
Soul Arts: Mystic Eyes

Eyes type martial soul? I do not think so. Tian Xie grew up with his dad and no mom. No matter what how many times he asked about his mom to his father, he did noy receive any concrete answer. Not until he awakens an eye type martial soul, his father gave him a strange book and let him, a 6 year old boy go to a journey without a second thought. What are the secrets behind his martial soul, that even his father let him go on his own despite being a 6 year old kid?

_Aestra · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: First Ring



"What am I going to do here?" The cyclops asked. The cyclops now became more calm. Even though it called Xie as kid, it was also no different from it as 600 year old beast is also considered very young. Its toned now seemed more friendly.


"You? Not only you, we both are going to cultivate here. However, your purpose here is to increase your age, while I will solidify my level." Xie answered.


"What do you mean increase my age? Absorbing me as your first ring is already considered dangerous, yet you want me to increase my age? And how am I going to do that?" The cyclops asked again. In all honesty, what the cyclops said wasn't wrong. If Xie was a normal Soul Artist, absorbing 600 years old beast is already considered idiocy. However, he is not any normal Soul Artist, he has a mysterious background. And the reason why he wants the cyclops to increase its age is because he saw a manuscript regarding the rings that their family can absorb.


"I meant what I said, I want you to reach a thousand year age. According to a manuscript here left by my mom, I can absorb at most a thousand year old beast as my first ring. As for how can that happen, you just need to stay here. My mom also said in manuscript that, I can bring any soul beast here and they can increase their age in here. The time conversion here is 10 years is to 1 hour. That time conversion only applies to soul beast so, I won't be affected." Xie explained.


The cyclops could not believe what he just heard. This place is a cultivation paradise for all soul beast. "So if I were to convert it, all I need is 40 hours to reach a thousand years old, right?" The cyclops said.


"Yes!" Xie said while he nods. "And note, you cannot attack me. The space here protects me from any kinds of harm. If you dare to attack, you will lose a precious chance." Xie added. And he started cultivating.


Xie is now practicing the technique that Xiuxiu gave him. Xie has no choice but to study this since the first chapter does not have any cultivation practice, he thought that they might be available after he unlocked the next chapter.


Currently, his purposes are piling up. First is to solidify his level for easier ring absorption. Second is to understand the Purple eyes technique. And lastly is to reach 500 mental strength and unlocked the 2nd chapter.


Then time passed by, Bing Chuan and San Tong are worried that Xie is not yet going out of his room. It has been already almost two days since they went home after coming from the auction. San Tong was also worried that, the absorption of ring may have failed since 600 years was already too much for a child.


In Xie's room inside the 1st chapter of the book. The cyclops already reached a thousand year age and Xie already understand the Purple eyes, the principle of this was similar to Sunrise. After that he tried to combine this two, the Sunrise practice and the Purple eyes technique. After successfully combining the two, it transformed into Black pupil.


Although the black pupil is considered new, Xie was able to grasps it principle. He still need to gazed at the sunrise for 1-3 hours, the more he does this, the stronger his eyes will be and thus affecting all his eye related skills. Another is that, the it can also caused strong mental attack to those who has lower mental strength, mental disturbance if one has a bit of higher mental strength or it may fail if one has much higher mental strength.


The first one came from the Sunrise practice while the second was from the Purple eyes technique. Aside from this, the combination of the two gave Xie another ability, the Thought communication. This thought communication not only allows Xie to talk to spirit type soul beast but also to any type of soul beasts and even to humans.


After Xie woke up, he talked to the cyclops. "Congratulations on reaching a thousand years age." Xie clapped bu the cyclops was sad. It knows that any moment now, it will be killed and become Xie's first ring.


"But why are you sad?" Xie asked. The the cyclops answered. "I may reached a thousand years but I will still be killed and be your ring." It answered.


"Have you forgotten what I said?" Xie asked. The cyclops replayed to his memory the precious chance that Xie mentioned. "Although you will be my ring, you will still be remained intact. The manuscript mom left me has instruction on how to obtain ring without killing." Xie said. The cyclops was dumbfounded by that claim. It never heard of that kind of method.


"The method states that, as long as the soul beast gave consensus to be absorb and sign a pact, the method will be possible." Xie said. "After forming a pact, the consciousness of the beast will be separated from its physical body. Meaning, if I kill the physical body, you will not be affected and I can still absorb a ring." Xie explained and the cyclops could not believe it either. This method surpassed any understanding its clan has. However, whether it believes it or not, it has no choice.


Then the two begin the process, Xie placed his hand on the cyclops head. "Would you like to be my ring?" Xie asked and the cyclops nodded. The cyclops let go of his unwilling thought, thinking that it may hinder the process. After it agrees, Xie's eyes lit up and created a dust-like small dot on his eyes and a 5 inch floating ball with ghost-like tail appeared. It is the consciousness of the cyclops. The cyclops could not believe that it was leaving its physical body.


Second later, the process was done and the cyclops is now entering Xie's eyes. The dust-like dot on Xie's eyes will serve as the nest of the cyclops. Xie can summon it whenever it wanted to. The cyclops now looks like a small ball with one eye and ghost-like tail.


"To formally sign the pact and finished this, I need to name you since you sounded like a boy like me, I will call you Xiao." And the forehead of the cyclops lit up and the character 'tian', which is Xie's surname, appeared.


"I will now absorb the ring." Xie said, and it stab the cyclops' physical body and a purple ring appeared. The absorption process did not take long, as there is no consciousness fighting with him.


After everything was done, he went out of his room. He saw the worried Bing Chuan and San Tong. Bing Chuan hugged him and it cried.


"I thought that you failed and died!" He said while crying. The worried San Tong could not help but to laugh when he saw this scene. They are still a child after all.