
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Bonus Chapter

(Third person POV)

In a certain place, far far away from earth where humans and lots of other creatures call home.

This place has pure white clouds as its ground and the same blue sky as the one you would see from earth.

This is Heaven.

In the highest place in Heaven, the same place where the God of the Bible once called his room, there sat a handsome man with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes.

Archangel Michael, the new leader of Heaven after the death of his father.

Currently, the leader of Heaven is doing paperwork.

Not very exciting, I know. But, this is necessary for the Heaven faction and every other faction for that matter. After all, the leaders of the Three Main Factions of Christianity are working hard to establish peace between them as they simply cannot afford to have another war after the last one, which almost drove all sides to extinction.

The Devil was the one closest to becoming extinct due to the civil war, but because of the work of Devil King Ajuka Beelzebub in creating the Evil Piece System, the devils have a way to repopulate their numbers by reincarnating humans. and other races.

The Fallen Angels came out of the war with the most numbers, around several hundred thousand, but still took a considerable amount of damage as they originally have numbers in the millions.

Although, they still have it the best compared to the other 2 races since they can repopulate with relative ease by reproducing with other races or by taking in humans with Sacred Gear. Unlike the Devils and Angels, they don't have fertility problems.

However, the one who has it worst of the Three is the Angels. The Devils can actually reproduce all they want, they just have a low fertility rate, but the Angels need an entire ritual to even attempt it or else they risk falling. They're only keeping it together with the Church gathering believers into their ranks, but even that's not enough compared to the other two factions.

Hence why peace would benefit all sides as they cannot bear the price that another war will bring.

Though, establishing peace is easier said than done, especially when the ones you're making peace with were your enemies since the beginning. The leaders have agreed to set aside their differences and past grievance for the betterment of their respective sides, but there are some who are opposed to it.

In fact, all sides have some who are opposed to this idea, citing the fact that they've been enemies for the longest time and peace is simply no longer an option. Most of those who are of this opinion are those who were in the war, so the old geezers.

But, enough with the political situation of the Three Main Factions. We're not here for that.

While Michael was busy with his paperwork, he suddenly got an alert from Heaven's system. He quickly dropped everything and teleported to the control room; this is, after all, the first time something like this has happened ever since he took over.

When he arrived, he saw the rest of the Four Great Seraph already there, presumably, they too got the same alert from the system.

"Gabriel, Uriel, Rephael do you know what the cause of this alert is?" Micheal asked while walking over to the floating orb of light at the center of this space.

Getting a 'no' from their head shakes, he started analyzing the system logs with a serious expression. The others waited in silence while also sporting a serious expression, they were ready to go into action if there were intruders of Heaven.

After a bit of time passed, Michael finally came upon the reason for the alert and his eyes turned wide in disbelief.

"What is it, brother?" Gabriel asked with concern in her voice, she worries if there was great danger looming around Heaven.

"A...Guardian mark...has been detected" Even while saying it, he still could not believe his eyes.

"""What!!""" This shocked the rest to their core, doubt swirling through their minds.

"Is this true, brother!? How could that be!? The only way for a Guardian mark to appear is..." Raphael came forward and expressed his opinion then trailed off in sheer disbelief.

"....is when a pure angel is born, but how could that be possible? With Father gone, there shouldn't be any way for new angels to be born" Uriel finished Rephael's statement to which Gabriel nodded in agreement.

"You are all right, without Father, there should be no way for the birth of another one of our kind to be possible. However, the system has shown that there was a Guardian mark found on one of the Holy Maidens; and even if we are to regard this as an error in the system, we can simply see for ourselves if the mark is authentic or not" Michael turned to the orb of light and spent some time finding the memory of believers who were near the Guardian mark holder.

Soon, a screen appeared on the orb of light, showing the scene of a young blonde girl lying asleep surrounded by holy light. A glowing white wing emblem was soon branded on her chest.


This was what filled the space as all 4 Seraphs took some time to take in everything they just saw.

"Raphael" Michael called out.

"On it" Rephael immediately teleported out the room, he knows what Michael wanted to ask of him.

"Gabriel, Uriel, I trust you know what you do, correct?" Michael, with an uncharacteristic dead serious expression, turn to his other siblings.

"Of course, none of what happened here shall be spoken to anyone, not even our fellow angels" Uriel said with a calm smile before turning around and teleported out much like Raphael.

"This goes for you too, Gabriel. You know how much of an uproar this will make if news of it gets out" Micheal turned back to the screen and proceed the delete any memory of the Guardian mark branding ritual.

"I know, brother. If the mark was normal it would be fine to let everyone in Heaven know, but..." Gabriel recalled the lingering afterglow of the white wing emblem on the girl's chest.

"That emblem holds such potent holy power, even though I wasn't there in person, I could still feel it, Father's Blessing" A single teardrop trickled down her supple cheek as she held both hands close to her chest.

"I know how you feel too, Gabriel. But what we must prioritize now is the girl's safety, we may not know the identity or whereabouts of the one behind that mark but we can at least bring her into our protection until he/she can protect her on his/her own" Micheal finished everything on his end and gave Gabriel a nice long hug.

"Yes, it is the least we can do for our little sibling" Gabriel's expression quickly brightened up, the thought of having a new little brother to pamper quickly overshadowing the thought of her deceased father.

"Right, I should get back to work now. I have to bring peace between our faction, and the Devil's and Azazel's so our little brother/sister won't have to go through war like we have" Micheal broke off the hug and teleported back to his office with greater motivation than before.

"Huh? Everyone is now back to work again, what should I do?" Gabriel cocked her head and fell into deep thought before soon a light bulb lit up in her head.

"I should make a room for my new little brother, that way he will have a place to stay if he decides to ever visit Heaven, I'm such a thoughtful big sister" Gabriel puffed out her large chest in pride before going to do just that on her own. How she knew our newly born Archangel is a boy is beyond even the Supreme Ones.

Now, unbeknownst to him, Roger has new family members and even a room specially designed for him in Heaven by the strongest and most beautiful woman there. Even without him doing anything major yet, he has already changed the course of the original storyline and the Supreme Ones are very pleased.

Lots of trouble awaits him in the future.


A/N: Gabriel-onee-san?