
Soul Chasers

For several months now, the city of Ninakami has been facing an unprecedented wave of violence. Innocent citizens have been attacking their relatives and passersby for no apparent reason. Faced with this strange phenomenon and these repeated tragedies, the Guard is mobilized day and night to maintain order. Eiji is a member of one of the most powerful clans in the Great Eastern Steppe. Amid a tragic morning, he meets Tahrren, a wandering elf who claims to be a member of the "Soul Chasers", an organization that hunts down Immortals, users of life-extending techniques banned because of their devastating effects on the world. https://twitter.com/RainingFlwrs https://inkarnate.com/m/MAWrEd-soul-

Raining_Flowers · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Hope of Revenge

"Immortals? Where the fuck did you get that from?"

Irina looked at the elf in front of her doubtfully. Irritated, she put her hands on her hips and waited for an answer.

"We passed a caravan on the road alongside the river. They were attacked by silver wolves.

I was hoping you had more information about incidents like this."

Irina winced at these words. Even if she wasn't part of the Soul Chasers, she at least knew something about the war they were fighting and their enemies.

"Silver wolves? That would explain the turmoil of the past few days if monsters are lurking in the Saintess' garden. Unfortunately, I know no more than you do. My contact in the church has been gone for three weeks. I haven't heard from him since then."

As they exchanged their meager information, a patrol of guards crossed the adjacent street.

"Hurry, they are approaching! We cannot let the eastern wall fall!"

Drawn by the clanking of armor, Eiji, Irina, and Tahrren turned around. About fifteen men were running, lined up two by two, toward the exit of the city. They all wore the same armor of whitish steel. Their weapons, however, were different, depending on their position. The first ones were carrying a shield, wide and thick. The next ones were either carrying lighter weapons, like swords, or heavier ones, like swordfish.

Irina was the first to react to this unusual sight, at least in this part of the city. Close to the Saintess' Garden, it was a very safe part of the walls: no monsters or bandits lived there.

It was obvious that something was going on there, and with so many guards moving around, it must be dangerous. Intrigued, Irina set off after the group of guards.

"Come on! Hurry, follow me! Have you lost your legs? They might need help!"

Tahrren and Eiji both smiled bitterly before following Irina on her way.

Soon they reached the eastern wall. There, a hundred soldiers climbed ladders and stairs to reach the top of the wall. Others were stationed outside, passing through a gate leading to a drawbridge.

"Hurry up! They'll be here soon! We need to close the bridge before those damn bugs get here!"

Tahrren moved toward the man who seemed to be giving the order. Like the rest of the army, he was clad in his imposing whitish armor. But unlike the others, he was also decorated with gold plates, and his helmet, which was more conical at the top of the skull than the others, was covered in emeralds.

He noticed the three newcomers, including Tahrren, who was now facing him.

"Halt! Who are you? This place is dangerous right now. You shouldn't be hanging around here."

Though his words were harsh, his body language was fluid, and his voice, though loud, was not deafening. Tahrren reached into the leather pouch he always carried and pulled out the same seal he had used earlier. He handed it to the knight. The knight's eyes widened enough to be seen through his helmet.

"Please excuse me. I am Captain Jaera Linion."

The captain greeted the three humbly. His manner betrayed his high society background.

"Captain, what is going on? Perhaps we can help." Tahrren asked.

The guard turned to Irina, doubting the abilities and intentions of the two men, especially Eiji.

"Do not worry about them. They are trustworthy. And strong. Very strong." She said proudly, puffing out her chest as if boasting of her strength.

Relieved, he explained the situation in more detail.

"A large group of monsters is coming from the east. Even with our current forces, repelling them will not be easy. So all pairs of arms are welcome!"

He quickly observed the two men and tingled when he noticed Eiji's typical features. Noticing the awkwardness that had just set in, Tahrren imposed himself.

"I introduce myself: Tahrren Lilmare, from the Soul Chasers. We specialize in tracking down specific individuals. This is Eiji Kawasaki, former captain of the Higashito. He is now my apprentice. I hope you will treat him well, as such."

Jaera swallowed his saliva. He took a deep breath as if he was about to go through a difficult ordeal. After all, it wasn't every day that Ophelia received help from an elf and Higashito, their main enemy for decades now. He walked over to the elf and extended his arm to shake his hand, which Tahrren accepted. He did the same for Eiji.

