A reincarnated soul is bored in his new life when he finds a familar yet an unfamiliar name and the whole world around him changes.
- Arthas -
We returned back to Llyne by the fourth day.
In this time, I had gained only one level and 70% experience for the next level, Shiroe and Veena had gained three levels while Star was actually the one who benefited the most, being the lowest level.
He gained eight levels in the Apprentice Swordsman Class.
We reached Llyne when it was already late at night so we cleaned up and went directly to bed.
By now, sleeping together had become almost natural to us. In fact, the time we had spent outside these last four days were the days I had difficulty sleeping alone.
We generally carried tents with us.
Veena had a separate tent while we, the boys, had another tent of our own.
"So, what story are we hearing today?" I asked.
Recently, it has become a habit for us.
She used to tell me stories of the Supernatural world….and she was extremely good with it. So good in fact that I was starting to wonder if her stories were actually real.
The details in them were so clear and the way she said those were just too realistic.
"How about the story of Georg Faust and Mephistopheles?"
"Oh, I have heard the short version of that."
She smiled at my words and started her story and I listened to her intently.
About an hour later, she came to the end of the story.
"Unlike what most people believe and what is told in the human version of the story, Faust and Mephisto became very good friends….so much so that the old devil considered him his best friend even and even now watches over his legacy."
Seeing her emotions as she completed the story, I couldn't help but ask. "What kind of beings are devils?"
"Oh, interested in devils, are we?"
I shrugged.
"Well, let's say they are like humans….with wings and magic and all."
She smiled at my confused expression. "What, did you believe all devils were bad and all angels are nice?"
"Well….that's what I have been hearing since childhood. It does make an impression."
She looked at the ceiling of the house.
"Devils, just like humans, have different kinds of people. There are bad ones and there are good ones. To unilaterally say that all of them are bad and all angels and their father are good would be a lie. After all, Lucifer himself was an angel….and want to know a fun fact?"
"What?" I looked at her curiously.
"People have killed more in the name of God than in the name of the Devil."
The simple smile she had when she said that was….chilling. Even more so when people realise that her words….might not be false after all.
"I am not saying all devils are good people. No. Some of them are bad, cruel and remorseless but then again, aren't humans also the same? The supernatural world is the same. It's not black and white….but shades of grey everywhere. Even this place is the same. I don't want you to believe my words….but see for yourself. Observe, understand, think and decide for yourself how you feel about everything and what you want to do with everything. This is something that will help you everywhere."
I had some questions for her but when I looked at her and saw the lost look on her face, I didn't disturb her and just nodded.
She didn't speak much but after some time, she turned towards me and hugged me and I knew that the time for stories was over and she wanted to sleep for the day.
I was however left with several thoughts of my own.
Was the Supernatural world real?
And if so….what was she?
I didn't know….but when I thought about it deeply….would it really matter what she was inside the game?
She was still Veena and that was all that mattered to me.
This was the first person I had trusted in this world and she had never once let me down. I think she deserves at least this much courtesy from my side as well.
- Elaine -
She completed the paperwork for the quests submitted by the last guild member for the day and stretched on her chair, thinking how she got here.
Being separated from Arthur and Kuroka was not something she was expecting as she entered the game.
This however didn't break her confidence.
They had a goal and she was going to do her best to achieve it.
Ley Fay could be in trouble somewhere and she needed to find her as quickly as she could. Arthur would be doing the same so she couldn't give up.
With this thought in mind, she faced this world.
Although the more information she collected, the more doubts appeared in her mind.
They were already quite late….several months even. Was Ley Fay still safe?
Was this….could this even be called a game anymore?
This was a whole new world of its own.
Her time in the Redwick Village had been quite uneventful.
The animals in the forest around her had provided her with enough experience to level up her Villager Class.
She had already found out the way to get the Mage class and follow the route, she had taken the Scribe Class next and started working.
There were however not many jobs for Scribes in Redwick.
It was even more so due to the bandit attacks which had left the place ransacked and destroyed several shops.
Although no players had died, several villagers had lost their lives.
The beginner's village, the safe zone….wasn't as safe anymore.
She asked around to find the solution for her problems and some of the NPCs she had helped had been quite helpful.
She found out that there would be more chances for her to not only earn money but also level up her class in relative peace in the nearest town, Llyne.
Not one to wait and waste her time, Elaine had gathered her belongings and bought supplies for the journey and left the town with few other people who were going to Llyne to sell their own products.
But it seemed as if her luck had decided to betray her at that moment.
Their group was attacked by bandits.
They were no match for the leader.
It was a T4….
Just how do you even get something like that outside the beginner's village?
They had killed the two men in the group and captured the three girls including her.
Suddenly a deep pit formed inside Elaine's stomach at the turn of events.
Just what were they planning to do?
This game….would it really go in that direction?
Thousands of thoughts ran through her mind as they were dragged through the forest to the hideout of the bandits and that's where her worst thoughts came to life.
From their words, she could understand what they were planning as a chill ran down her spine.
She was not going to take it lying down. She would fight them even if it meant death than face such an ending.
Just as she was preparing to face them with her life on line and probably intending to die to escape the ending….two arrows shot out of the trees and pierced two of the bandits with the leader. The very next seconds, magical vines shot out from the ground and bound the leader.
What came next was no less than a miracle.
One man….just one man, a player at that, butchered that T4 Bandit Leader with just a couple of attacks and then proceeded to butcher every one of the bandits outside.
She had seen such scenes in the real world. In fact, Arthur could do so easily but inside this game….she hadn't seen anyone this strong yet.
Her doubts were cleared when she came to Llyne and found the identity of her saviours.
The guild master of the Fairy Tail Guild, the first Guild established by any player in the game….a T5 Player and perhaps the strongest player in the game right now….Arthas.
Somehow, his misadventure had turned around and become a lucky encounter for her and now she was part of the Fairy Tail guild, working as a bookkeeper for the Guild, a place where she could steadily level up her Scribe Class, stay safe, gain extra experience and even some money for her living without putting herself in any danger.
This luck….Elaine was determined to not let it go to waste.
She was going to use this opportunity to succeed in her goals and reunite with Arthur and Ley Fay and get out of this place….together.