's unique approach wasn't about being different for the sake of it; his bloodline ability was related to these two forces, and his future path would be intertwined with them.

While developing life modification surgery, Adam also learned conventional Necromancy Meditation spells.

For instance, a figure in a black, plain robe took a book from the shelf and gently placed it before Adam.

Upon closer inspection, the figure seemed to lack feet, floating in mid-air, with only darkness under the hood.

Without a white sheet, it could easily pass as a ghost.

Adam was tasked with learning the higher spell of the Invisible Blade—Invisible Servant.

Because he had semi-stabilized the Invisible Blade, the casting time for Invisible Servant was halved, and the difficulty reduced, so Anthony set this as Adam's learning goal, summoning a few Invisible Servants for Adam to observe.

The summoned Invisible Servants lived up to their name; without any coverings, they were completely invisible.

Their internal mechanisms were pre-programmed by Anthony's mental power and lacked true intelligence.

Next, Selene entered, carrying tea. She carefully placed a cup in front of Anthony, glared at Adam, and left.

"Is she jealous?" Adam thought, looking at the empty table, understanding Selene's mood.

"Relationships are too complicated; better to avoid them," Adam mused. "Besides, I'm better looking."

Shaking his head, Adam recorded the life modification surgery process, then turned his attention to the book handed to him by the Invisible Servant.

Clay Puppets, a staple of Necromancy Meditation, was chosen because Adam had semi-stabilized the Invisible Blade, prompting Anthony to have him learn to create Invisible Servants.

The term "Necromancy" came from the blood-soaked earth of the 50th human offspring during childbirth, so making clay puppets has been a long-standing technique, evolving over generations from simple clay dolls to clay golems, clay knights, and even mountain-sized clay giants.

"You should focus on the clay knights," Anthony advised. "They are the closest to human form."

"Meticulously crafted, their clay bodies are almost indistinguishable from regular humans."

"Creators even commissioned life diagrams for these clay bodies, allowing them to train as knights and immediately enter the overflow stage due to their artificial nature, becoming recognized as a new supernatural species."

"But because of their spirit deficiencies, clay knights have many issues."

"Your life modification surgery can draw from clay knights, but first, understand the basics of clay puppets."

"Sorcerers' creativity should never be underestimated," Adam thought, delving into the book on clay puppets.

Clay puppets didn't need to resemble humans but had to enable circulation within.

"Circulation is the foundation of life." Whether it's the spirit or life itself, both involve some form of circulation, a process that grows in a spiral pattern at higher dimensions.

Most spell models feature stable circulation systems; only with proper circulation can a spell succeed and sustain.

As Adam read more, he realized his life modification surgery had both problems and advantages.

Generally, clay puppets' key aspect is the "soul," usually simulated with mental power, posing maintenance issues. The best way to sustain this is by using special minerals for spellbooks.

Others, lacking resources, cut and modify existing souls, inserting them into clay bodies.

After practicing Necromancy Meditation, Adam could vaguely sense the bird's soul. With enough power, he could extract it.

However, this approach had many issues: compatibility between bird souls and clay bodies, soul preservation, and command issues.

Most sorcerers devote their lives to uncovering soul mysteries. Although they can extract and modify souls, their deep understanding of souls is limited.

Such practices lead to many rebellious servant incidents, with souls deteriorating into "dead souls" once separated from their original bodies, a nearly irreversible process.

Life modification surgery's advantage was that Adam only modified the existing souls and bodies, needing no extra control cores or inserted souls. The original soul-body pair had self-enhancement potential.

The downside was summoning these modified beings later.

Conventional summoning had two forms: space summoning, calling targets stored in special spaces, and projection summoning, forming bodies from summoned spirits' projections. The latter, easier and safer, didn't harm the original body.

However, projection summoning wasn't suitable for life-modified beings, as it only applied to dead souls and one's own mental power.