"I hope we can count on you, despite our differences."

Eiji answered in the affirmative, shaking the knight's hand with a smile.

"Don't worry. If you fall here, it is the people who will suffer. My grudge only involves your army. I cannot afford to let the people of this city suffer. To refuse this fight would be dishonorable."

The tension in Jaera's muscles eased at these words. Reassured, he let out a light laugh.

"Honor... I have many men who should learn from you, Higashito!"

Eiji did not answer. Despite his friendly demeanor, he couldn't forget the horrors caused by the Ophelians, which haunted his teenage nights.

"Good. What can we do, captain?"

Jaera turned his attention to Tahrren, who was eager to speed things up. He regained his composure as his gaze flickered between the top of the wall and the drawbridge.

"Our mages and archers are at the top of the ramparts, while our strongest warriors are outside, ready to receive the monsters. They will arrive within ten minutes, and we will close the bridge shortly. Organize yourselves and join the ranks. As for me, I must leave you. I will lead the men who are outside.

The captain saluted once more before hurrying off and crossing the bridge.

"Tahrren, I will go with the men outside the walls. I don't have a bow, and I don't know how to use magic. I'll be of no use up there."

Tahrren approached Eiji and put his hand on the young man's shoulder.

"Very well. I will support you from above. Good luck. I'll watch over you, but don't take too many risks."

Eiji nodded at these words and hurried towards the exit.

"Eiji, wait!"

Interrupted again by Tahrren, he stopped short.

"These monsters probably won't act naturally, or at least logically. I'm willing to bet they are corrupted by the anima of an immortal. So be very careful."

Tahrren turned and climbed up the stairs to the top of the walls. Eiji, on the other hand, was overjoyed to hear Tahrren's words. He would finally be able to fight those damned immortals. He gripped the hilt of his sword as tightly as he could, almost trembling with excitement. He looked up to the sky and murmured a few words.

"Look at me, Ruka. Today, your revenge begins."

With a smile on his face, he crossed the arched gate and the drawbridge. Shortly after he had crossed, a few men posted at the back went up the bridge. Here he was now separated from the safe zone by a wide moat.

Ready to fight, he mingled with the Ophelians. His leather armor, so different from their steel plates, attracted attention. Some, noticing his distinctive features, expressed a strong dislike for him.

"What the hell is a barbarian doing here?"

The murmur was stopped by the intervention of Jaera. He raised his voice sharply, making sure every one of the few hundred men could hear him.

"Ophelians, listen to me! Today we face a horde of nearly a hundred monsters! If you can count, that's one for each of you! We can also count on our rear support! Finally, we have a man from the East with us today! A Higashito! He has already proven to me his willingness to defend our people! So, Ophelians! Let us show him our resolve! Form up!"

Each of the hundred or so men on the grass along the eastern wall let out a war cry so loud that even the ground seemed to shake. They drew their blades and waited for their opponents. Eiji followed the movement and drew his sword from its scabbard with a high-pitched squeal. He took a high stance, ready to slash at the first monster in range.

The Ophelians took a classic formation, in an arc. The goal was to surround the monsters in the front line and avoid being caught in the rear. The men formed a single line, ready to receive the horde.

This time, the weapons differed from man to man: those directly facing the horde were equipped with impressive shields, while at the ends of the line, the weapons were heavier and more powerful. Eiji was near the right end of the line.

As the horde got closer, the monsters became more visible. Although the eastern walls were rarely exposed to monster attacks, the western walls were not. So the Ophelians were used to monster attacks, and no one panicked.

A few monsters could finally be distinguished: giant wolves with grayish fur, orcs armed with clubs, and several Nixians, imposing creatures from the northern part of these plains whose fiery fur and starlike eyes were prized.

It was also the most dangerous creature of the plains, with claws that could cut through steel and damage even obsidian weapons. Fast as the wind and just as stealthy, they are a prime target for any hunter in the region.

In the center of the horde, Eiji could also make out a few Treants, creatures he recognized from the writings he had read in his youth, although he had never seen one with his own eyes.

The last creature in the middle of the horde, however, he did not recognize. Only after a few moments, a powerful voice echoed across the plains.

"Dryad! There is a dryad among the monsters!"